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  1. Anybody have a update on water conditions mid gravois/lower end?
  2. It has been brutal tough. Someone will figure them out, always do. I have no suggestions but watch out for the floaters!
  3. Found some around Truman today. The sun is what we needed.
  4. Impressive! Congrats
  5. I will be bringing my 20 ft bass boat to Big Cedar next week. I have two girls. Age 3 and 5. They both have fished many crappie trips and can handle being in the boat for a half day somewhat easy. (somewhat) I haven't been on Taney since I was a kid. Most of my mornings will be fishing for Green fish on the Rock. I was going to try to take the family over for a "trout trip." I was needing suggestions on time of day to bring them, best launch coming from big cedar, and any other suggestions that you guys/gals have. I used to stay at Lilly's landing when I was a kid. Vaguely familiar with that area but it has been ALOT of years since then. I have the Maps from Lilly's landing (Thank you sir) Can't wait just to have a week off and enjoy the Ozarks. Appreciate the help in advance.
  6. Wrench, I didn't go but I am debating on fishing the dirty water or heading up to tail waters of Truman. I was on a good bite before the rain but I think I need the clear water. Either way going fishing is a win in my book.
  7. Anybody been up in Gravois since all the rain. Indian creek was on fire before all the rain. Thinking of sneaking out later this week.
  8. Bump. I am lost as well.
  9. Anybody have any current conditions? Weather Sunday looks perfect. Time to get the boat out!
  10. I chase the green ones once in a while. We need some CURRENT. They are barley letting any water out according to website. When its this hot with no current makes it tough for me. Only advise is big worm on big timber 10-18 ft.
  11. mo4packer


    Anybody have any advice on a bass bite? Struggling!!!!
  12. Someone always finds em!
  13. No I was out Sunday. But yes I fished in that area. Appreciate the help. Will try to sneak out again soon. Nice to see some info on the Truman page!
  14. Ranger, Are you fishing points or bluffs? Also, if you dont mind sharing the depth you are jekbaiting. I fished mainlake areas around the Dam on Sunday with a LC100 pointer for 6 hrs and not a tap.
  15. Thanks Mr. Babler, you are always helpful with the Rock. Wish we had someone on Truman as forthcoming as you.
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