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Everything posted by taxidermist

  1. The only place on Norfork thats really bad is Otter Creek. Go to google maps and use birds eye view, below McClellans is a drop off that gets some newbies, stay to the left going up or down stream. There is another on the south side of that island below McC. just watch those two places. Yeaif you see the water dropping head back tot he ramp!!!!
  2. The steep ramp is at Gastons, the other pics of the big fish is White Hole.
  3. First time we had to put eh Zodiac in Buffalo and go rescue idiots in August. We took a call about folk stranded in a tree near Mt Hersey, There Royalex was wrapped around a tree and they were cold and scared. I did have to ask if the borwn stuff in the shorts was dirt or other stuff. They are ok, just typical dumb tourist. Wish people would learn if the river is rising either know how float thier boat or stay off the river.
  4. Crooked Creek is still up and floatable, clearing well great gold Rapala conditions. White River and the min, flow has allowed the coontail moss beds to grow a lot better this summer. I saw a lot of smaller fish i.e. feeders for the larger fish in the river Sunday. Due to other obligations I have not had the chance to fish White River much this summer. The Min. flow remember is to keep cooler better oxygenated water in the river and less stress on the larger trout. The original documents from the COE call for this, due to the coller water killing out the breeding cycles of warm water species. See Libarary of COngress for the publication.
  5. http://oldoutboardmotor.com/ http://store.oldmercs.com/Default.asp http://www.vintageoutboard.com/links/links.html
  6. I said when this was annouced it was bad bad news for our area. Here is the truth! http://www.mountaintalk97.com/ Click on Radio on Demand and then click Through the Looking Glass. 5-5-13 YOu will find out more about the government control over the whole White River Basin. From Rogers to the mouth at the Mississippi!
  7. There is a breeding pair at Kingfisher lake near Russellville AR. Last year Kingfisher went dry so they may have moved a bit.
  8. I used a product called steel flex on my 22 ft aluminum boat, it is a 2 part compund with teflon in it. sure makes going down BUffalo River easier. Its been on there about 4 years.
  9. The water is clear and cold of course. But small road Runners in white or brown can be down right hot for bass, in the upstream end of the deep holes. A bubble gum colored jerk bait can be super for the smallies. I prefer a small sinking jerk bait.
  10. Yesterday a white Road Runner, fished slow and low was pretty good. the 1/16th ounce bouncedd down the top end of the shoals into deep water.
  11. Having lived in and near the park mist of my life. its simple it is nothing to do with saving anything. Its about keeping locals off the park. Most of you have never been harassed by the barney fife park rangers. Most of the ginsing in the park has been replanted by the same people who would harvest it.
  12. Norfork is fine that time of year. Zara spooks will work great. http://www.norforklakechamber.com/norfork_map.htm Main lake poitns and bluff up through Hand cove, to Curley Point will hold number of stripers. I have seen several in the mid 30 lb range this year from that area. Thats where I fish on Norfork. I have seen a lot of 20 lb range striped bass from that area too. If you want huge striped bass them Bull Shoals is the lake, but they are few and far between. but they fish can be anywhere on Bull Shoals and will be in the 30 to 60 lb range. Yes 60 is possible on Bull Shoals. YOu can buy shad from Norfork, you are not allowed to bring any live minnows on the lage or shad from other lakes.
  13. There I was and here I go. If I speak up on the polotical hoo hoo. I just pray America chooses wisely. Belize is sure looking great!!!
  14. I have been pulling ticks off the rainbow trout.
  15. With the levels they COE has ran latly I doubt you can get away from the ramp. I have ran a 90Hp on the river but only when they had 6 untis on line and felt 100% sure they would run the water. But I do have two jon boats for the river now! a 22 ft aluminum with a 9.9 for this low water all summer long and if they are running a unit 20 ft Shawnee with a 20HP. and yep I once had a 25HP Yamaha and had to put gears int he lower unti twice!! So even smaller motors get crushed on the river.
  16. No way did the fish puke 10 lbsof shad! Ever big striper that comes in gets its stomach contents looked at. the largest one this year 56lbs (so far) had three rainbow trout in it. All three in different stages of digestion. One rainbow pretty well fills the fishes stomach and the other two were further down in the dig tract. Yes this fish came from the Jimmie Creek area.
  17. Tpical gov project. could have been done for a lot less. and all they had to do was keep a turbine on line at 50%
  18. It is not unusual to see the along creek banks during the day. We see a couple almost every trip on the white river. their high metabilizum, means they have to eat often.
  19. Best really a term that only you can determine. How I see best may not be what you would think is best.
  20. taxidermist

    Cave Tours

    http://suite101.com/article/caves-of-north-west-arkansas-a72236 Here is a list of NWA commercial caves.
  21. No way to many taxes as it is! MO gets 1/8th of a cent right? Time to get rid of taxes taxes and more taxes.
  22. Trout are stocked fromt he Pot Shoals Net pens. I can remember back int he 1980s fishing Long Bottom below Peels and chatching and filleting 5 pound rainbows. Brown trout and lake trout were also stocked and the lakers did very well, bt most people did not know what they were catchig with the lakers.
  23. There is zero reason to delay the stocking of striped bass. Original stocking occured back in the mid to late 1970's Bass fishing was good back then. Many many huge stripers came from Bull Shoals. The accidental stocking that is now producing fish from 40 to 55 lbs is doing fine. The huge shad population is the food base as discussed. I have recently skinned 6 striped bass over 40 lbs and two over 50 lbs and the stripers have had zero bass or crappie nor any walleye in their guts. The had some suckers, lots of shad (Not anywhere near 7-10lbs each) and one had three rainbow trout stockers and came form Howard Creek. 20,000 stripers every other year as optioned will not hurt anything, will produce a larger economic impact for Docks and resorts on the lake. The lake is getting old the habitat has changed drasticlly size the 1970's when I was a kid. as the lake changes so are the breeds of fish it will support. The lake during the warm months has a very narrow band of shoreline that will support fish and fishing. right now the thermocline is at 24 feet. and you drop from mid 70's to 63F and the heat will make it change again soon.. Largemouth bass, Smallmouth bass and spotted bass sedom venture below the thermocline, nor do crappie. the majority of walleye will be found right at the thermocline (when present) and the stripers will be finding deep cold water this time of year. Then we get into the lack of O2 inthe water later int he summer and the stripers die off, not all but several. What really bugs me about the stocking of stripers, is the studies that have been done show little to no impact on the bass fisheries in any of the other lakes. Yet people will scream Oh my crappie,Oh My Bass. Is it they just dont want anymore fishermen on the lake?
  24. The website still says mid summer, I am sure they will update it when they know.
  25. Fenton closed, he finally retired in 2011.
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