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Jason Essary

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Jason Essary

  1. I only get a black screen with some lights....lol. Ill check it tomorrow when the suns out again.
  2. Wondering the same thing....Drove past powersite today, freaky shallow. Dont know how deep the shoal is below the bridge, but I dont think I would try it in a bass boat. Current might push you down and you might not make it back to the ramp. from swan to dam was quiet. Clear and calm, no current. Would love to hear some reports. Working a job within 5 minutes of shadow rock park for the next 5 to 6 weeks. Was wanting to do some walleye fishing but have never really been, especially with it this shallow. Tips or reports would be wonderful...???
  3. Just walked in from taking my boat seat to a friend of mine. If she does as good as everyone says, ill give you her number. Ranger bench seat, only $225. Might be couple weeks thou.
  4. Dtrs, Great. Have been wanting to try some of the same things. Video would be great to show how it works. Please let us know, you might even make some money taking orders..
  5. Mines waterproof, so always have it.
  6. Maybe im missing it, but does anyone know where to look for a generation of powersite?
  7. Buddy wanted me to look for him today. Drove down RB, Millcreek is untouched and impossible. Ahoys is the same. Maybe old 86 park, but that would be my only guess.
  8. dig the dirt out around a couple roots. use an old paddle bit and drill couple holes. fill with root killer for septics and but the dirt back....shhhh, works wonders.
  9. Tip, Mo one call will not mark the water lines. It is just a set-up that will have your utility companies mark their lines such as electric, telephone, and cable. Purpose is for you not to hit them. Unless you are on a city water, you are the water utilities. If no one remembers where the water line is, then it is diffecult to find. Some times you can simply look around and tell where it will run. Your last resort is to "witch" the line. Dont laugh, it works. I have done it many times. Its not full proof thou. any water or electrical current will have a positive mark. Hope this helps.
  10. Denjac, sorry to hear about the hook-up. Couple years ago, while we were in Canada, guy named Tom got one in his palm. He cut it off while fishing and it suck deep into the meat. He fished for 3 more days with it dug into his palm, came home and had it removed.
  11. I will be out friday afternoon and with any luck saturday. Indian point area. will report.
  12. Does anyone know somebody that re-does bench seats in boats???? Want to get mine done in my ranger.
  13. Well to define the reasonings. I had a bet with a guy I fish with on the green bay game. Since they won, he has to buy a mega for me. I agree with the netcraft baits. Have around 8 of them already. If they are hitting the sticks good, netcrafts are great. But have noticed that if they are being stubborn, lucky crafts and spros work better. Never had a mega before.
  14. Had a guy at BP show me how to really tell the sensitivity of a rod once. Take the rod in hand, with reel if possible, and hold it as you would fishing. Have a friend (my girlfriend hates when I make her do this) put the tip to their throat and talk lightly. You will be amazed at the differences with the rods. My two cents, im with rps. Falcon all the way and spend all you can. Love the low riders.
  15. Ham, whats TNG?
  16. Ok guys, If you could only have one megabass stick for most all conditions, which color would it be and why? Give me some posts here to see which I should lean towards. All for Table Rock.
  17. Anyone have a set of chest waders they would like to sell. Looking for cold weather waders with a shoe size of 10 or 11. Please PM with anything close. Thanks.
  18. Maybe car, maybe a bad shot by an archery hunter. I killed a 130class 8 point few years ago that was floating. Lost blood trail but kept looking. Found him the next morning in 12 foot of water. Surprisingly the meat still good.
  19. Looking for some 270 Winchester empty cases. If anyone has any or knows someone who does please pm me when you have time, thanks. Jason
  20. tfish, what depth were they and what part of the rock were you on if you dont mind.
  21. Lilley, thanks as always for the effort. Sounds good to me.
  22. Bill, I am with you to a point. Dont like the idea of them messing with something that is working. My thoughts are that to bring more tourneys that bring the money to the area, maybe they are trying to help out the Largey population. More structure helps the largemouths correct? And most of the high end tournements target the largemouth. In the same thought, why mess with smallie habitat? Most of them should know where to add structure to help reinforce the largemouth population (and it is not on the open flats). Just a wondering thought, what do you guys think?
  23. Im with Den, small percentage ruins it for the rest of us.
  24. Denjac, I set lines couple times a year. From what I have learned on tablerock, if you leave them in clear site, they will not be there long. Have had many cut or stolen so I place them underwater normally. Mine are always deep, so that no one would have problems with their boat, but under that does not help lures. I do tag each line to identify and run each line every morning. I also pull each line after I am done. I have seen a lot of old lines that are just left in the water. Years ago found one that was covered in moss that had a 10lb carp hooked. He had been on there so long, it had a huge hole through his top lip, but guess he couldnt get the hook turned upside down to come off. Released him and cut the line.
  25. I have a Lowerance Lcx-15mt system that I have updated to a SI Hummingbird. Need to sell. Comes with two operating units, one trolling motor transducer, two power cords and ram mount. Both units work fine, great for drop shotting and spooning. They are black and white lcd displays with great sensitivity. One unit has the capability of gps but have never purchased the equipment for it. All goes for $350 or best offer. Pm with questions or interests. Thanks
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