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Everything posted by flyfishmaster

  1. People are using laundry bags... When did this start? I have not read the regulations in a few years but I guess it is okay. Later, FFM
  2. Here is my worst tick story. 2 years ago I was cutting trees down in the late summer and that night my wife and I were starting to mess around. After a few minutes she said what the F! So I went to the bathroom to find a tick attached the bottom side of my male member. I used a tweezers to remove it, but part of the head (ok stop laughing) was still embedded. I call the doctor the next day and at the office is start chuckling because my male member was a bit inflamed . He comment was "it appears you don't need viagra for a few days". I did not laugh. The doc was able to remove the remainder of the tick and gave me some meds to take for week. At least I did not get any diseases. And yes my male member did shrink back down to the normal 10" size I'm use to. Later, FFM
  3. The rod is a great size of any of the MO trout parks and most of the smaller stream to fish for trout. You can get a NEW Orvis Recon same size for a bout $425, try to get the person down on the price. As for the reel, I'm not big on the old school reels. But if you need something to just hold your fly line, it will work. Also, $20 is on the high side for that reel. Later, FFM
  4. Yes. Dry/Droppers are perfectly legal. In past years at times I would have a Foam Hopper and 2 dropper nymphs to cover 3 different water columns. Later, FFM
  5. Your thoughts. After talking to people that have fished the Current for 30+ years, what anglers have posted on here thought out the years and my experience. If I have to use just one (major) color for a big streamer to fish on the Current, it would be a Dark Olive. What do you all think? Later, FFM
  6. great fish guys. very impressive. Needs to get me some for those.. later, FFM
  7. that is awesome
  8. very cool FFM
  9. I really like fishing in that spot during the Catch and Release season with the fly rod. Later, FFM
  10. Thank for post. Keep going with the blog post, always a good read. Ssome of us have to live vicariously through your posts Later, FFM
  11. Thanks for the report Kays. I'm hoping to get down to the Current in a few weeks for a day. If I swing through Rolla, you need a ride? Later, FFM
  12. Kayser, I just looked at both photos and you are correct that small bar looking spot is in the same location. That is a great fish to be photo-ed twice. Great catch for the both of you. later, FFM
  13. Thanks for the report and pics. I really got to get down there soon before March gets here. Later, FFM
  14. The "train wreck" looks awesome, but I'm thinking a size 18/20 at most times might be a bit too large. I tend to stay in the size 22 area for Trico, and add an indicator post on the top to help identify the fly. Later, FFM
  15. Great job on the videos, I enjoyed all of them. Keep up the great work. Later, FFM
  16. Mac, Al (like usual) is spot on with his advice. Streamers are not a big producer on the upper Current unless there is some color in the water or low light conditions. Later, FFM
  17. Welcome to forum. A lot of good info here. Just don't ask about the "Honey Holes"
  18. Britts, Will you be at BSSP on Saturday? Later, FFM
  19. Well done Kays.
  20. My wife gets me a lot of cigars for Xmas (around 60+). I just finished my last one on Saturday. F&F, I have tried everyone you have in the photo except for the CAO. My favorite brand is Romeo Y Julieta I'm not much of a bourbon guy, so I stick with my craft beers. later, FFM
  21. Jumping back 6 years ago, I was with a group of 40+ canoes. We put in at 9 AM set to do a 10 mile float on the Meramec River. At around 10 we got to the next put in, and our jaws dropped as we were watching raft after raft with 4 to 8 people per raft getting in the river. We had no idea we booked out float the same day as "The Bull Float". IT made for a very long day as it took us until 8 PM to get to our take out point. I'm not saying we were angels by any means, but I do have to say no body in our party received a ticket or fine that day. Through out the day, mostly at bends in the river, Conservation officers were going out in the water pulling rafts and canoe over to perform their checks. We met this one raft with 4 guys, after only floating 1/4 mile they had already received $800+ in fines, plus they lost their cooler because everyone was under 21. What a way to start out the day. Anyway, now when the group plans the float they call ahead to find what day "The Bull Float" is on and avoids it. Later, FFM
  22. I have to agree with you 10pointer. Over the last 8 years the number of Browns in Zone #2 and #3 are down (Do they still stock browns once a month in Zone #1?) In the past years and including Winter, somebody in our party would catch a 3+ lbs Brown every trip down. But we have been on a 3 year dry spell now with out catching one over 15". In the winter season, I love to fish zone #3 because of the possibility to catch a nice brown. Later FFM
  23. Wow. That brown was 26" long and had a girth of 24". Later , FFM
  24. The way Seth just described how the trout reacted to the trout worms brought back a lot of memories from the late 70s/early 80s when I started at Meramec Springs. Funny thing is that trout would do the same action back then. Spit the worm out at least 2 times before taking it in. The best advice when they finally take it is to not set the hook, just reel. I had more success using that method. Also, if you want to throw in some variety ( and this is going to sound strange), use Crickets. My father used them for years and always out fish us at Meramec Springs. We tried this methods at the other trout parks and it did not work as well. IT is because the water is slow. When using Crickets, use an extra long #16 shank hook on the lightest line possible. Later, FFM
  25. Thank you Everyone!!! Ellie told me to send out a Really Big Thank You to Phil Lilley and all the people at Lilley's Landing for their $50.00 contribution! She has a Goal of raising $100.00, as of today (4/7) is at $875.00!!! Thak you again. Kim and Lyn Ahne, & Ellie
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