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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. We’re still going to the Cape. She said later on have a class North of St. Louis. She is taking advanced classes. Then I know we have Conference in St. Charles. Need to watch it because my immune system is down and this COVID stuff. oneshot
  2. I messed up I had the wrong town I wanted to go to. I was wanting to go to St. Genevieve. My wife was ok with it said we could still go there. My mind is a shade off. oneshot
  3. oneshot


    Nothing to do with the OP but we spent years dumping stuff in a Sink Hole by Springfield. One day I was watching the News. There was a bunch cleaning out the Sink Hole. One woman saying she couldn’t believe someone would do this. They would have made a bunch off the Antiques and old Cars in there. oneshot
  4. oneshot


    Yea I liked the old days when you knock a woman in the Head drag her to your cave and have your way then kick her out. oneshot
  5. oneshot


    Upgrade Society. Seems like anything has to be upgraded every year. I have an IPHONE which to me is New and I enjoy it. Verizon sent me a text upgrade we will take $800 off. I’m thinking how much is the dang phone. My wife said I needed to upgrade my TV I was thinking it was the in thing being Flat Screen. She has a car that has all kinds of neat things but it has to be upgraded because the New ones are so much better. I know guys that buy New Bows every year because they put so much New stuff on them. I have a Razor my Son says is Old Timey because it is Double Blade and all you do is change blades. Had an Alarm Clock young people didn’t want to borrow because they couldn’t figure it out. It finally quit so I use my phone. oneshot
  6. Well you are so uplifting. Cajun sounds good but not Confederate friendly. HMMMM! oneshot
  7. Late next month. Could go to the Casino but my wife said no Casinos this year. oneshot
  8. Sounds like a plan I have ten pounds of Sonny’s. Need to work out something on some wheels. Wife will have her ride most the day. She has a class down there. oneshot
  9. What is there to do in Cape Girardeau? Staying at Drury Inn. oneshot
  10. I have Bush Honeysuckle that is loaded with seed I need to cut but can’t and it is bad on my place. Cedars are ok here they give me year round fence to where neighbors don’t see everything but I need to do something different with Apple trees. oneshot
  11. I seen at Barclay Gravel Bar right at the Boat Ramp. Not more but less Trout to mess with. There has to be Major changes. Like I have said everything around here depends on the Park. oneshot
  12. So less stocking if any in the river again. Thats ok more Suckers and Goggle Eye. oneshot
  13. Kind of like I had some Summer Sausage that wasn’t packed good. Looked like Dog Food. After few Beers it was great. oneshot
  14. Wonder if edibles would have same effect on COVID? oneshot
  15. Know an old woman that would chew Twist. Wouldn’t have stopped me. Got a woman now that literally does nothing as far as drinking or any of that stuff. oneshot
  16. Just mainly thinning out Egg Suckers so Turkey’s will do better. oneshot
  17. Was just thinking the same. Interesting having less with more. Use to be more bigger Trout. Now it is like they don’t care. oneshot
  18. oneshot


    Went to Barclay and caught two Rainbows on Orange Power Bait so it was slow. Hurting today so nap time. Dear wife got off early so had to move Lawn Mower and hang Ham for curring. Going to buy 2 cord of wood delivered for $125 a cord. oneshot
  19. Should see it’s a beautiful Red Fox. oneshot
  20. oneshot

    Army Worms?

    Last Fall Army Worms got my Leaf Lettuce. Should I be concerned this Spring. oneshot
  21. I have Alamac Planting Guide for Lebanon,Mo and you are just about right. They are showing last of February starting inside. Last year I started us way early. oneshot
  22. Has anyone ever had a Fox with Ticks under the skin? Skinning Brown specks along the Back. Seems they are Ticks. Not sure how they got there and not sure if the Fur is salable. oneshot
  23. I worked as a Baker for many years 7 days a week. No vacations or Hollidays. Made good money and 100% Insurance. After I retired they filed Bankruptcy and closed their doors. I thought crap I’m going to lose my pension which is the only reason I stayed. Well didn’t lose it but I took a cut because if anything happens to me my wife gets it. I really shouldn’t have done this but I did. oneshot
  24. I need to get to the river and do some Sucker fishing but it has been cold and I need someone to go with me. Got a riffle I’d like to fish below. oneshot
  25. I messed my Leg up when I just turned 18. They wanted to amputate it but I found a different Doctor. Went for years taking Lasix to keep the swelling down. It depleted my system so I was on 20 other medications but I liked my salt. I asked my Doctor what about doing away with most salt, see if I can quit taking the Lasix. Got off the Lasix and bunch other Medications. I was dipping SKOAL and drinking heavy. It messed my Throat up. They prescribed ZANTAC every day to prevent me from getting Cancer. Seems the ZANTAC gave me Cancer. Been on Blood Thinners for years because my Bad Leg I have a problem with Blood Clots. Didn’t think anything of it work insisted I get the Vaccine. Went to my regular Doctor he said it was the worst thing I could have done it was a wonder it didn’t kill me because it changes the Blood. Had to laugh with Medical Marijuana being legal bunch of guys growing in the brush. Law did a fly over if person had permit nothing was said even though it is illegal to plant outside but if they didn’t have a permit Law would give them a Ticket and tell to get a permit so it would be easier on them in court. This being raised now they are wanting THC 25+ it will set you down. Some are paying $300 a seed. 😲 oneshot
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