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Micheal Kyle

Fishing Buddy
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About Micheal Kyle

  • Birthday 07/01/1975

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Trout-perch (49/89)



  1. Awesome!!!!! I am glad you and the girls enjoyed the fly rods that we procured from TFO. We will be running the same deal for next year, which is one TFO fly rod and reel per family that preregisters for the youth portion of the Fly Fishing Fair. Michael
  2. Thanks for the great comments, plus glad it might have helped out for you guys to get some birds. It slowed down a lot especially with the rain today only shot 2 mallards but it did give me chance to work my new pup. Jag is 8 months old and really picking it up, I can not wait till next year with him!
  3. Thanks!!! It has been a very good spot for us the last couple of years.
  4. Been up to the farm a couple afternoons this week with my law dog brother and it has been good. The Pomme de Terre river flows right through it and it is loaded with mallards. They have been coming in around 4pm and still flying in after dark, good groups too. Had a group tonight of at least 50 birds. When we hunt this spot on the river we use no mojos maybe a dozen deeks at most and very little calling. I do belive in a jerk cord to put some motion on the water. I have got some other reports from some buddies that hunt other rivers that they are doing good as well. Now if we can get some snow they will really blow up!! Here is a pic from today with my brother.
  5. Went to Farm Sunday afternoon and got a limit off the river. 4 green heads and 2 gadwalls. With all the water going to be frozen the rivers are going to get very hot!!
  6. It does suck for sure, but at least the MDC shut him down!!! Plus it has been a great lesson to my daughters on how not to act towards other people.
  7. Well I have not hunted Taney very much this year been concentrating on a few spots that are close to my farm. I have found a very nice spot to hunt on Taney though down by Rockaway that my daughters have been able to get quite a few this year with me. Have had a guy that has been yelling at us while we are hunting and then to top things off he went and put corn all over it one night to our surprise the next morning we were down there which kept us from hunting the spot. I called MDC explained what was going on and MDC went and had a chat with him and instructed him that he was in the wrong and had to clean it up. That most jacked up thing I have seen in my 20+ years of duck hunting. My girls have sure enjoyed this year of duck hunting even though it has been a jacked up year for numbers and weather. Here are some pics of them from this year and to me that's what it is about.
  8. I was fishing down there this summer at night on a guide trip, when I went to launch my boat at the MDC boat ramp up by the dam there were 5 people fishing power bait, called agent he was on vacation. So I called Branson PD they you would have thought a major event was taking place, they sent 4 officers down there. Took pictures confiscated equipment measured fish checked licenses which no one had one. The Branson pd turned every thing over to MDC and they were ticketed. So if Mdc does not have the resource to respond there are other resources that will
  9. Send me an E-mail with what you would like and I will tie them up for you. For the Mohair leeches and Slump Busters $18.00/dozen the exploiters are 24/dozen
  10. The fishing sure has picked up the past couple of weeks, and the water has been right as well. I have had several guide nights on Taney this past month and everyone is looking for the elusive 30inch Brown with no avail lots of 20-25 inchers which are still great fish. We are swinging Streamers at them mohair leeches, slump buster and my exploiters. Some nights they want it just on the swing and some nightsthey want it burned back . I will have my clients cast down stream at an angle to the bank and let it swing through the current and let the fish dictate how they want it. This time of year I generally never get down past the point but that has filled in over the years now to where that has become pretty stagnant for fishing. I moved on down and have found that fishing conditions are a lot better at night down by the rocking chair all the way to KOA. When I have boat out at night we do not get above Andy Williams house that is a very nice bluff to fish at night stripping streamers. I generally get down there with my clients between 9-10pm and fish till 3am, makes for a long day back at the office but I say I can sleep when I am dead. So this week has been the best week out of the month for us at night seems like a lot of the big fish have finally made there way up stream and they are hungry especially at night. Last week there's hardly any action on the top of the water where this week there is a lot more jumping around and just being more active. On Wednesday night I get a call from my buddy asking if I wanted to go out, I said no I think I will just stay here and watch my Royals clinch then watch the Cardinals try and do something:) well after a little bit of arm twisting I agreed as long as he would drive. We got to the water about 9:30 and again the parking lot is empty, what happened to all the night fishers out there. I remember 10-15 years ago you could hardly find a parking spot at night. Oh well I love having the place to my self. We got dressed and Jeremy asked where I wanted to go I said just follow me and he stated we not gong up. I replied I have a little spot that has been hot all summer and I think there just might be something there tonight(I.E. the 30incher) I can here the song now did you see the 30 incher ok bad joke:) So we made a little trek down a path through the water and ended up half way between the Rocking Chair and the boat ramp. I was throwing my exploiter fly and picking up quite a few fish but again nothing big. The fish were wanting it just on the swing no movement what so ever except for the drift, I felt a little tap and I thought I missed the fish but he came right back after it and bent my rod almost in half. In my mind I instantly thought I had the 30 incher about after a 10 minute tussle I finally had him where I could turn my light on and get him in the net and to my surprise it was a big Rainbow. My biggest of my life down at Taney since I have been night fishing which I started when I was 16 and now I am 39, the fish taped at 29" x 20" I know that was a long winded story, but to sum it all up the fishing has been stellar down at Taney during the night time hours stripping streamers here are a few pictures of the flies that I use and have my clients use on our night time trips. exploiter Blood Red Slumpbuster Black Slumpbuster Here is a picture of a brown that Jeremy caught this week as well. Remember NIGHT TIME IS THE RIGHT TIME!!!! Till next time Michael
  11. HAHA You so funny:) Thanks guys, I caught it Wednesday night It was 29x20
  12. I agree 100% with MATT " MADDOG" MADURA. The only thing I would change up is the selection of the wader boots and go with the Cloudveil. What are your thoughts MATT
  13. It has come again to be my favorite night time bite, which is mousing for big trout on Taneycomo. Been out the last several nights to no avail of big fish but a lot of 18-20 inch fish on the Leming mouse that Mike Mercer came up with. The last couple of nights have been stellar for quanity but not quality the fish that my brother has was the largest last night:( and the one I have is the the largest from Saturday night 21 inches. I fish the mouse on a floating line with 12lb tippet cast it up to the bank then strip it back fast and pausing several times when it stops you had better be ready to set the hook. Best of luck if you try this method it can be very rewarding but just remember you are not going to have a 100 fish night not even a 50 you might be lucky to get 5-10 fish but they are usally good ones and you might even be surprised to catch a 10incher on it. Till next time Here are a few pics My law dog brother with a bow from Sunday Night Myself with a bow from Saturday night
  14. Awesome story!!!
  15. Awesome!!!!
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