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Rolan Duffield

OAF Charter Member
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Everything posted by Rolan Duffield

  1. We appreciate the great pictures. Thanks for sharing. Rolan
  2. I felt highly honored to help support these great service people. And what a great time we had. John turned out to be a very good fisherman and caught about 12 trout up to 14". He remarked to his friends that we only kept 3 for him to take home as all the others were too big. I heard a lot of "thank you's" from our guests and one of them remarked "this day was like six months of rehab for me." Makes you feel very humble for their sacrifices. I would support this anytime. A Special thanks to Phil and the Lilleys Landing team for hosting this and the great cookout to close the day. Rolan
  3. I enjoyed reading this story. Thanks for sharing it Terry. Rolan
  4. I miss it too. --- Must be underwater. Anyway, how are the water levels in Taney? Rolan
  5. Hey --- Bill. I love your simple ways and sharing your experiences with us. You and Don provide more interest than any of the other guides. Are they afraid someone might learn something from them? I've known Bill for several years and have always enjoyed his company and watching his posts. He's one fine fellow. Rolan
  6. Congratulations John: Enjoy these good times and I hope they last forever for you and Tami. We're occasionally caring for my sons 5 month old son. I never believed this could be so much fun. I really enjoyed our time on Taney ,last year. You're always welcome to join me -- fishing -- anytime. Best regards, Rolan
  7. Many thanks for the kind words. Haven't been fishing yet this year -- That will change next week. One of my sons, Richard, and one of my brothers, Ed, and I will have a great time at Taney, in spite of the forcasted rain. Hope to see some of you. Regards to all, Rolan
  8. Phil: Thanks for the report and please keep us informed. I'm a long way from Taney though if I can help in any way -- please feel free to call. We're hoping that this storm passes some distance away from the lake areas. We're expecting heavy rains here in KC tonight and tomorrow. Flooding is expected in some areas south of here. Rolan
  9. OK. I'm lost. What is a CCI? Rolan
  10. Sorry soggyfeat, I don't think there's any pics of me on the curent site. Phil did post some in the past. I sent jobyKSU a message indicating that I haven't received the flies for picture taking. He's checking on that and I will photograph them for you when received. Rolan
  11. Enjoyed the part 2 show --Bill & Phil. You tube said Part 1 was no longer available. Wish I was there. Can't wait till April 21. See you then. Rolan
  12. It's working OK though the direction of the camera has changed. Would prefer seeing any area that would show the apparent water level. Rolan
  13. Phil or anyone with a boat and camera: Would like to see some pics of the high water which show areas we are familiar with. -- Lilleys Landing along the bank and the old launching ramp. -- The Launch area below Cooper Creek -- The new landing area downtown -- possibly the outlets at the dam. Those of us up here in the north country can't visualize the high water conditions. Regards to all, Rolan
  14. Many thanks for taking and posting the pictures. Sad to see all of the damage. Rolan
  15. I agree with flyfishn as to the method for replacing a rod tip. I prefer the epoxy over the regular rod tip cement. Rolan
  16. I can just see someone taking it up to the Big Hole or farther up. That would ruffle some feathers. Rolan
  17. I agree with hdfhoosier --- "I like it the way it is" and thanks for your great efforts "Phil" for making this site possible for us. I'm a member that scans this site often, though I don't always log on. If I feel I can add support to a question, then I'll sign on and respond. You're always looking to improve the site and communications while keeping it family friendly. We appreciate that. Best regards, Rolan
  18. Phil: Hope we see some of those pics soon. That might take the chill off of us up here. Sounds like you're having a great trip. Rolan
  19. Thats not nice. Phil's rubbing it in. It was -4 degrees this morning and up to 12 degrees this afternoon. They indicate seasonably low temps for the Kansas City area for at least the next week. Phil: Wish you were here. Rolan
  20. I'm willing to help anytime. Send the flies. Rolan
  21. Seth: You should use a standard 2 part epoxy that is made for coating the wraps. Cabelas sells a product that comes in small single use packets called Cabelas two-part Professional Rod Finish. This is a flexible epoxy materia that is designed for this use. Flex-Coat also has a product for this application. Apply a thin coat for the first coat. Two coats should be sufficient. The coatings should only cover the windings. After applying this epoxy, I keep the blank in a horizontal plane and rotate it about every 10 to 15 minutes for at least the first 1 1/2 hours. That should be adequate to prevent sagging. Rolan
  22. bobtu: I'm certain the regular classes starting January 14th are on an evening. Contact Dave Cook. His phone and email is listed above. Rolan
  23. The posted reports about water flow looks like a roller coaster recently. Why is their so much variance? Rolan
  24. I commonly use size 12 weighted scuds anytime during the day if fishing the deeper water such as that below Lookout. My favorite fly is "Peppy" which is listed in the flies section on this site. This is a very effective fly if fished correctly. Rolan
  25. Phil: what do you mean when you say "Can't saw unless your certified". Rolan
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