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Everything posted by Steady99

  1. Thank you. I would like to see this more often, IF possible......
  2. I went up to the junction, just short of War Eagle... Water definitely chocolate in color. NO debris floating, but NOT clear... Not much boat traffic. Guy at HCreek marina said he saw me and one other on the water, but VERY cold before 5pm... Temps at late afternoon 49F that area. Water is stained in varying degrees till maybe Beaver Shores. Creeks --> 55F at the rear of Coose but nothing much there. Very few threadfin shad in evidence. Guess the cold water crippled that production for a while. ......steady
  3. I've had sinus allergy problems for years. After lots of nasal steroids, I discovered a really useful "sinus wash", which is distilled water and salt. Amazon search " NeilMed Sinus Rinse".....Haven't used the nasal steroid since......your milage might vary........steady......
  4. IS the Praire Creek area clear for a few days. Thx.
  5. Thank you for that. Very informative indeed. Regards, steady...........
  6. Hi Larry: any report on shad near the dam area? How bout temp? Water clarity? Lastly, did you have really heavy rainfall there past few days? Regards, steady........
  7. Could you elaborate on the water level and it's clarity? I went up to Hickory Creek Marina a few weeks back and the color was "chocolate milk " and heading down towards Praire Creek. Really bad that. Anyway, how's it look today??? Thx. Steady....
  8. Best to price your gas BEFORE deciding. I paid close to $5 gal last fall at Big Johns or other. Praire Creek was a dollar cheaper. I recall hearing that @ Praire ~$ 3.80 would be what they had to charge until they pumped all that high priced gas out. I've been thinking of trailering as a result of the wide spread. Life has got to get easier. See you there soon. Steady...
  9. Where's best prospects your opinion?? Any striper reports, esp topwater? Thx, and regards, Steady....
  10. Nice catch. Keep up the info. I hope to get down that way myself when the weather improves. What ever happened to Global Warming idea.. Regards, Steady....
  11. Did you notice any shad schools or striper activity ?? Do any good around the island? Regards, Steady....
  12. Nice fish. I'm new to Beaver and I've only fished out of Lost Bridge and Praire Creek. I hope to try the War Eagle section, but I'm not familiar with the trailering south of Hwy 12. I'm a bit old to trailer daily, but that is what I'll be doing in my Dec trip. So I'm hoping someone will respond with travel advice on where to launch in the Hickory Creek area. I stay in the 8th street area in Rogers normally. I think that I just take 62/71B south to 264 and then onto Hickory area. Any pointers on the location of an easy gasoline fillup that route when trailering. Boat is only Tracker 18 but it's easy to scrub the tires when dodging the faster traffic. Thanks for the above update, as it makes me want to get out there. Steady...
  13. Fishing the full moon week. Wondering how the mudline is? Lake clarity likely to improve to 8ft by then? Recommendations for striper fishing with spoons? Too early to chase them up the river? Dam best bet? Any advice appreciated. Can't believe this rain. Thx. Steady...
  14. Hi SamK. Could you relate how clear the water is throughout the lake, or even just the dam area? Wife and I were down there about 5 weeks ago, and it was a little clear near the dam, but very muddy around point 5 flats where all the striper guides were at. Hoping for improvement. Thx. Steady...
  15. Have to wonder about the impact of BOTH high water and weakening economy. What will that mean for the next six months of fishing?
  16. http://www.mid-southwalleyes.com/ The Norfork Lake Tournament scheduled for April 26, 2008 has been CANCELLED. This tournament will be rescheduled on Norfork Lake at a later date.
  17. Reworked in FREE Google Picassa. Great to sharpen and esp add fill light. steady..
  18. Larry: Do you recommend upper lake or dam area? I'm too old to be trailering around, so I prefer to just rent a slip and work that area. Tracy Ferry Marina said their turnaround was under water so you had to back in there. Can't go for that. Mentioned that a lot of striper guides were having trouble netting shad up in the brush. Nets get hung up requiring repair. I usually spoon fish for stripers. Spinners in the tree tops for bass. Thx. Steady...
  19. I had just called Cranfield Marina this afternoon about renting a slip in the next few days. They said nothing about NOT being open. Have to put-in at the Corp lot and drive around the DNR camping island to the dock was only problem mentioned. Ramps closed seems strange.... steady....
  20. Are you certain that the entire area would be 20 feet deep? ok as a simplifying assumption, but in reality, wouldn't some of those acres be somewhat shallower? That'd throw off the calcs a bit.
  21. Bull Shoals Dam opens spillways Bull Shoals Dam opened its 17 emergency floodgates this afternoon, according to the Army Corps of Engineers. Tracy Fancher, Corps project manager, said in addition to running all eight generators, the Corps opened the floodgates 4-5 inches at 12:30 p.m. today. Total water release was expected to be about 27,000 cubic feet per second. The Corps was to maintain that release rate for several days. The lake level at Bull Shoals was 693.62 feet at 9 a.m. Top flood pool is 695 feet.. Floodgates remain open at Norfork Dam, which is releasing approximately 64,000 cubic feet per second. The lake level there is 579.52, down from a new record level of nearly 582 feet. Top flood pool at Norfork is 580 feet. Both dams feed into the White River.
  22. Seems to be fixed now. Thx your help. I believe that this is the first time I've enjoyed this feature. I was wondering if it was opted out due to bandwidth concerns or other. I've reviewed a lot of forums, and very few reveal any color coding or bolding or other. Lastly, could you send me email re availability lodging in near future. Thx. steady
  23. I believe that I tried that last week. Still not working. Steady...
  24. Same story on four machines. IE7 does reveal a scripting error or such. -->Line 2, Char 2357. error "ipsclass undfefined" Might be the problem. Steady...
  25. I use both FF and IE7. Both very current and system itself is solid. MCSE background so this end should be ok. I display the standard editing window, but the icons are useless to me, both in ie7 and Ffox That really inhibits formatting. I have several machines here so I'll try from a couple others, but basically, they are all outfitted similarly. I tried deleting all cookies etc. Thx your assist. Steady...
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