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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. Bill makes his living guiding people to fish, then helping them catch them. Not an easy job and he doesn't have luxury of barometer-watching and going when he chooses.
  2. Very interesting observation, Iclass. We all know that the food chain starts with the tiny stuff.
  3. Mark, Thank you for your facts, although I fail to see how any of them address my concern. 1. I think we can all agree that, given the fact that 2-pound fish sometimes take hourly prizes, practically any fish of that size or greater is going to be placed in a contestant's livewell upon being caught. As electronic updates are sent out and it becomes apparent that the fish is too small for prize consideration, many of those fish will be released. But if they were caught from a spawning bed, they've already been removed from it. 2. My point is not fish care, it's fish being removed from spawning beds. 3. My point is not fish care, it's fish being removed from spawning beds. 4. My point is not fish care, it's fish being removed from spawning beds. 5. Your tournament circuit is named the Oakley Big Bass Tour. The entire premise is to catch the largest (heaviest) bass possible. Are you really going to deny that big bass are targeted? REALLY?
  4. I want one. Beady eyes. LOL
  5. I realize this is a popular event -- partly because of the payout and also because less-experienced anglers stand a better chance of winning money in a single-fish format than a traditional tournament. However, IT IS MY OPINION that this one derby has a bigger negative impact on the fish population of Table Rock than any other held all year, and probably more than several combined. The organizers obviously target the spawn in the first six events of their national schedule, starting in Florida and steadily moving north. Unless we have an unusually warm spring, which at this point doesn't seem likely, the middle of May is liable to be the peak of spawning season. Imagine how many prime-of-life spawning females are likely to be snatched up and hauled to Long Creek during this two-day event. Yes, there are many other derbies this time of year. But they don't draw as big a field as this one. Also, since all prizes are based on single-fish weight rather than a five-fish limit, anglers are more likely to stay with a big bedding fish much longer in their efforts to get her to bite. I'm a tournament fisherman myself and I don't pretend to preach that any of them are beneficial for the fish population. But as with everything, some cut deeper than others, and MY OPINION is that this one cuts deepest on Table Rock.
  6. Dam area to Baxter would be upstream. So would North Indian, just a lot closer.
  7. Sucks that it was like that. We battled the same thing Sunday. Lake was as rough as I've ever seen it, especially at the long 2-buoy point at Kim City and the stretch from the Hwy 13 bridge to Mill Creek.
  8. You guys are full of it. Jerk bait is completely impotent after mid-March. Put it up and don't get it out again til next December.
  9. Good story and great pix Edwin. Good to see you!
  10. Using your own hair sounds kinda painful.
  11. They suspend, QB. I bought one last week. I like it. A bit wider wobble than the MB or Luck-E-Strike. Now if I can just get around some fish that want to bite, we'll see if it's worth a hoot. Taking it to Grand this weekend. We'll see what the drum think about it.
  12. I know a guy down here in NW Arkansas who is exactly like OP is talking about ... not connected and can't afford it. He's won boat after boat around here and made some major waves on Central Pro-Am back when they were running 200 boats per tournament. It's all about money. Just like life.
  13. A 4.67 spot is a fine fish. They are my favorite species.
  14. Hodge, I signed back on because I realized I'd left off Sainato and the Davis boys. Good call to add them, along with the Fanns and the Dodsons. Taylor is a tough one, too. So is Pete Wenners and then there is Boaz and Rider in the winter series. Jerry Snider rates a mention. So dang many.
  15. People will be talking about Jason Christie for years to come.
  16. Just a few that come to mind ... Bill Beck, Dave Barker, Charlie Campbell, Bobby Sullivan, Terry Thomas, Buster Loving and our own Bill Babler. There's also a lengthy list of "legends in their own minds" but we'll leave that alone. LOL
  17. My ol' buddy caught this 5-pound SM on May 31, 2012. Bluff end in the mid-lake area on a Bass-X finesse jig (of course). Not sure of our biggest LM, although I do know that I weighed in a 6.74 in a Central Pro-Am derby a few years back caught on a Redfin. We've never weighed any of our bigger spots, and while we've crowded 4 pounds on several occasions, I don't think we've ever topped it.
  18. Donna and I are up to four of the Lew's Tournament Series reels now (TS1H, ratio 6:4:1) and love them. Planning on a couple more soon. The original four are all about a year old now. Not a problem one.
  19. Just tough right now, Jason. Thanks for sharing your misery and making the rest of us feel not quite so dumb.
  20. Not to revel in your struggles but sure as heck glad it isn't just me being stoopid.
  21. If they don't come up from 60 feet deep where they've been for months now, we're gonna need to start putting more SuspenDots on our wake baits. A lot more.
  22. Oh, and that had to be me you were following, F&F. Nasty roads indeed. Surprised there weren't more wrecks. That glaze was pretty much invisible but it was by gosh slick as snot. I saw you in my mirror as I turned on 37. Nice Tracker. In fact, I thought it might be you headed for Indian Creek or Dam Site. My truck is light silver but that was me.
  23. I think you're exactly right, Dewayne. Same principle as farm ponds ... they chill faster and warm faster than anything. Not much water and not very deep so very sensitive to both heat and cold.
  24. Most likely yes, Bill. Donna and I fish the Baxter area quite a bit. We often launch at the H Hwy ramp.
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