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Jason Essary

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Jason Essary

  1. Really....my "mentor" has been telling me to hit them as soon as you feel anything at all. Said with the weight he thought they would drop it quick if left to their own devices. Will give it a try tonight, be back with results. Thanks Denjac, thought I saw you leaving Castle view the other evening, White truck with gorgeous green boat. Didnt have time to stop ya and say hi.
  2. Big Indian, now your pickin on my fish...lol. Great Job man. Question, still learning this football thing. What line do you and who ever else throw footballs on. Was using 15lb mono, seemed to make a bow up from the line floating and the dia. So changed to 12 mono, now cant get the dang hook to stick. Thinking of going to floro.
  3. Time on the water is exactly what I am doing this year. Have been dropped in water over my head in the night derbys this year, all at once. I have spent more time on the water this year than the rest of my life I believe already. Go almost every other day (or night). Partner and I decided to hit the Wends night deal last week. We were more prefishing for Millcreek Friday Nighter than anything else. Weigh in was at 12am. We caught our first keeper at 1:15am...lol. We didnt hit any of our "money" holes but was still real disappointing. Friday night we had 11lbs with the summer 4 fish limit, taking 5th. Been wondering if anyone has ever drop-shot at night before??? Might be the only way to find predictable fish for the moment.
  4. T-Rock, Seeming everything changed for us around 3 weeks ago also. The last time I done great was the night before they turned Beaver on for the draw down. Since that Thursday, our fish have been cut by 75%. The only thing I can come up with is that they are suspending over depth charge depths with all the current. Have you been fishing the night derbys. Hate to hear anyone beating up their fish before the big night.
  5. Talked to the Corp today. Got what I needed and got approval. We went over what was ok, dead cedars and brush, and what was not, anything unnatural. I will be finding some rocks to use (as concrete was not allowed). And of course, will not be cutting sycamores off the bank... I realize that MDC lays alot out, I have some found. Just not what I am quite looking for. Thanks for all the help guys,
  6. Thanks, have a couple that MDC has put out that are decent, but none of them are where I would like to have them. Has anyone ever heard of someone getting ticketed for dropping brush. Bill commented last year about people cutting brush on the bank and taking it straight out and dumping it. Not what I have in mind. Would use dead cedars brought from home and tie to rocks with galvanized wire. Really wanting to do it in the next couple weeks but want to make sure that I dont get myself in to some kind of trouble.
  7. Ok, to the ones that know more than me. What are the Corps rules on adding brushpiles to table rock. I have fished a couple that a friend has showed me and have done wonderful at times. Would like to add a couple, nothing large, but have heard that its not allowed.
  8. Skmo. Great info. Havent tried this yet but will shortly. sounds like a great family time with stuff for the grease at the end. Will be giving this a try down my way in Little north Indian soon. Will post reports.
  9. <<<<< Im on board.. $10.
  10. Bluffboy. Sorry to hear about the boat. Applaude you effort. Wish you had got the guys boat numbers or something. As always, the actions of a very few hurt all the rest of us.
  11. Thanks guys Sounds like they are spotty everywhere. Hoped for something worth going after. Anyways, I will try tomorrow evening. Have a boat full of kids probably, when the boat stops they all start casting... . Better idea might be to set a couple trotlines tonight and tomorrow night. Least I am sure to catch a few cats. If I find any whites or cats, will post back.
  12. Anyone seen or caught any whites recently. Have a big 4th planned and needs some fish. Got some cats froze from trotlines but need some more grease candy. If I can find out where to go, be going friday night for them. Thanks guys.
  13. Standard Smallie spots during the day. Long gravel points, rockpiles. Seems to work better shallow (to 12') for me. Wait till bout 30 minutes after good dark and hit a few, keep the boat moving, its a run and gun approach. If they are there, move back throu the spot slower, if you dont hit one (or more like they dont tackle you), move to the next. I do this as a break from the slow fishing. Some nights its not real good, others its a lot of fun. One bank out of 5 will normally hold some numbers, 3 out of five will have one or two (if you have good spots). Standard black/red with black spinners in 3/8oz. Normally just a steady retrieve, but like to pump it sometimes. Fun times....
  14. Timmy, Great to hear. Spinner is great for numbers and those smallies are truely mean. I think they back up a few feet before hitting it at a dead run, so they have more speed. Had a 3 and half pounder almost take the rod out of my hand few weeks ago, in 4 foot of water. Stump, We fished friday night mostly all on main lake points and current spots. NADA. Now im not the best at this, but I truely think the water temp down there cooled of and killed the bite. Does anyone else with more knowledge have a better idea?
  15. Road Runners love cedar glades. They have more room to run in the glades and have a good supply of lizards for food. Built a house few years ago in the west end of little cow. There was one that kept us laughing all the time. Once the big sliding door was installed on the back patio, the road runner would catch a lizard and come to the door. He would display the lizard as he ran back and forth in front of the glass, bobbing his head up and down. Guess he was looking for a mate to impress....
  16. Thursday they started pulling 3 feet off of beaver throu tablerock. Killed a lot of the bite we had. We had been catching 15lb limit every friday night, this week we only had bout 8lbs. Wendsday night we prefished, had almost 20lb 5 fish limit. Was all excited about the millcreek derby and after they started the draw-down, our fish moved or turned off.
  17. Boys Boys Boys, wait till the sun goes down and then go chasing. Cooler temps and better fishing. Fishing the Mill Creek Friday nighters, last week toke 20lbs. Little off this week, think it toke 17lbs to take 1st. Partner and I had 16lb last week with a 6.5lber (got beat with a 7lber, ) and a 5.80lber this week and toke Big... Just cant beat fishing nice calm water in the cooling temps.
  18. Night bite has been good. toke second last friday night in millcreek derby. 18.5 lbs 5 fish. No set pattern to tell anyone. Just keep on them all night and you can find them. We have been catching them from 30' to 12'. 45 degree banks to pea gravel points. If I ever figure out a set pattern I will make a post, but right now its just stick it out and make dang sure you capitalize on the bites you get. If your taking a rookie, the best bet would probably be to hit the pea gravel points 8 to 16 foot with small black spinnerbaits for some of the meanest smallmouths you will ever catch. Partner has fished for 15 years on this lake, he hit one last week and said net. Fought it to the boat grunting as it pulled drag twice, and it only measured 15 inches. They are just mean and will hit like a train.
  19. Bill, wondering what area is the bite in. No specifics, you already gave more than enough with the pics of the baits. White James Kimberling? If its privaleged info, no big deal. Thanks
  20. Does he have a website?
  21. Rice Camp!! no fish there. Move along, move along. Nothing to see here!!!
  22. techo, you the man.
  23. So how did it go today with your pattern?
  24. What depth were you targeting?
  25. Wow, I feel better now. I have been fishing hard for 4 days. Even the night bite has been freaky slow. Seem to pick one up here and there, with no set pattern to be made between them. Hope this weather settles them back into some set patterns.
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