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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by mcp633

  1. I would advise you to go the way of the LCD. It will last a lot longer than the plasma, is much lighter, and will use less power. I concur on the Vizio! I have two of them and they are absolutely the best bang for the buck. I got both of mine at Sam's Club, and probably paid a little more for the two of them than I would have for a Sony.
  2. Ah, the "shinkage" episode! An all-time classic for sure! A close second to the "Magic Loogie" episode, and just ahead of "Man Hands". All time best here: http://www.milkandcookies.com/links/40950/
  3. Some of my friends keeping me up late! You probably know them, Sam Adams, Juan Julio, Jose Cuervo.........
  4. Looks like perfectly normal fishing trip fare to me minus the pop tarts for the 0600 start!
  5. That wouldn't be a bottle of Advil among those Sam Adam's, would it?
  6. Where you at CMAC? I'm in J-Town. I imagine you're probably right about the sand. Too bad the Farmer's can't dredge the fields!
  7. $2.91 in St. L. over the weekend. Good sign its going to come down some soon.
  8. Personally, I love peeps. Plus they're pretty cool if you put them in the microwave for a few seconds. Careful! Not too long! I'm talking like five to six seconds max!
  9. Brian, I would try to give Walt Fulps a call from missouritrouthunter.com. I think he's the resident expert on the Rolla area streams.
  10. You guys are too funny!
  11. Snagged has it right! If you look at the profit margin of let's say Exxon Mobil, they are making about nine cents on a gallon of gas. If you want to know where the rest goes, take a look at the theives we have voted into office! I don't know exactly the number, but the state and federal government make at least three times that much on a gallon ! Is that money going to improve the highway systems, or is it thrown into general revenue and used to fund some failed "new deal" social program designed to buy votes from someone. Since someone already made this a red/blue thing, if you think getting prison shanked at the pump is bad, wait till the dem congress doubles the largest tax increase in history. I thought slick willy was bad! Bye bye extra money in my pocket to even buy gas. Maybe I can hitch a ride on Al Gore's Gulfstream and just walk in his "carbon footprint".
  12. How come I can't see the last post on here by fiveweight? ARRRRGH!
  13. A local nursery owner here in JC said that it will probably take several weeks for the trees to pull out of this if the weather stays like it has. She assured me that they will get a second set of buds.
  14. Silver Mallard, You are one hundred percent correct. Standardized testing is the only true way to gauge the ability of a given teacher, school, or school district to educate our youth. The stats tracked over time will, of course, point to the weak link in our public education system. Whether it be the teacher or the district. The problem is, even when the weak link is identified, there is absolutely nothing that can be done with a poor educator. They hide behind their power hungry teacher unions that will protect them from scrutiny at all cost. Unions are the problem with public education! If public districts and private schools were allowed to compete for tax dollars through a voucher system, you'd see how fast bad teachers were dismissed and replaced with competent people. Unfortunately the NEA and others hold too much sway with the state legislatures. Nobody can deny that a large number of public education institutions are failing to properly educate our children. Are there outside influences on those kids that cause them to perform poorly? Sure! I won't deny that. However, there are great teachers out there. I know pleanty of good ones, and the posts from the teachers on this board prove that they are passionate about what they do, and that's outstanding. I just wish all of your peers felt the same as you do! I'm the son of a public school educator of 25+ years, and I know for a fact that she would tell you the same thing. There are bad eggs in every profession, unfortunately the education unions like to protect theirs.
  15. Try this out for directions! Go to Google maps. Click on Get directions. Type in New York, NY to Paris, France, click get directions. Read line 24. Good luck on that ace!
  16. I'm located behind my desk right now in Jefferson City. I think the ex-wifey wears a size six or seven normally, but got them a little big in the boot so she could wear heavy socks underneath. Said they fit fine.
  17. Size 8 Regular. I don't know. It is possible. I was planning a week long fishing road trip for the week prior to Memorial Day.
  18. I have a pair of once used Cabela's Women's waders for sale. I paid about $80.00 for them, but I'll let them go for $50.00 + postage. Like I said, they've only been worn once. I'm not sure of the size because I don't wear them, but I'll check tonight when I get home. Just getting it out there. Thanks, Kyle
  19. No, unfortunately there are BEMS everywhere!
  20. No, purely domestic. I tried to get the administrative leave with pay, but they like to give it with no pay.
  21. Gee, I wish I could disappear for a week.............. I don't want to get into it, but trust me, I have nothing else to do!
  22. I'm afraid since I'm not familiar with the area, I'm not following. Who runs the parks? NPS or MO DNR? Do I understand you right that if you just want to take the family to the park and have a picnic or something and don't even wet a line it's $4.00 a head? I principle, you're absolutly right. It's outrageous to expect someone to pay a user fee to use a park provided to them by their tax dollars already. State or federal tax dollars, it doesn't matter, it's B.S. I understand paying a launch fee at a boat ramp to help maintain that ramp, or paying a parking fee if those fees go directly to the maintenance or improvement of the area you are using. I don't have a problem with that, but if they're making money off of the park put there for "public" enjoyment, that's wrong. Government should not be in the business of making money on anything. The private sector is better at it anyway! Oh, and I'd rather not get started on the boat registration fees again. I just got calmed down from last time!
  23. Thanks guys! I need a vacation like you wouldn't believe! Maybe run into some of you along the way.
  24. I'm pretty familiar with LP and the Current, but are there wadeable accesses with decent fishing at the others? Don't have the $$$ for a guide each place with the gas prices these days. I was planning on tenting/sleeping in the car. Are there spots to drop a tent?
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