Laid up something in a safe place and forgot where I put it.
My wife was looking for a safe place to put a key.
Just kidding I told her to put it where I put the other no one will ever find it.
She went to put it up. Says look what I found. It was what I had put up. Seriously I can’t figure why I put it there. LOL
I have two Step Children that are half Iranian but their Birth Certificates say they are White.
My Step Daughter used her Race Card in College and for her Job.
Asked her about it. She said it is there to use so I did.
Must be nice to use your race when it will put you over another race.
One problem with any Trout water is over fishing. Use to know several go to Taney and come home with an Ice Chest full.
Even here on the river several catch Trout until they are gone.
Know one business got million dollars. Didn’t need it at the time so got blowed, now they are needing it.
My Son told city of Springfield where to go and opened his business anyway. They tried bunch of stuff but my Son had his Lawyer just staying with him.
I realized something when a woman told me she was getting extra money for her kids.
Like with so much COVID money people are just seeing extra money not seeing they will have to have the money later on.
So when the time comes to pay rent and other bills and these people find they don’t have the money are Tax Payers going to have to once again bail them out?
Also is the Government going to say we no longer have any money?
Summer the river anymore is scary.
I need to fish the river more being so close. Know if we go to our Cabin on Truman always fish.
Legal fish here are slowly released in Hot Grease.
Some can’t pass Drug Tests. Meth use to be bad around here. But some places around here don’t give Drug Tests but that is for Summer work.
I have to take Drug Test saying I am taking my Pain Medication. I take Blood Thinners because of Blood Clots which knocks me out of several medications.
Volunteer because my wife is working. I’m drawing a Pension too.
I’m still Safety and Logistic Chief.
They can’t have kin working for pay together.
I still take test and classes. I’m up on Weather, Pipe Lines, Transportation such as Trucks and Trains. I was doing Search and Rescue and Security.
Had to laugh was talking with my Son about fires out West. Told him use to I could run up them mountains.
He just laughed said something about getting older putting a stop to things.😥
Too late got several drawing check and getting Medicaid.
I’m getting Social Security. Have it same as Welfare thing is I paid in to it and unlike Social Security their not hollering about Welfare running out of money.
Years ago couple guys came from Springfield wanting to catch Trout..
We went using one Rod and Reel all 3 of us caught our 5 fish limit on Salmon Eggs in 30 minutes.
Got couple places here starting out at $12.50 an hour which around here is good but no way are they finding help.
Was talking with my Son about when I was young during Summer making good money at $2 an hour. Buy my School Clothes and calves. He just laughed.
Mother in Law asked my wife to get her out of there. Her Oxygen went to 0 and she can’t pee so they put a Cafiter in her..
Told my wife to tell her I told the Nurses to go in every couple hours so she wouldn’t get lonely.
Hmmm Doctors keep taking me off Meds. They tried taking me off Warfarin and I turned around and got Blood Clots. On one med to keep me from getting Acid Reflux. They had me on Zantac but say it gave me Cancer.