Hunted on my uncles property in Montgomery County. Saturday morning we saw a 4 pointer and 6 doe....too far to shoot. My cousin's husband got a 6 pt at 6:30am. Sunday morning about 8am, we saw 6 doe coming in towards us when my cousin came driving thru the field, stopped and walked down to our stands. He got a nice 8 pointer and said there was a huge 11 pointer behind him, but did not notice him until after he shot the 8 pt. My son was excited about the 11pt so we decided to stay on that tract of land and hunt the rest of the day. I took a 150 yd shot at a doe, missed and spooked up some deer towards my son. Told him on the 2way that deer were headed his way....2 min later I heard a shot. Asked if he got one....said yes...should I take another? Since it was almost dark and he had 2 bonus tags, told him to fire away...bam...asked if he got it....yep! He shot 2 really nice doe! Had to get the atv, get them out, start the wonderful job of gutting them and bringing them home to process. We were up until 1am!! The weather was really warm and windy all day, but they were definitely moving. May have been other hunters stirring them up. Not sure they are in rut since the my cousin say the 2 bucks together....unless the 11pt was chasing the 8pt off. My son spoke to a couple of friends on the way home one got an 8pt near Cherryville, Mo, another got an 8pt somewhere north of Lake of the Ozarks and a guy I work with got an 8pt on a farm towards KC , but that was the only deer he saw. My neighbor hunted outside of Monroe City, MO and his brother in law stuck a 6pt on Friday with his bow, but they did not see a deer the rest of the weekend. Some guys hunting on the adjoining property got 3 doe. Its all about being in the right place at the right time = LUCK!