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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. I’m right, you’re wrong, now I’m taking my toys and going home. And flinging a cheap shot about Ned rigs on my way out. Where’s your data to prove that a fish has ever been deep hooked on a Ned rig? Where’s your proof that leaving the lure in is the thing to do? I can’t find any legitimate studies have been done on either claim. #liberalmuch?
  2. I think the same can be said on both sides.
  3. To quote Mr. Bill, I’m just not that mad at em. 😃
  4. I’ll take that as a compliment coming from you, brother LOL 😆😂
  5. Who cares about having all the motels, restaurants and such? Tournament fishermen? Those of us who live here don’t need em. We could do just fine with a lot less of them AND tournament fishermen.
  6. Denali Kovert LT ... Crankbait model K903CB. It’s 7-6 and more than strong enough to handle big baits but 25% lighter than other rods in its class. Has 14 guides. Great cranking stick.
  7. Very good post. Lots to chew on.
  8. Holy kamoly! LOL
  9. Trust me when I say the same thing is happening on TR ... soooo many green bass out chasing shad in the middle of nowhere.
  10. Did you ever think that maybe it's that tough and getting tougher because of all the pressure put on it directly and indirectly by tournaments? Oh, and by the way, MDC doesn't stock bass into Table Rock --- hasn't in decades.
  11. If you can't take a jab, don't ask silly questions like where to find release fish. The entire purpose behind release boats is to spread them out over a large area so they aren't targeted by people either too lazy or incapable of finding their own fish.
  12. Why would one even ask this question? Are you seriously trying to chase down the retreads from the derby? Seems pretty desperate to me, especially for a former guide.
  13. The elephant in the room is that tournaments aren’t going to change as long as adrenaline and testosterone are the driving forces. Most derby fishermen talk a good game about conservation right up to the point where they’re asked to change their ways, and then they deny any culpability whatsoever. Truth is, the fish are just game pieces ... at present, no one is willing to give up derbies and traditional weigh-ins no matter how many bass it costs all of us.
  14. Day in and day out, using an identical shaky head worm or Ned rig in clear water, you will get more bites using 8-pound line than with 10-pound line. You'll get even more bites using 6-pound line, and more still using 4-pound line. And before anyone starts talking about rate of fall, I'm talking about purely dragging the worm/Ned slowly on the bottom. We are never going to wholly agree on this subject but the above is based on my personal experiences on the water and that should outweigh everything else for all of us.
  15. Amen, Bro. Mark 😄
  16. Maybe it is by the time you run around the Joe Bald point and all. Just never thought about it being that far.
  17. I respectfully disagree with you stupid heads who don’t believe line visibility matters. 😁 Spool your spinning rods with good 6-lb green mono. Use 10 lb carbon on finesse jigs and crank baits. You can use 17 mono for spinnerbaits. You can drag a FB jig or C-rig on 15 lb carbon.
  18. I don’t believe it’s 9 miles from Kimberling to Aunts Creek.
  19. Not to bash at all but I bought two Presidents on sale about 2 years ago and within a few months of use, both broke in exactly the same place ... where the reel seat stem enters the gear case. Hopefully this was just a bad batch. I replaced them with Summit XT models and haven’t had a bit of trouble with them. Again, hope yours run trouble free for years.
  20. Sorry to offend if I did. Was meant in fun. Soccer players are obviously good athletes. It’s the game itself that I’m not enthralled with. We all like different things. And I hope this site doesn’t get to be a house of liberals where no one can make a good natured comment without hurting someone’s feelers.
  21. You’re still safe to say “any sport.” Soccer is recreation at best. 😆
  22. Heck of a good report and lots of nice pics. Thanks, guys. Nothing quite like the prespawn bite on TR. Congrats on the good finish. Too bad you couldn't have found one more good one.
  23. Right indeed, my friend.
  24. Good job, BB. You flat hammered them.
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