Silver Mallard,
You are one hundred percent correct. Standardized testing is the only true way to gauge the ability of a given teacher, school, or school district to educate our youth. The stats tracked over time will, of course, point to the weak link in our public education system. Whether it be the teacher or the district.
The problem is, even when the weak link is identified, there is absolutely nothing that can be done with a poor educator. They hide behind their power hungry teacher unions that will protect them from scrutiny at all cost. Unions are the problem with public education! If public districts and private schools were allowed to compete for tax dollars through a voucher system, you'd see how fast bad teachers were dismissed and replaced with competent people. Unfortunately the NEA and others hold too much sway with the state legislatures.
Nobody can deny that a large number of public education institutions are failing to properly educate our children. Are there outside influences on those kids that cause them to perform poorly? Sure! I won't deny that. However, there are great teachers out there. I know pleanty of good ones, and the posts from the teachers on this board prove that they are passionate about what they do, and that's outstanding. I just wish all of your peers felt the same as you do! I'm the son of a public school educator of 25+ years, and I know for a fact that she would tell you the same thing. There are bad eggs in every profession, unfortunately the education unions like to protect theirs.