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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Well got my Tomatoes and Peppers planted. Wore me out. Seen my Potatoes need laying by but it can wait. oneshot
  2. Figured out what is wrong we think. My Blood is super thin. My wife said if anything was wrong with my Bladder my Blood wouldn't be thin. I was on another medication for a week. We're thinking it thinned my Blood to the point it almost killed me. Quit taking my Blood Thinners couple days starting to feel better. Allergies are messing with me too but know how to deal with them. oneshot
  3. This was back when water was over the 64 HWY Bridge. Which should have been shut down. oneshot
  4. The guy wasn't to be paid before but was. We was trying not to have the problems we had before, evacuating before the problem came. We was going around with the Sheriff Department. Like this last time evacuating after the problem was in motion ( River coming up) It was much harder. Before I could monitor the Radar at home which might be all night. Now we are only to monitor it for one hour. Which is stupid. Bad weather for here starts in middle of Oklahoma and in past we would watch and say what are you going to do? Sometimes it will bunch up right in the corner then follow I44 then other times go across Arkansas. If we wait until the last hour we better be headed for the office then listen to people asking why didn't they have more warning. It's a matter of Government pinching pennies and it won't work. I have to have different Radar that will cost me $75 but it comes out of my pocket. oneshot
  5. My wife is trained to figure cost on damages. Seems they explained if the kids were there they could arrest him for endangering their life. oneshot
  6. One time had a guy and children in a Cabin guy didn't want to leave. Fine we're taking the kids. He had the idea FEMA was going to pay. First they don't pay renters then they don't pay a second time. oneshot
  7. We got 5 inches of rain. My wife had to go the office. They did 16 rescues and there was 21 trailers in the park they couldn't get out. My wife came home after the water had went down 15 feet. Still got water coming from Marshfield and supposed to get more rain. oneshot
  8. Well they rescued 16 people. Went down 15 feet. oneshot
  9. Ah just Blood in my Urine. Their going to do some more looking. Worst thing would be Bladder Cancer. oneshot
  10. Seems the river came up faster than expected. Bunch of rescues all the way down. oneshot
  11. Sounds like you have it far worse than me. I just had Radiation but got something New going on. Been praying for you. oneshot
  12. Just got back from ER I'm pissing blood again. Seems I have been bleeding internally for over a week. Going to run some more tests possibly operate on me again. oneshot
  13. oneshot

    Road Trip

    Oh had a laugh. Guy was charging his New Electric Pickup. Had a Motorcycle in back. oneshot
  14. oneshot

    Road Trip

    Yelp missed mine. oneshot
  15. oneshot

    Road Trip

    Son come by and got us for a road trip. We went to Mansfield to Ingalls home. Went from there down to Gainesville to Caney Mountain. Couldn't drive the area because of Turkey hunting. Went back to the highway made a left. Went by Norfolk Lake. Then we got turned around got over by West Plaines. Finally got back around to Ava and then home. oneshot
  16. Years ago she thought she would get rid of me. I moved in with another woman. My wife asked how me and this other was getting along? Oh great she is talking about marriage. Get your stuff together and get back home where you belong. Can't believe another woman would put up with you! oneshot
  17. What did we do today. Decided to drive around looking at Dogwoods. Found where it burnt hot there was very few. Where they had logged there was more. Where we wanted to go there was too much water over the road. oneshot
  18. Today been married to Tina for 39 years. It's nice to find that one person you can annoy the rest of your life. oneshot
  19. I'm having trouble breathing. My Doctor told me that allergies are really bad. Rinse my sinuses out and wear my mask outside. oneshot
  20. Does anyone still throw their Line out and wait for what pulls it? Look up Bait Fishing and it comes up Lure Fishing. I'll admit I have did the cast and retrieve but most part throw my Line out and wait. oneshot
  21. Found why I'm not getting Lettuce. Army Worms are back. Sprayed them I hope it works. oneshot
  22. Maybe a Soft Shell or Snapper all others are safe. Caught a big Soft Shell at Truman. Dang things are fast,didn't work good me having one good working arm. oneshot
  23. Maybe some of these Coyote Crosses that people see are more Wofe genes coming out. oneshot
  24. Found best to stay away for the most part. We went to one place the Host was staying very awkward. We spent the night and slipped out early. Most places no one but us, one Host came by hollerd from the road. oneshot
  25. We have sensors set up in SE Missouri that we all use. Our area runs from Marshfield to St. Louis to the Bootheal along the State Line. Yes it is a small area but it takes many small areas to make big area. We have direct line to NWS when needed. oneshot
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