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merc1997 Bo

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by merc1997 Bo

  1. well, that might be up for debate. bo
  2. no, it is not an underspin. here is pic. i have been using a western craw skirt and a 3 6 colorado blade. bo
  3. linda and i got a for a bit friday evening and fished the kings river arm. was fairly slow, but did manage 4 keepers, all lmg, and they were just nice chunks. attached will be a couple of pics from that trip. caught just about everything on a 1/2 jig. saturday night fished a little derby out of cow creek. started at 7 pm, and we started whacking them right of the gate on the 1 oz. SpinJig. ended up with a dozen or so keepers, and they were all just nice keeps. funny thing is that most were k's. only three keeper smallmouth and no lmg. finished 2nd with 11.57 and 1st place had 11.77, and that .2 difference was the exact difference in out largest bass's weight. most people had already loaded up and went home by weigh-in time, and the only two limits brought in were us and the winners. the winners said they only caught 7 keepers. the bite was really over at 9:30. so, it is easy to see why many did not have anything because if you were not putting them in the boat right off, you missed out. we actually looked at three spots with electronics before finding them on the 4th. this time of the year, your electronics are a great aid in fishing the right area, but i see so many boats just pull in and go to fishing. why throw a line in the water if there is nothing there?? best depth was 18 to 24 feet. they moved out a hair.
  4. hey, when you are just out fishing, there is nothing wrong with staying busy. sure makes for an enjoyable outing. bo
  5. hey, you have all the fish down on your end. you had better be glad the water was not a bit cooler, or we might have transplanted a couple of k's and lmg's while we were at it. by the way,for those expressing concerns, those brownies were put into the best water in table rock as far as O2 levels and water temp. and for those worried about them being in a livewell, it was harder to get them out of the livewell than getting them into the boat. believe me when i say they were release into an area full of food, 70 degree water, and plenty of O2. so, from those facts, those that can do a bit of figuring should know where they are at. bo
  6. yep, bill they are not at every place, and not in the same place twice. you just have to keep on the move until you find them, and not be afraid to try different presentations until you find the combination that is working. yes, the same location will work in the daytime. we did start a bit before dark and i caught three on the first stop. we have also been catching all three species off the same area, which is really good to see. i will say they are extremely easier to find and catch when the current is running as it positions them. the current was not running last night, and took some hunting to find an area with some willing fish. one other great thing about last night was we never saw or heard another boat! it can't hardly get any better than that. bo
  7. went downstream tonight and pretty much had a good trip of catching. 16 keepers, but not any really good ones. had some 3's. we had 9 brownies in that 16 and we brought back to eagle rock and let them loose. hope to get to do some more of that from now through fall. maybe we will eventually get a decent population going around eagle rock. beat bait was still the 1 oz. SpinJig. we did catch a couple on beaver style baits and a couple on a 1/2 jig. best depth was around 15 to 20 feet still. they were not just everywhere, and we caught very few shorts. it did not seem that there was any current running and it took some hunting to key in on location. bo
  8. i hear you about dock damage. the fact is table rock is way to narrow of a lake for the big wakes put out by the various wakes boats and bigger cruiser type, and the great big boats in general that the lake is full of now. you are responsible for your wake, but the water patrol does not enforce that rule. it would be absolutely insane to be out in a 14 ft. aluminum boat anymore. you would be swamped almost immediately. i do not know a good answer to the problem unless there is a size restriction put on the lake. this is exactly why i go later at night this time of the year to stay out of the dangerous boating situations. plus, it is impossible to even stay in the boat let alone try to fish. bo
  9. sounds like you had fun, and that is the most important thing. i have always been of the mind of why leave fish to go find fish. the only time one would want to leave fish is just to find other similar area that are also holding fish. bo
  10. i will tell you that toby wants you to put that fish on the floor, and the instant it flops the terrier takes over and he is all over it. 5bites, there is something to be said about the cloak of darkness to keeping fishing spots. but, there is not such a thing anymore. one just has to get better than everyone else fishing the same area to catch one. many times you just have to wait for a boat to leave to go catch some bass. bo
  11. bill, i still believe that our green slime issue has to do with human population on the lake. there are many other things that go down the sewer system than human waste. things like detergents and other cleaning agents all go down the drain. i will agree that there are some areas that have a community sewage system, but the septic systems with lateral lines far out number those. any house built on a lot in the table rock area with a septic system can not physically have enough feet of lateral line to do an adequate job. then when we get back to the population around the lake, we have all types of yard sprays and fertilizers going into the lake that were never present until the population explosion around the lake. people are always going to love to live around the lake. here is one other thought about the green slime, and that is it first started in beaver. beaver water comes right on down the white river chain. bo
  12. yes, like crappie fishing under lights. bo
  13. nothing like catching trout and bass on the same lake. night fishing under lights on bull shoals this time of the year can produce some really nice trout also. great stuff. bo
  14. got out friday night with linda for a bit of fishing and managed to do fairly decent. ended up with a dozen keepers or so. caught them on a few different lures, but the bulk came on the 1 oz. SpinJig with a # 6 nickle colorado blade. no real whoppers, but a good number of 3's. best depth still remains 15 to 20 feet, and you will get an occasional one to bite a bit more shallow than than. this is about the only time that i get pics because linda is along with her phone to take them. bo
  15. yes, there has been some fish caught, but the lake is fishing very small because the majority of the lake has such low O2 levels. with that said, that puts plenty of fishing pressure on small areas of the lake that still has adequate O2 to have active fish. i can go back to when the bass started getting sick from the lmb virus, and you literally had to beg one into biting. bottom line to the problem still exists with the corp. get the lake levels down in the winter so there is someplace to put the late winter and spring rains and not flood everything. bo
  16. i would think that when it is advertised that rolls are thrown, you enter at your own risk just as you do at a baseball game. since you know the drill before hand, you do not have to enter, but this lady clearly did of her own accord. bo
  17. great job of being flexible enough to keep looking and trying different things. it paid off. bo
  18. i just wanted to add that if the O2 levels on the upper end ever get back up and we have some active bass, this same pattern could easily be reproduced back up this way. it very similar to what you would be doing in june actually. bo
  19. the loose head design definitely will provide more vibration. the design of the wire frame also is self tuning. so, even if the wire frame is out of alignment, it still runs straight. also, because of the bend design of the frame, it is pretty indestructable. the hooking and being more snag resistant is the by-product of the head. bo
  20. quill this is what i was using, but in a 1 oz. and a #6 nickle colorado blade. bo
  21. with the 1 oz. i am really zipping it along the bottom. i change speed of cranking all the time, and will pause it to allow it to coast back to the bottom. it is on this pause and coasting that most of the strikes occur. the SpinJig will really thump and vibrate as it is coasting back to the bottom. you do have to experiment with blade size as the blade size needed from one trip to the next can always change. just as some times you need a rattle on your jig to get a bite and the next trip they will not hit it with a rattle. bo
  22. yep, this is after dark. there really is not going to be bass up shallow when the vegetation that has been under water is rotting. it gives off co2 not o2. now completely dead bushes with water up in them would be completely different. you might find a slightly different situation up a river with current, but most of time when you are dealing with dying vegetation, fish will vacate it until the dying is completed. the 1oz. SpinJig really did the job since the bass were very inactive because of the front that went through, and you can really cover deep water and get a speed up fast enough to trigger a bite. bo
  23. went to the lower end, and it was a hunt them back up again trip. finally got them located and ended up with 8 keepers, with two on them in the 3 lb. range. best depth was still 15 to 20, but the lure of choice sure did change. ended up catching them on a 1 oz. SpinJig with a #6 colorado blade. so, it ended up a decent trip after figuring out what was going on. had one lmg, and the rest were a mixture of k's and brownies. bo
  24. if you look at that chart of lake levels, there is clearly an upward trend of winter pool elevation. nearly everytime we are not at least down to 905 going into spring there has been flooding issues. if you look closely at the chart, from the late 90's on, there is clearly a path of higher winter water levels. the corp is clearly not a flood control lake as they claim, but a power generation first thought mentality. bo
  25. really nice trip. that is the way the bite has been at night the couple of times that i have ventured down that way. bo
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