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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. In my opinion, distance is your most important factor on big, clear lakes like The Rock. I'd rather throw downwind with a big distance advantage than into the wind because someone says every fish down there is facing into the wind.
  2. Time to do some of that pilot s***.
  3. I wonder if they are really scarce in the lower end or if they're just so spooky that it's super hard to catch them? Or maybe stained water is more to their liking and they actually are more numerous in the river arms. Whatever the case, Beaver Lake is the same way ... not a lot of crappie on the clear end but some really big ones. Far more numbers in the rivers.
  4. Super job by Lily and big congrats. I myself know the blessings of having a tough girl for a wife who loves to fish. I have only one question ... she had to call and tell you she was on the way home with money? You were not even tough enough to go to the weigh-in?
  5. Great job, Ben. I'm jealous as heck. Love catching crappie this time of year but just not willing to put in the work it takes to find them in these parts. You, on the other hand, did the work and are reaping the benefits.
  6. Foul weather + highland reservoirs = good bite (most of the time). Now there's some math with some actual practical worth.
  7. Pretty soft compression, I presume?
  8. Chris, it's at Danna's.
  9. Thanks for the great report and the tip on the gloves, Brett. As you well know, 15 pounds will do you a lot of good in most TR derbies ... but those old nasty days in prespawn conditions just lend themselves to really big sacks. Still, a check is a check and helps offset expenses. Congrats on a good day.
  10. Pardon if this has been explained before, but what's a Ned?
  11. It's also exactly the color of traditional white golf balls. Don't ya think, Vern?
  12. Great trip even if the derby did get pushed back. Congrats on those nice ones!
  13. Dang, you're an OLD goat, aren't ya? No one has said "avocado" in years! That old Mann's Stingray grub has caught millions of bass over the years.
  14. Can't be hatin' on the wind on these highland lakes. It's more than your friend.
  15. Not a specific line, but that scene were Maverick and Goose walk into Top Gun class the first morning and see that Kelly McGillis is the instructor after serenading her the night before at the club is a hoot and a half.
  16. "He loved flying with you."
  17. Solid candidate to become an NYT best seller. I call editor's dibs.
  18. Sure you weren't at Sturgeon Bay?
  19. I think one 96 Champ may be all we can stand. Just sayin.
  20. Cop biscuits I love them, too, as my physique shows.
  21. Beautiful fish. Congrats!
  22. As you likely know, those fish are relating to bait, Ben. Bass of all colors -- but especially spots -- will suspend where schools of bait are present. You are doing yourself a mountain-sized favor by learning to count your lure down and keep it in the strike zone.
  23. Good call on the postponement. I like April 22, especially with dtrs5kprs able to attend.
  24. Especially if they were Callaway Supersofts
  25. In that case, I withdraw my previous statement.
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