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Everything posted by Toseythecat

  1. Supposedly near that suspension bridge is a great place for sauger in winter.
  2. Well, I caught most of them on a Mepps spinner. 75% were mouth hooked. I don't know if they were trying to eat it or if it somehow ticked them off but they actually struck pretty hard. The mottles ones are Bighead Carp, the silver ones are Silver Carp This is the tailwaters of Carlyle Lake in Illinois With bones removed ( lots of Youtube vids on how) the meat is white flaky and delicious. The roe is also excellent eating. They fight like freight trains and are tons of fun to catch
  3. They are actually great eating if you know how to clean them.
  4. Went today (3/30) water was very murky. Fishing was tough so I gave up on trout and put together a nice stringer of good sized rock bass. They love minnows.
  5. Ok, thanks. Having moved to Missouri from TX last year a walleye or sauger is on my fish bucket list. Was considering a trip to Carlyle Dam but this spot is closer, since I live west of St. Louis.
  6. This seems a good natural dam. Has anyone had any success with either walleye or sauger here in winter? Seems like their upstream progress would be blocked here and they may gather below the dam.
  7. Union City lake. Lots of action, some nice sized ones too.
  8. Was there this week. Only got one, nice one about 16". Lost 2 others. They were being very picky. My daughter caught a banded sculpin which I though was very cool New one on the life list. A bit frustrating when you find a nice concentration of fish and some guy just wades off into the middle of them. Poor etiquette.
  9. Seem like it's got a good population of smaller bass. Got several like this guy fishing near the dam. Met some folks that have had good luck with catfish and some large carp. Not bad for a lake a couple of miles from the house.
  10. I used to trout fish in New Jersey 35 years or so ago. Then spent many years in trout free Texas. Now that I'm in Mo. decided to try my hand at trout fishing again. Didn't do great but got a couple and I was just as happy to catch a Rock Bass, another fish I haven't caught in a very long time.
  11. Anyone familiar with what's in this lake besides the usual Largemouth, bluegill, channel cats. Are there any carp? It's very close to home and seems a good place to take the grandkids. Any other bank fishing spots in Franklin County would be appreciated too.
  12. Ohhh that's a big Fallfish!
  13. I've caught them over 3lbs. Seen some over 5lbs caught. Usually a small red worm is all you need.
  14. These were wild in the Houston area. Good eating, good fighting panfish. Sort of sad they aren't up in Missouri, gets too cold.
  15. I miss catching Fallfish. Used to catch many in the Ramapo River in NJ but that was many years ago.
  16. Washington on Brazos was a nice place to visit. Got out of Houston because of grandkids in Missouri, and to get away from the out of control crime.
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