Hello everyone.
I’m starting out working for myself as a mobile boat mechanic/systems tech. I figured I’d ask this sub what you would expect of me. I have 12 years of professional experience on boats, starting as a laborer in a boat yard, and then working on boats as a crew mostly in the engine department. I have USCG engineering licenses for the chief engineer, a captain's license, and experience with engines from 2hp outboards to 5000hp diesel. I’m one of those people who can fix almost anything, but mechanical and electrical is my niche. I’ve worked on everything from fancy sailing yachts owned by hedge fund folks to giant tugboats, to wooden tall ships.
I plan to say that I’ll come to meet you and see your boat for up to an hour for free. I won’t charge travel time within a range that covers the two nearest marinas to me. After that, the shop rate is $70/hour and I would bill for all the time I dedicate to your boat unless I screw something up and it needs to be redone. Does that seem to be the market rate? What else would you expect, or want to see?