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merc1997 Bo

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by merc1997 Bo

  1. hey, my mom still chews on my butt all the time. i am used to it, lol. i have only had a good laugh, and i appreciate the great information that is shared here. it is really amazing at the different ways that bass can be caught on TR. if everyone is paying attention, you can certainly improve your catching adapting to methods you have not ever tried before. i have picked up some great pointers from the light liners, and i appreciate the info. bo
  2. glad to see at least some jerk bait activity. i see champ and donna had a very good day also. bo
  3. great day of scrambling! that is quite a trout!! bet you were surprised. bo
  4. we will just agree to disagree. bo
  5. well i will keep your comments in mind. i actually do more harm to a fish when i set the hook then i do handling them. by your name grey bear, perhaps the cracking you hear is just us old folks' bones, lol. mine creak and crack all the time. bo
  6. 18", and the actual weight of the bass is resting on my hand. bo
  7. i have been using a #2 in the proto types that i have been fishing, and the hookup is great. #1's would work as well, just did not have any with a #1. as stated, bigger hook would kill the action. same problem many have when worm fishing. many use way too big of a hook and kill the action of the worm. bo
  8. we used to use this rig, but with bigger hook and head, back in the late 90's dealing with late summer bass suspended in the tops of deep trees. kinda in the era when senkos were first being utilized to catch bass. could not get a bite on the full 5" senko, so, i cut one in half to down size and try it. it was just what they wanted. fishing these guys on small head and light line is very effective. especially when dealing with very inactive bass. right size fall rate and speed equal success. bo
  9. i was talking with a guy that fished with larry nixon on beaver, and he said that when they got to their first stop, larry drug out the small jig and half a senko, and stated that the pro's referred to it as the "turd rig". anyway, he said nixon proceeded to put 14 lbs. plus in the boat on it. i see it as a great way to get kids catching fish. very uncomplicated. of course, it requires throwing it in front of the bass just as any other lure. bo
  10. linda and i got out for a great day of catching yesterday. we did not see or hear another boat all day!! how much better could it be than that? most bites still in the 20 ft. zone. some a bit shallower. still whacking them on a oversized crappie tube, magic shad, or 1/2 of a senko fished on a 1/8 head. bo
  11. that is great customer service. that is always a plus and why companies like that retain their customer base. bo
  12. that was a very good day of catching. also shows that a lot of times a different area of the lake has a bite going on, while it is hard to come by a bite of any kind in another area. great pics too. bo
  13. quill, that is not all that bad considering water temps and time of year. with the water being cold, fish do not feed everyday, and can be very difficult to entice into biting many times. it is also a hunting process to figure out if the bite is suspended or on the bottom. bo
  14. as many years that i have fished t-rock, i should remember something once in a while . i put in at the emerald beach ramp fairly often when i fish with one of my retired buddies that live there. bo
  15. great job! bo
  16. looks like that nice one came right below the emarld beach ramp. bo
  17. been out again the last two days, and the bite is still on. yesterday did not produce many keeps, but lots of action. today lots of action and 7 keepers all brownies. question for the nedders. i got some strike king zeros, but they sink like a rock. no float to them. i was thinking someone told me the zeros floated. i put a piece in the water without a hook, and it sank. we did catch fish on it, but did just as well with a generic senko. a fat sized crappie tube worked well also, and also a lake fork crappie minnow. i am totally mad though. i had fished with the same 1/8 jig since late this summer, and a darn bass broke me off!! here is a pic of linda with a sample of what we have been catching. bo
  18. no, we put them back where they were. might want to sneek in there and see if they are as willing to bite again. my wife would have a ball catching them. bo
  19. to tell the truth, i could not believe just how many of those brownies were stacked up all together. and, i too could not believe at how many of them were 15 to 17 inches. if i had some of the floating senkos, it would have a great place to try them out. don't know if anyone in town keeps them or not. bo
  20. got to get out for a bit of fishing today. hit the water fairly close to 11 am. tried a slew of different things with no success. decided to go up a creek, and since the nedders seem to be getting bit, i put on a fat crappie tube on an 1/8 proto type crappie head, and once i got zeroed in on where the bass were just wore them out. they were located on the creek bottom 20ft. deep. all were brownies and had more than a dozen keepers, but lots of shorts. do not know just how much better the ned might have got bit, but if it was any better, you would have needed a bat to beat them off . was really surprised that never caught one crappie. was not the way i figured the bite would be location wise, but goes to show to just keep changing and be flexible in presentations. bo
  21. bill you sound a bit like me peeling an expert down about how they have to know what they claim. wish i had been there with you. i guess we old dumb hillbillies just ask way too many questions . bo
  22. i would suspect they targeted deep treetops with an a-rig. but, there have been some catches on a jerk bait. i would put my money on someone whacking them on an a-rig. to catch quality fish, you have to commit to doing just that. more than likely, that was probably all the bites they had. over the years when fishing the early night tournaments, i commit to fishing a jig, and i am just fishing for 6 bites. shorties do not count in a tournament. i like action like anyone else, but that type of fishing will not get it done tournament fishing. bo
  23. very nice video that demonstrates why you need the floating type to make that system work. bo
  24. if you happened to watch the deep water video that i posted, you would notice that i use two very inexpensive lowrance units. the one on the console is a lm480 which they do not make anymore. the one up front is a mark 5 pro. either on is under 200. bo
  25. that was a great trip, and great job by your son!! bo
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