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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Just got back from Barclay some of the Back Roads are still coverd but should be better later in the day its warming up here. The River is still Low and clear,caught one Rainbow in a Hour and Half. oneshot
  2. Yea thats what I'm wondering because I've caught a few just down from the Park get past that nothing.In the past I've went by the house and caught Trout regular enough to keep me eating them all Winter. Different Ball Game it the Park. oneshot
  3. I'm thinking its because of all the work their doing on the Hatchery.Its ok I'm sure once their done it will get back to normal or even better.I was down there today they was hard at it. oneshot
  4. Well last 17 years I've seen them Stock the river all Winter and caught many eating size all Winter.This year nothing,well couple here and there but not like in the past. oneshot
  5. Yes in years past they have kept the river pretty well stocked.As matter fact I've seen them stock with snow on the Ramps. oneshot
  6. Is Bennett holding back Trout because of rebuilding the Hatchery? Seems last several months been slow.Just wondering if I'm wasting time until they get up and running. oneshot
  7. Yea I fished down there last Spring first time in 47 years had a Good time. Congrats on the Fish. oneshot
  8. Much Bigger! oneshot
  9. Drove across 64 HWY Bridge today.Pretty dang clear when you can see bottom of the river while driving. oneshot
  10. Caught and ate several.Made me think of this picture. oneshot
  11. Dang! 40 years ago I was married waiting on our Son.Owned my own Farm. I'M NOT OLD!!!!!! oneshot
  12. New Years Resolution concentrate more on Catfish. oneshot
  13. Forgot to add the river is Low and Clear as Glass.Great for Gigging.Trout biting below the Bridge and just below the Ramp. oneshot
  14. Yea we Love the Little 12 foot holds couple adults and is stable,plus can throw it in back of the Pickup and go. Ofcourse back in the Old days things were different. oneshot
  15. Wasn't on the list but in truth I've found I catch most fish anymore with my 12 foot Jon and Trolling Motor. oneshot
  16. ???? There is several places right next to FLW that has Trout.Like Little Piney. oneshot
  17. So Suckers are not Game Fish? Okay how about Carp and Buffalo? oneshot
  18. I'm going to say Jet Boat.Much more stable when Gigging or Bow Fishing. oneshot
  19. Kind of what I was thinking needing some for the Frying Pan. oneshot
  20. I've tried Barclay couple times lately with no Luck thinking of going closer to the Park.I'm wondering if they are holding back on Stocking on down the river because of Upgrades on the Hatchery? oneshot
  21. Got a Game Plan just got one Bill paid off,put money that we was paying on that towards another Bill have it paid off in 3 months,take monies we was paying on them towards paying on another Bill having it paid off in another 3 months,plus Buy building Materials for Cabin.Have cabin finished mid Summer.Only Bill we will have left is Mortgage on this place which my Pension will more than Pay it plus Regular Monthly Bills like Electric and such. Have Basically all Bills to where can handle them,Have Cabin where I could live there if I wanted but probably just stay there good amount of time.Plus be able to keep this place.And once my wife gets out of College gets a Good Job all the Better. oneshot
  22. This is what I got from a Guy in the know They lost power to one of the paddle wheels and then lost thruster power and were unable to restore what they needed. oneshot
  23. Just heard seems all are ok but they may have to spend the night out there so they can see better and give the wind chance to die down. oneshot
  24. Just heard Branson Belle run aground because of the wind. Please Pray for them. oneshot
  25. Well I killed another Doe up there and Guys were catching Crappie.My City neighbor is doing stuff I'm not sure of.Wife has Finals at School this week.She says get set up,up there then think things over. With my Pension even if she isn't working we will have extra. oneshot
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