I messed my Leg up when I just turned 18. They wanted to amputate it but I found a different Doctor. Went for years taking Lasix to keep the swelling down. It depleted my system so I was on 20 other medications but I liked my salt. I asked my Doctor what about doing away with most salt, see if I can quit taking the Lasix. Got off the Lasix and bunch other Medications.
I was dipping SKOAL and drinking heavy. It messed my Throat up. They prescribed ZANTAC every day to prevent me from getting Cancer. Seems the ZANTAC gave me Cancer.
Been on Blood Thinners for years because my Bad Leg I have a problem with Blood Clots. Didn’t think anything of it work insisted I get the Vaccine. Went to my regular Doctor he said it was the worst thing I could have done it was a wonder it didn’t kill me because it changes the Blood.
Had to laugh with Medical Marijuana being legal bunch of guys growing in the brush. Law did a fly over if person had permit nothing was said even though it is illegal to plant outside but if they didn’t have a permit Law would give them a Ticket and tell to get a permit so it would be easier on them in court. This being raised now they are wanting THC 25+ it will set you down. Some are paying $300 a seed. 😲