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Why Doesn't The Ozark Have Smallies As Big As Elsewhere?
taxidermist replied to Ham's topic in General Angling Discussion
http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/smallmouth_record.html http://www.fishin.com/articles/reedwint.htm Shallower lakes, better food source and longer growing season. Food, food, food, our lakes and rivers are clear well not like they use to be, but relatively. There is not a lot of cover in our lakes or creeks, not a lot of food either. Food sources need cover to repopulate. -
Yea, dont handle the fish, dont eat the fish and dont swim in the creek they are contagious.
Phil are those two or four stroke you will have for sale? I bought one of your four stroke 3 years ago and it was a great motor just to heavy for my boat with my fat butt in the back.
size is 225R60 X 16 93S. Ok this is the fourth set that has separated belts in 100,000 miles. Each time we went to walmart for the service and yes they replaced them of course prorated. After finally going to a real tire dealer today and replacing all four, the goodyear tread was still excellent. You could very easily see where the belts had seperated on the good years. These are on our 2007 Grand Prix
If it was gigging that hurts smallmouth, then Crooked Creek and Buffalo River would be full of 8 poundsmallies.
Go to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission facebook page and ask. they will shortly have you an answer. http://www.facebook.com/#!/ARGameandFish?ref=ts
Best Walleye So Far This Year
taxidermist replied to Hotdawg Guide Service's topic in Lower Bull Shoals
Other than state record fish, there are no records kept for fish size on Corp or Eng. impoundments. -
If you will look at the teeth in their throat, I think thats where the drumming comes from as they grind food. The rocks are ear stones. I have seen them made into ear rings and a super nice mans rings. Drum are excellent on the grill.
You better worry more about gators than bears.
Struck Gold Again! Great Day On The Water!
taxidermist replied to trophy trout's topic in White River
Which was first, the hatchery crossed fish or the real and true golden trout. The ones you are talking about were developed by breeding. Just like your picture, they are and will always be a rainbow trout. See the Latin name. They are not and will never be a true golden trout. Maybe you should have said golden rainbow to have been correct. These can be anything from lemon color to a brilliant orange. http://www.google.com/images?q=palomino+Trout&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=NMHiS4jvFZDC9QS9vfj4Ag&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CA8QsAQwAA Same fish, just called different names in different areas. Here is the PA link. http://www.fish.state.pa.us/images/pages/qa/fish/trout_golden.htm Golden rainbow trout and palomino rainbow trout are not sterile hybrids, they are simply color variations of rainbow trout Golden rainbow trout and palomino rainbow trout are not sterile hybrids, they are simply color variations of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and should not be confused with the golden trout (Oncorhynchus aguabonita) native to a few drainages in California.) and should not be confused with the golden trout (Oncorhynchus aguabonita) native to a few drainages in California. Under stand the palomino is crossed with a rainbow of normal coloration. All or of the species Golden rainbow trout and palomino rainbow trout are not sterile hybrids, they are simply color variations of rainbow trout. Yes we have caught several in the White River. Just another trout. -
I have a crew cab and do launch the boats by myself all the time. Just get a longer rope. You might want to get some nerf bars that go the length from the rear wheels forward. A step on the trailer tongue will help a lot!
Diabetic wood peckers, lol. I want to see you give them a shot. We have tons of gold finches, indigo buntings and even pine martins cleaning the feeders out daily. we have one bird, I have only seen twice, but I think its a female painted bunting.
Struck Gold Again! Great Day On The Water!
taxidermist replied to trophy trout's topic in White River
It is not a golden, its a palamino. A golden trout is a from out west. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_trout http://www.google.com/search?q=palamino+trout&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a Yep you can see them in the river. -
Red bellied wood pecker!
I have eaten bear on several occasions. It is really a lean meat, the fat on bear is all stored against the skin. When the meat is smoked it quickly takes the smoke flavoring. Oil Trough AR. was named such after the many troughs that in the early 1800s where storage for bear fats and oils. Black bear are pretty easy to live with. most of the time you will never know they are there. So many misconceptions about them. If you are out in the woods and see logs ripped apart and rocks over turned large rocks and the ground seriously dug up. it could be a bear doing that. but most times they will be gone long before you find their sign.while eye sight is poor, their hearing is excellent. ever wonder why noone finds bear carcass or skeletons in the woods? Big foots eat them, lol.
6180 Route 178 Lakeview, AR 72642 870-431-431 Hey if you are in the Bull Shoals Dam area, do yourself a favor and eat here. Its some of the best food I have eaten in the area. Italian style. Excellent!!!! Save room for a Canoli!
There is a lot of miss information being posted on bears. They are omnivorous. seldom do they take a calf. coyotes are 100 times more likely to kill a calf than a black bear. Living in Newton County Arkansas almost on the Searcy County line. seldom does anyone even see a bear. We had one here for about two years and last year early in the am he tangled with the electric fence and left eh country, last seen heading toward Pindal. My horses had foals with the bear within a hundred yards, the ranchers around me have not lost any live calves tot he bears. (Ursus americanus) American Black bear is the lest of Missouri's problems and no they did not trade anything to Arkansas for them. You have had them for many many years around Mincy. (wicipedia) Up to 85% of the black bear's diet consists of vegetation,[33] though they tend to dig less than brown bears, eating far fewer roots, bulbs, corms and tubers than the latter species.[3] Young shoots from trees and bushes during the spring period are important to black bears emerging from hibernation, as they assist in rebuilding muscle and strengthening the skeleton and are often the only digestible foods available at that time. During this period, they may also raid the nut caches of squirrels.[44] Black bears are fond of honey, and will gnaw through trees if hives are too deeply set into the trunks for them to reach them with their paws. Once the hive is breached, black bears will scrape the honeycombs together with their paws and eat them, regardless of stings. lack bears often drag their prey to cover, preferring to feed in seclusion and frequently begin feeding on the udder of lactating females, but generally prefer meat from the viscera. The skin of large prey is stripped back and turned inside out with the skeleton usually left largely intact. Unlike wolves and coyotes, black bears rarely scatter the remains of their kills. Vegetation around the carcass is usually matted down by black bears and their droppings are frequently found nearby. Black bears may attempt to cover remains of larger carcasses. If you will study the bears a bit and never get between a sow and her cubs, you will be fine. Be sure and were bells on your shoes!!! This way the scat from your carnage can be identified! Maybe change you name to Timothy Treadwell before befriending the cuddly cute adorable winnie the poo who lives near you.
I Guess There Really Are Musky In Pomme...
taxidermist replied to RSBreth's topic in Pomme De Terre Lake
Not even close I would guess 36-38 inches with a 17 inch girth. maybe 18 lbs and thats on the heavy side maybe closer to 13 lbs. You know someone dropped Dablemont on his head as a child! -
sometimes its easier to just go ahead and hunt than ask permission.. I would just use common sense and watch the area behind the target to make sure its clear.
Many below the Buffalo river. I dont think all of them came over the dam. I think many migrated upstream during the flood.
Some of the best fish to eat! they eat everything a bass does.
Sometimes the water and habitat has a lot to do with bass colors. Other times its mood. Largemouth bass are sometimes different colors from the same water. Years ago I fished with a cousin he caught three bass over 7 lbs from one stump in three consecutive cast on Table rock and all three were different colors, a light a very dark and a brown largemouth bass, water was gin clear at the time. sometimes i think bass color has a lot to do with what they have been eating. Last week i was trying to explain to a friend how smallmouth change color with in seconds. so we put one on a stringer in crooked creek, and in a couple minutes it was copper colored with dark bars, when caught it had been yellow bronze. Anytime the water is a bit cloudy the fish are more pale in color. In taxidermy we have an argument about bass colors, the guys from up north where the waters are tea colored seldom see largemouth with the harsh lines down their side like we have especially in the creeks. You can see a huge variation in colors on fishing shows. Smallies can be any color at anytime and dont blink they will change on you. One of the oddest colored smallies i have seen was a olive green with chocolate colored bars from crooked creek and it never changed colors. Also look at smallies close up you will see yellow colored scales and some from the lake Bull SHoals will have turquoise colored scales.
I have never seen the moss so &^%$%^& bad. Its hard to fish with anything. I was told you have to go above Gastons to get out of it. five units today and its worse than last week with seven and a couple gates open. Yea we caught some bows and one brown.
Fished yesterday evening till almost dark on Crooked Creek did pretty good caught 14 smallies and two were over 16 inches. I did something I seldom do and that is fish with live bait. Dusky Striped shinners. carolina rigged with Khalle hooks.
If you dont find Jimmy's correct number email me. taxidermist118@hotmail.com Jimmy rents canoes too. He also thinks he has to be right in your face when talking to you.