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Everything posted by FRENZEL

  1. Hey guys, let me know if anyone you know comes across a chocolate lab with an orange collar or a black lab mix with a blue collar and a white spot on her chest. They got loose yesterday after I let my friend come and borrow my lawn mower. He didnt get the gate shut tight and they wandered off between 6pm and 11pm. I live in the T hwy /Kirbyville area. Chocolates name is Beretta and the black mix is ironically named freedom. Thanks for any help. Tracy
  2. Tout bit good again on a 1/80th sculpin jig or a blood red midge. My guy caught 50 or so and missed twice as many on the fly rod. Last fish of the day was this 20 1/8" brown on a rapala.
  3. I agree on release. Trust me I want good fishing to continue. I bet that isn't the 1st time that fat one was caught. I always encourage people to go the replica route as well. Just far superior when it comes down to it. But it is true that it is the anglers choice. A trophy is a trophy after all. Just wanted to point out that he still caught the fish, if it was bait or not we pat him on the back. I just wish I would have caught him.
  4. There was a small segment om Shep Hills hatchery and Taneycomo on Backroads (VS)channel last week also. Did anyone see it? It was a short part and I only caught the end.
  5. HopeNobody is offended we all smell like fish anyway you look at it.
  6. Does it really matter what it was eating or how it was caught? Doesn't mske it any less of a fish in my eyes. Or him any less of a fisherman. Great fish, Good job Jeff.
  7. I lost my glasses last week and felt like a cripple with out them trying to spot trout the other day. Didn't realize how much I actually did chase them around till I could't see into the water. I hate not being able to see my jig too.
  8. Oh, yeah I forgot to tell ya anything brown or green. Oh, and bait biters also. Anybody should be able to catch one.
  9. Here is a pic of the largest rainbow we caught today. I had a four person trip and this one came on the first cast. Thats usually the kiss of death but we got tired of catching fish by the end of the trip. 22 7/8" 4+lbs
  10. Hope you guys are having good luck today. It was a great time and ended up being a beautiful evening. Don't forget the gloves!
  11. Surely he didn't mean to come off THAT insulting.
  12. Phil you should have stayed. We hadn't had any good shad until after 1 am this year. Heck we didn't catch much till after 3.
  13. The best thing I had seen was someones pretty grey mercedes SUV parked about 4 feet over the line. Some guy in a primered mid 70's chevy pickup pulled in with all of four inches to spare and climbed out his window. He was laughing half way across the parking lot. Guess that time it backfired. ' I really wanted to hang around and see the look on the face of the person in that Mercedes.
  14. Here ya go the trout I caught
  15. What is the river like around there? What kind of boats can handle it?
  16. I fished for trout a little but my wife didn't want to stray far from the floatilla of friends that had come along. I think there was 13 canoes and 3 kayaks. We put in at Sunburst. I used mostly Marabou jigs in a grey ( turkey feather) and dubbed a moss green body. These are the easiest thing to use when you are not allowed to stop the boat and are in the restricted zone. I had a couple of browns. The largest was about 15 inches. Seen a bunch of big fish I couldn't cast to. They were in some runs over flat mossy bottom almost like ledge rock. The current was a little swifter in those runs, taking us downstream and like I said my wife would not stop. Downstream of the zone I switched to a silver/black swimming minnow and caught the heck out of bass. I could literally catch any Bass I was allowed to chase. If you could see them they would hit. Most of the bass were against the banks that had that floating matted grass on it. Only one Kentucky and he was about 12.5 inches rest were large and smallmouth. I really want to float it during the week and FISH FISH FISH. Less canoed would make a great difference I'm sure. OH, lots of goggle eye too. Also hasve you ever seen a solid orange crawdad down there. I mean blaze orange. I kept it for a fish tank. It has no blue or brown or green or yellow...Just solid bright orange. I'll get a pic for ya
  17. I caught some really nice largemouth and smallmouth from Blair to Dawt this weekend in the heat of the day with a million boats on the water.. Saw a ton more..All around 14-18 inches.
  18. Phil, The Busch area was one of my favorite spots to visit when I still lived in St. Louis. My dad still visits it weekly. I have noticed that every year when I go back with dad it gets progressively worse. It is mainly the city dwellers and the I'm gonna do what I can get away with attitude that is destroying that place. They throw junk out the windows, toss cigarette butts, leave bait containers,cans,bottles. They will do it right in front of you and don't care. I say someone needs to go out with a video camera and document how bad the problem is. Send a copy to the area manager and the MDC. The land is too good of a resource to let it be abused in such a manner.
  19. Could they do anything if we took some photos? Might at least make the turds think they are in trouble
  20. Bass are getting a little tougher. Instead of renting a boat the first day, you should take out a guide. It will give you a better idea and then you caould use the boat the rest of your stay.
  21. Oh, Phil don't het too excited. It was earrly last week and I heard they aren't there anymore. Just up from Yokum
  22. In the summer I usually catch them close to brushpiles or trees in 6-15 feet of water around the dam area.
  23. Here is the end of an almost perfect evening of crappie fishing. (almost caught my limit)
  24. You guys just remember the ethical question when you think a bout killing that nest of Brown recluses under your bed.
  25. THe first one I saw on Taney was at the Dam when I was a sophmore at C of O.(1995) Then I think it was just a seasonal thing. The last few years I have seen them throughout the seasons. I've seen a few on Bull Shoals too.
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