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Everything posted by Fishmeister

  1. The wife and I headed out to Lamar lake after work, fished 6:00 to 8:30. Surface temp is 77-78, cloudy light wind. Fished a 100 yard stretch of bank and kept 27 nice gills, no redears though. 80% of the fish we cleaned had eggs. Fishing not red hot like it can be but not bad either. Dave
  2. Red Magnum Rattletrap, 02-18-94, Lake Fork, TX. 11.29# 25 1/2" length, 22 1/2" girth. standing timber 8' - 10' Released to fight another day!!
  3. Chris, As of the 21st still a no on the gills. Alot can change in a week, though our weather has been fairly cool and showers, not really warming the water much. This weekend might be good with warming water temps. I would go but I am fishing bushwacker Saturday, will report on that trip. If I get the word they are going I will let you know. Dave
  4. Fish early or late is good advice. Another option is put in or run up the rivers to get away from most of the crowds. I have seen some skiers, jet skis up there but not like the main lake. I am fishing Taney and TR this weekend hopefully the fish are biting, heck with the tourist.
  5. Cooper it is then. thanks
  6. twosets,mwfischer Those were the two I was thinking about. Leaning toward Cooper not as far of a drive with traffic and all. Is current not too big a problem when launching at Cooper? Thanks, Dave
  7. Usually have a flyrod and waders in the upper lake, but the misses is wanting to get out this weekend. What are my options for launching my bass boat, assuming 4 units. I am staying at Pointe Royale and wanting to fish the landing to lookout area. Any help is appreciated. Dave
  8. I haven't been yet myself, but keeping in touch with those that have. From what I heard they are not going yet, I think all this rain we have had and cool weather has them a little behind in coming to the bank. After this week of sun and dry weather that might do the trick, can't be far off. I will be fishing Bushwacker the 30th, will report on that trip, you probably already know, but that is a excellent lake for gills and redear also.
  9. Tim, Thanks for the information. We are heading down Friday evening to camp for two nights. Hope the weather allows the kids to have a good day. The wife, our twelve year old daughter and I have a blast at kids fishing day.
  10. Congrats Leonard!!
  11. Roaring River Saturday. Anxious to try out my new RDP 2wt thats under the tree!!! Merry Christmas all. Dave
  12. Friend and I got to the park about 9, wanted to check out some of the spots Tim has talked about. Went to the conservation access just outside of the park, Muncy bridge and Curry bridge all look like water that would hold fish, especially with the good flow we have had this year. Anxious to fish them sometime when the park isn't opened. Started in lower zone 1 fishing a woolybugger, had trouble with ice buid-up for awhile, a few follows no takes. Switched to a grey scud a finally picked up a few fish, then to worms both san juan and chamois did better on them nothing big though. Friend was fishing a egg pattern and was doing ok. We had planned on wading in zone 2 but as we were rigging up two buses full of Roger AR high school kids unloading at camp smokey. I told my buddy they surely aren't fishing are they, yep they were, they pretty much covered zone 2 till after lunch. After they loaded up headed down into zone 2 and tied on a olive pms, wish I had switched earlier, more fish and quality better too. To end the day, around 3:30 I hoooked a big fish, wow what a fight on a five weight in current! The rainbow was 24" long measured on my rod, and a pig, largest rainbow I have caught. Great day at the park can't wait to get back. Sorry no pics I lost my camera at Taney night fishing this fall, have a new one under the tree though! All is good!! Dave
  13. 3.5 hrs plus. Never driven from KCK though, basing this on 2 hrs from home to KC, and 1.5 hrs from home to the park. If you are traveling early morning might make better time though.
  14. Oh ya, the efi thing probably complicates things for self diagnosis, still think you might be right about the pump though.
  15. Cajunangler, The fuel pump diaphram might be the cause, how do you diagnose or test your theory? I do believe it seems to be running rich (too much gas). Do you just replace the fuel pump or is there some visual check that can be done? Dave
  16. I replaced the plugs and water filter after I discovered I had a problem, no improvement. Thanks, for the heads up on Tangora's in Nixa.
  17. I have a '92 Bass Cat with a 200 EFI Merc. Boat has served me well over the years very little mechanical problems. I don't lake fish like I did, got a flyrod and waders so the boat has been sitting last several years. The motor will start and idle but when you try to get on plane the boat just stalls and will die if I don't back off. Seems to be alot of gas coming thru the exhaust, fim on the water. I do use Stabil and or Seafoam. Looking for recommendations of a good mechnic that is also resonable. I purchased the boat from Ulrich in Republic. I appreciate any suggestions. Dave
  18. None here, pobably a virus, spyware or trojan horse attack, good luck getting rid of them, I had it on my desktop unit had to start over from scratch!!
  19. I think we need to take up a collection to buy Leonard a new fillet knife, since it takes him sooooooooo long to clean 3 walleye.
  20. Leonard, Thanks for the heads up on the rain gear, hadn't took the time to watch the weather forecast!! Dave
  21. Leonard, I am heading down this afternoon for the weekend. Planned on fishing the spinning gear, maybe I should plan on the fly? Hope this continues, looking forward to fishing low levels again! Dave
  22. We're heading out tomorrow to set up camp maybe get a little fishing in too. My 11 year old step daughter really enjoys the fishing and the classes and activities. Hope the weather cooperates for the weekend!
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