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    Springfield, MO

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Longear Sunfish

Longear Sunfish (28/89)



  1. 2" ball. Email me your contact info & Ill give you a call.
  2. -SOLD- I have decided to sell my Paddle Jon. I haven't used it in a couple years so I might as well get it to someone who would enjoy having such a cool rig. It is perfect for float fishing, drifting for trout, ponds, and is the best frog boat ever!! Boat is located in Springfield, MO. If interested, email me at rlooten.flooring417@gmail.com 17' Landau Paddle Jon, Galvanized trailer, 55# thrust Minn Kota trolling motor with customized 29" shaft, 2 removable seats with brackets, 2 anchors, rod straps. $1500 firm.
  3. In Southwest Missouri... Springfield, Branson, etc.., anyone know where to buy crickets for bait? Thanks!
  4. How do you change Stream Teams? I'm a member of one in Central Mo. But would like to switch to the one caring for Taney.
  5. Chuck Gries at Anglers & Archery in Branson is a terrific guide and maybe an even better person. I'd recommend you start with him.
  6. I have what is called a Paddle Jon I have decided to sell. It is an excellent boat & very versatile in the Ozarks. It is kind of a cross between a light Jon & canoe. Kinda hard to find. This is second one I've owned. I have only used it maybe 3 times. Perfect for float trips, Taneycomo, etc. it comes with boat, galvanized trailer, remove able seats, custom trolling motor, & battery. I haven't listed it yet but plan to. I would take $2k for it all. I live in Springfield. Happy to send pictures if you text me at 417-773-7850. Loo10
  7. Bought a new AFF 20' footer years ago. Had a Yamaha 25hp 4 stroke on it. Made one of the storage bins a live well. Sold it as I began pursuing some fish on bigger lakes & wanted a v-bottom. Like to still have it if I didn't have to give up current boat.
  8. Contact me at rloo10@hotmail.com & advise your phone number. I have a 17' Landau paddle Jon & trailer. Perfect boat for upper tailgaters, floating ozark streams, & frog gigging. It's been in water maybe 3x. Has custom seats & custom trolling motor too. Haven't used it like I thought I would. Might as well sell to someone else.
  9. Totally enjoyed these videos. Years ago, I traveled with 3 buddies to the Chippewa flowage and I believe put in right where you did below the dam; although then, it had barely enough room to launch the Hyde driftboat. I was the only one in our party who caught a muskie that day. It was caught on a large chartreuse streamer in that tea-colored water. I threw it on a Scott HP 10 weight until I thought my arm would fling off. Found out that trip that Leinenkugel's have healing power. It brought back lots of memories. Thank you very much.
  10. Have a 17' paddle Jon & want to float the James & catch-n-release fish for smallies. Want to visit with someone who has floated it and can tell me what to expect: riverwise. Not interested in a water adventure. Just a fishing trip. PM me. Thank you very much! Loo10
  11. Bob, It would have been very easy for you to have gotten defensive at crappiequeen's comments but you took the high road and tried to further help. I admire that very much. I have spoken to you by phone but never met you in person. Hope to someday...you sound like a pretty darn good guy. God bless! Loo10
  12. Enjoy the videos Phil. Thanks for taking the time.
  13. Chuck Gries with Anglers & Archery is a great guide & a heck of a nice guy too. Known him for years and highly recommend him.
  14. The third photo looks more like a sauger than a walleye; with all the spots. Are saugers in the White River system?
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