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Eric Jaeger

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Everything posted by Eric Jaeger

  1. Had 19" at 5:00 PM and still snowing here in Warrensburg. Wonder if Phil will see his shadow tomorrow.
  2. Jeff sounds like you had a great day below the dam. I will be there Saturday. It will be the first time to get a line wet this year. Can't wait to get down there and have some fun. Thanks for the report.
  3. Welcome to the forum getthenet. Truman is 11ft. above normal pool today. After the very high water on Truman last year there will be alot timber and other stuff floating on and below the water. I think LOZ would be your best bet. Good luck fishing in Missouri.
  4. My brother and I had a rock band years ago. I played guitar and my brother played the drums. After a few years of working our days jobs and playing late nights we had to stop the music. I sold most of my stuff back then but keep a Fender Statocaster Marshall amp and Boss Pedals. But I wanted to get into fly fishing so I sold them to a friend to give to his son. I used the money I got and hired Stan Parker of River Run Outfitters and stayed at Lilley's Landing and had a great time at Branson. I still got my Alvarez acoustic that I've had since I was a kid. Rock on Eric.
  5. Eric Jaeger


    I play about five rounds of golf a year. My wife and I are coming to Branson Easter weekend to see a show and do some shopping. I'm going to tell her that I am going to hit the links also. Just wondering where to play at. My wife can't stand the game so I will be on my own. Any help from you guys down there. Thanks Eric.
  6. Eric Jaeger

    Cotton Bowl

    Another border war game. First Illinois then Kansas now Arkansas. Go Mizzou!!!!
  7. Cardiac I will be in Branson area December 14th thru 16th. Going to do some Christmas shopping with my wife and check out the Christmas lights.
  8. Cardiac I saw your review of Audi's Pizza in Hollister on another website. Sounds like a great place to eat at. I'm going to be in the Branson area next weekend and going to stop by there. Taco's with goat cheese sounds good but I will have to try the pizza. My wife will be with me so I won't have to worry about the better looking women LOL. Can't wait to get down there.
  9. Welcome to the forum. You will get all the information you need at this site.
  10. I have been told that KK island on the osage arm at Truman Lake is a good place to fish for walleye.
  11. Eric Jaeger

    Cards win

    I'm not a big fan of the CARDS here on the west side of Missouri. But I would bet Tony will get them in the playoffs this year.
  12. Welcome to the forum Morgan. Looking forward to the Mizzou football season this year. Go Tigers!! Good luck fishing.
  13. Jcoberley went fishing below the dam Monday. Truman Lake level was 717ft and is up 719ft today. They had all four gates open and the fishing was good. Caught alot hybrids and whites bass. Caught a few crappie and drums also. You need to get down there and wet a line. It will take some time for the lake to get to normal pool at 706ft. Good Luck fishing Eric.
  14. Stragler if your fishing for trout try riverrunoutfitters.com. Stan and Carolyn Parker are the owners and have a great staff. I'm new to fly fishing and Stan took me out March 26th and I caught alot of trout and he is a great guide. Jeremy Hunt at taneycomotrout.com is a very good guide also and has neat website. Welcome to the forum and good luck fishing.
  15. I use randmcnally.com everytime I travel and found their directions are very good. I went to Greeley Colorado five years ago and went to mapquest website to find the way there. Mapguest told me to start my trip going east of my home of Warrensburg,MO 30 miles to Sedalia,MO then north 18 miles to I-70 and then start going west. That would have added two hours to my travel time. Try randmcnally.com next time you travel.
  16. Stan and Carolyn Parker congratulations on the 2007 Orvis Outfitters of the Year. Your guides and staff are the best. Stan thanks for the great day on the water last month. I hope to get back there soon. P.S. Stan thanks for the photo of my first trout on a fly rod. Thanks Eric.
  17. Jenny I'm going to try to get down there Sunday and catch some crappie. Any advice on what to use would be helpful. Like you said they been running alot of water this week. I hope they will Sunday. I'll try to stop by the station and stock up on what I,m going to need. Hope to see you Sunday.
  18. Hello from Warrensburg,MO. This is my first post on this forum. I have done alot of bass and crappie fishing on Truman Lake and Lake of the Ozarks up here. I've been coming to Branson about three times a year and had to try fishing for trout. Stayed at Lilley's Landing last summer and last month. Great place to stay at. Went out with Stan Parker from River Run Outfitters when I was there last month. Had a great time with Stan and he taught me alot about fly fishing. My first trout on a fly rod was fourteen inch brown. I'm hooked on trout fishing at taneycomco now. Can't wait to get back down there. Keep on fishing anglers.
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