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Everything posted by Gatorjet

  1. I'm beginning to hear a banjo!
  2. I used to do some spoonbill snagging on LoO. What I always thought was a big shame was the occasional channel cat that you hit with your snagging rig. They would have their side torn open, and the barb stuck deeply into the flesh. You had to release 5 or 6 pound channel cat with their entrails hanging out, or face the possibility of a ticket. Kinda miss those days, but the Gator isn't set up well for snagging, and my back, and shoulders aren't up to the task either.
  3. Pizza that is. On 76 just up from 65 in what was once Backyard Burger. "A couple from the Kansas City area are making Branson their new home and are bringing a business with them. David and Kathy Crowdus, formerly of Liberty, are opening a Godfathers Pizza in the former Back Yard Burgers building on 76 Country Boulevard. Weve been looking forward to this for a long time, and weve been looking forward to opening a business in Branson for a long time, but it just didnt materialize, David Crowdus said. He said he and his wife looked at a dozen different properties over the past three or four years, but none of their plans came to fruition until now. Its just a clear message what we were wanting to do at the time wasnt what (God) wanted us to do, so we just went on continuing doing our business in Kansas City, David Crowdus said. The couple still owns two Godfathers Pizza restaurants in the Kansas City area, but their third restaurant will be different from the others. Were going to continue to serve great pizza and pasta, but were going to have a roasted chicken bar with mashed potatoes, gravy, just an assortment, David Crowdus said. We thought Branson would be an ideal place for that. Were the first franchisee to do this new concept. The only other roasted chicken bar is in a corporate store in Iowa, Crowdus said. The Crowduses have owned Godfathers Pizza restaurants in Kansas City for 20 years and Davis Crowdus has worked in the food industry for twice as long." Opening February 24. Pizza for me, roast chicken for Her! Great idea.
  4. Nick and I went there a couple weeks ago when we were at Lilleys' for the R. A. W. Tournament. Thought we'd go find some crappie for dinner Thursday. Had a great trout fry!. Went back for R. A. W., caught crappie! Go figure. LOL
  5. Welcome to OA reddon30. Even if you have to adjust your budget up a bit for a room, you won't regret staying at Lilleys' Landing.
  6. I've launched the Gator down there a few times when the Cooper Creek ramp was iced up. Never had a problem, but now you got me skeered!
  7. To think years ago, when I was a kid we would spend two weeks in the Summer at a resort North of Grand Rapids Minnesota. We caught a bunch of yellow perch while crappie fishing, and were told they were "bait staeling trash fish". We never kept a single one. Kinda wonder why we didn't at least try them. Especially later in my rebellious teens when I caught a catfish up there, and was told the same thing. Being from Missouri, we knew better, and It went in the fryer with the crappie, bluegill, and walleye.
  8. Aw, go all the way, and lose that thing hanging on the back with all the stuff that can be damaged poking down in the water under the boat! V
  9. Will be down tomorrow. Hope they are still there, and hungry. I also caught one Saturday not in that area. Fishing in the Masters tournament, so I didn't really try for more. It was in an area not particularlly good for trout to me, but out of the wind. I caught one there last year as well. So we will be giving that area a good try as well as the Landing on Thursday.
  10. Thanks for hosting another great tournament. Dissapointing as It was. We fished jigs of various colors both straight, and under a float. We released lots of small fish only to find out that was what most others were weighing. We had one decent rainbow, and several small ones. Nothing that would have been in contention so we didn't bother bringing them to the scale. Just released them at the dock. We tried Cooper Creek, and below, Monkey Island, the bridges, Short Creek, the narrows at Trout Hollow and below, and the bluff across, and up from Lilley's. One Brown about 16 inches, and a small crappie in addition to the small rainbows. Nothing much for the Gator to roar about, but there's next Saturday and R.A.W. to look forward to.
  11. Don't expect a PK380 to be as accurate as your M9. As stated, especially at more than 7-10 yards. Also keep in mind that each seperate design may need a different hold to get the best accuracy. Have you tried shooting the Walther from a solid rest?
  12. Jd, you're real close to my almost world famous, nearly authintic Jambalaya. Pretty much just add some andouille!
  13. Very well done report, and welcome to the OA forum. It's always good to hear a success story from a happy angler.
  14. Sorry to hear of your misshap. But look on the bright side. At least you "landed" your trailer on the right boat ramp.
  15. Thanks. I was trying to find out for someone on another Branson forum wanting to attend the weigh ins. She said she went several years ago, and thought It was somewhere in Kimberling City. My guess was State Park Marina though.
  16. Where on Table Rock is this tournament held. Nobody has mentioned a marina. I could find nothing on the B.A.S.S. website. Is this some of what you are calling unprofessional? Or is this tournament so "elite" they don't eant "civillian" spectators at the weigh in?
  17. Sorry to miss this year. Sounds like you are having a good turnout. The food looks great as always. Right lines, and Happy New Year to all my OA pals Bob
  18. I'm probably not going to make It this year. Been trying to talk the wife into another New Year's Eve in Branson, but not to successful. She's bumbed out because Clay Cooper isn't having a New Year's Eve show this year.
  19. How's the fishing off the dock? We're coming down next weekend, but more of a Branson trip with the family than a fishing trip. The Gator is getting droped of at Gatorboats in Cuba for some upgrades, and a minor makeove on the way down. Nick and I probably won't have enough time to justify renting a boat, but you know we will spend some time fishing off the dock.
  20. Where I could run the far upper end of Taney with my Gator with very little, or no flow I choose not to out of respect to the wading fishermen. There's 26 miles of lake, and I don't need to fish the upper one or two. While on the rest of the lake I make much smaller of a wake keeping up on plane than plowing against the current. I can also run out of the channel to stay away from other boats. I asked this question on a thread on OA a while back. All said keep It on plane, and skirt around them. I think a lot of people who plow through the water at slow speed actually think they are being courtious to other boaters when in fact they are causing a larger wake.
  21. Just wish I were there so I could walk along the exposed shoals, and get back all the jigs, Little Jakes, and Rapalas I've left there over the past 20 or so years! LOL
  22. From the Corps of Engineers press release that I posted the link to in post #1 "The Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District will repair the Table Rock Powerhouse water release system Monday, Nov. 4 requiring Lake Taneycomo to be lowered to an elevation of 696.5 feet." http://www.hometowndailynews.com/17521/repairs_to_table_rock_powerhouse_will_lower_taneycomo.html
  23. Strictly a guess, but if they are doing something on one of the turbines I would think maybe they don't have any kind of a backflow gate. That would allow water from Taney back into the turbine. Like I said, just a guess.
  24. This article says they will be lowering Taneycomo to do repairs on Table Rock, but they don't say how long. http://www.hometowndailynews.com/17521/repairs_to_table_rock_powerhouse_will_lower_taneycomo.html
  25. In 1964 Winchester made changes in some manufacturing methods, and materials to save money. On the 94 one of the worst changes was metalurgy of the receiver causing flaking of the finish, and making them near impossible to refinish. The cartridge lifter was changed to a cheap stamped steel rather than a milled part as well. The walnut stocks were replaced with "hard wood" of some kind. The general fit and finish of the pre-64 guns were much better. As time went on, and customer complaints flooded Winchester they improved on their cost saving mistakes. But they also add features that are undesirable to many. A rebounding hammer safety mechanism, angle eject, and a very obnoxious cross bolt safety. The 94 I got in a trade for a Yugo M48a Mauser is a pre safety angle eject that was built later enough to have a very nice finish. Even though It is the Ranger economy model. the Winchester 94 was not the only model to suffer from the bean counting geniuses. Pre-64 model 70 bolt actions are highly sought after, and comand an equally high price. Wayne, my Remington 700 7MM Mag does have a brake, and Pachmayr Decelerator. Those two addition brought the recoil down into the 243 range. While recoil doesn't bother me I will say with the Remington the way I bought It, with the McMillan stock that is made of a foam filled fiberglass shell, and a common recoil pad the recoil was a bit painful.
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