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Patricks on the White

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Everything posted by Patricks on the White

  1. I waded the BS dam early Easter morning; the first time I've had the opportunity to do so since the area re-opened on Feb.1. The didy is there in mass. Thick and soft, wavy white tips,very comfortable to walk on. Certainly not an expert on this subject, I think that this is the condition it takes on when first appearing. I live at the tip of Cane Island, about a mile and a half below the dam. The didy here has changed over the winter from soft and comfortable to a thin, tightly woven, "pool table top-like", slick as snot, covering. Again, not being a biologist, I would tend to think that it doesn't start from an organism brought in on the bottom of a boat or boot. The fact that "fresh didy" seems to start right at the foot of the dam suggests to me that its already in the water as it is released through the gates. Does it cover the bottom of BS lake, I've never heard anyone mention its presence. Maybe the lakes too deep and it can only thrive in shallower stretches,i.e., the river. Hopefully, the biological studies that are underway are taking this point into consideration. Patricks
  2. I just had a client a few weeks ago that had a TFO, cheapie,rod break while fighting a big fish; good graphite rods aren't supposed to do that. An acquaintance of mine has worked for Sage for over 20 years. He told me years ago that theres quite a bit of engineering and design that goes into the higher quality graphite and that it definately makes a difference if you've got big fish in mind but that the lower priced rods are fine for most dink fish. I own one, pricey Sage XP 4 weight that brought in a 17 pounder last year after 20 minutes of rod stress; don't know what my cheapies would have done.Guides probably have a great feel for the difference. Patricks
  3. Does anyone know who sells molds for 1/80 or 1/124 oz. lead heads? Have looked at various sites and no one displays them. Patricks
  4. Silver Mallard: I said that Cartney "appeared" to be void of fish, not that it was. Have caught a few trout there, but, more importantly, its a great place to let the dogs swim without bothering anyone else. Patricks
  5. Phil: You're right, its early. Takes me a pot of coffee to read and digest anything. Heading to Branson next week for a day, any suggestions on where to wade, water permitting. Same flies as here on the White? Pat Brennan
  6. I've got two girls that I hang with that love to swim in any weather condition. They wear no clothes, love to romp and play unrelentlessly and will steal fish from anyone nearby. Privacy is of utmost importance to me since I don't want to disturb others. My friend, Dale Fulton, sent us to Cartney walk in a few months ago. Theres gravel as far as you can see, appears totally void of trout; I guess trout fishermen prefer water that appear to hold fish. I've only shared this spot with other fishermen once. Perfect! My Labs love it. Thanks Dale. Patricks
  7. A friend of mine was just digging into a beef brisket at KT'S recently when the owner, MoMo, came over and suggested that, since he noticed my friend using a knife to cut the beef, it wasn't tender enough and replaced the meal. I normally don't order beef, its stringy a lot of the times but MoMo has restored my appetite and confidence in ordering beef, at least at his restaurant. Overeating is one sport that I excel at and can't afford to make many mistakes. Patricks P.S. You might also try the rib tips at Al B's in Lakeview. He does a little trick with sugar prior to smoking. You also get a man sized portion, an overeaters dream.
  8. Crippled Caddis: Clean up Arkansas politics? What about the other 49 states; ain't gonna happen. Typical big business BS; the little guys get the crumbs, like it or not. Patricks
  9. Arrived at Norfork Dam around noon, haven't seen so many people on a weekday. Early Sowbug arrivals and spillover from McClellans, I guess. Everyone seemed to be catching fish, including me. Haven't fished here in months and didn't do well at all when I did fish here since the runoff started. With McClellans closing, they'll have to start assigning tee times, parking spots and selling cleats to those that don't have them. Might be a good spot for a PI lawyer to set up a booth. Patricks
  10. Had a room cancellation for Sowbug weekend; $65 a night for two; located at the tip of Cane Island, 400 yards of runs and riffles. Flyfisher bar-b-que next door. 870-656-7589 Patricks
  11. STL Call Janns Netcraft at 1-800-NETCRAFT for replacement bags. Patrick
  12. Whats a featherlight; a micro spinning rod? PB
  13. I live a mile or so below BS dam on the White and have for over two years. I fished Bennett Springs for 17 years prior to moving here. I always loved to throw dry flies and had sporadic success at best. A guide here showed me the effectiveness of fishing emergers during a hatch and I'm sold on the idea. Now, whenever a hatch starts and fish begin to rise, I simply fish a midge pattern about 14 to 18 inches under half a palsa indicator and have much more success than trying to match the hatch. I cast to the rise circle and they either hit it immediately or not at all. Line control isn't an issue, you're almost tightlining. Would love to see John Berry fish dries, though. Pat Brennan
  14. I've had a ton of likable emails from overseas. I must have responded to a mailing long ago that opened up the floodgates. Patricks
  15. Morning Dano, The weather passed us by, thank goodness. Pat was in town with me,and as the crow flys, it wasn't too far away! Prayer and thoughts to that family also. Headed to the river and poor Pat, if he thinks he has seen wind knots, JUST WAIT! MsMidge
  16. Hi JT, For sure that was MY secret fly, not his! Can't tell him anything that you don't want the world to know! LOL MsMidge
  17. Seth: If you have a vice that rotates, alternate a layer of maribou on the top, then the bottom; two layers each should give you a full body effect. I use the tips so that the stems are thinner, otherwise you end up with a collar thats too thick. Patricks Patricks
  18. Gee Pat, that was a nice thing to say! I for sure do love this sport and hope that this year is only half as good as last. "Being a "Newbie", everyone has been super in trying to help me make the "Switch Over" from my Trusty Spinning Rod, to this Fly Rod that I knew nothing about!!!! LOL Everytime that I go fishing now, it is a new experience and seems as though I cannot learn enough! Thanks to all who helped Addict me and now I have more work to do, MsMidge
  19. After flitting from fly to fly my first year here, a friend introduced me to the Danville fly a couple of weeks before the caddis started to emerge last year.What a breakthrough! It did so well that my lady got interested in flyfishing and set aside her bait rig. An early season "freebie" day with John Wilson also helped. Never having been a dope addict, I wasn't familiar with immediate obsession. Did I create a monster or a new flyfishing buddy? The monster demands that my tying increase, that I be willing to be upset twice as much in fixing wind knots, that I remain calm when suddenly the contents of my vest pockets seem to get shuffled around,etc.,etc. The buddy demands I fish more resulting in more fish caught, great picnic lunches and more time spent with my two water dogs. My buddy, because of lipstick and pink headbands, also has the ability to extract certain information from other fishermen onstream that I would never have had access to. All because of the Danville fly. Patrick Brennan
  20. After hating and pitching my first gas grill a few years ago, I noticed that Weber was the first to extend guards over the burners on their grills to eliminate flare-ups. I looked for two seasons and finally bit the bullet, AGAIN. I have now pitched number 2, and, unless I lose my mind which is highly probable, I will NEVER own a number 3! One season on a gas grill and "wifey" will either become a firefighter that likes smokeless, burned meat, will never grill again or become a firebuilding,Weber fan. Patricks on The White
  21. Rented my boat to s guest; he anchored and sat ALL DAY Thursday and Friday between the red, restricted signs at BS dam in the still eddy on the Marion County side. All he did was throw woolies. Claims he caught 55 on Thursday, 32 on Friday. I waded between the golf course and the signs on Friday; limited access, fishing was spotty but I caught around 8 using a lot of lead. First time I've waded 6 or 7 units, beats sitting at home. My guests waded this stretch throughout the week. Final golf ball tally was around 20, I picked up 7 on Friday. Keep up those hooks on hole #3 guys! Patrick Brennan
  22. Floated BS dam Sunday with two friends, incredibly beautiful weather, spring like. The gulls were perched in their normal spot on the wall; every few minutes it was like the leader blew a whistle and a flock would start feeding on shad; then they'ed return to their perch til the next batch of shad would appear.It was like watching a seven course meal being served, one course , then a break. Thought we'd slay'em on white maribou jigs but didn't hit a lick until we adjusted the depth to 14 inches, or so, under indicaters. Didn't have any top walies, but will the next time. Pat Brennan
  23. Dano: Have had similiar good experience with Orvis. Sent in a pair of neoprenes I had worn for at least 10 years and they started leaking at the lowest seam. A few days later, UPS shows up with a box. I opened the box and theres a new pair of waders and a bill. I called ready to be upset only to find out that they had replaced the waders and had enclosed a bill for what I would owe if I were being charged. No charge. Have had excellent service with other major mail order companies; LL Bean, Cabelas, Bass Pro. Wouldn't think of not doing business with any of them. Pat Brennan
  24. Are you registered on this site? Pat Brennan
  25. Phil: Seems like St. Louis Parks and Recreation put together the Flaming Gorge trip. I still recall one event in particular. After rowing for two days, I hiked upriver with Tommy Hargrove and another guy for some leisure time fishing. Turned into the equal of The Bataan Death March. We fished until dark and were hustling out trying to beat sheer darkness when suddenly I heard the rattle of a "you know what". Decisions, decisions. Do we plunge on hoping maybe I had imagined that sound or sleep on a rock. We plunged, I prayed and the trout gods were with us, I guess. Still think of that every time I'm wet wading, stumbling over rocks here. Moved here a couple of years ago. Have three rental rooms halfway to Gastons at the tip of Cane Island. Certainly not a threat to Big Jim and his 588 rooms. Look me up next time you're coming here and I'll do the same when my girlie friend needs the big city fix in Branson. Pat Brennan
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