BassMan, this is more general than specific, but you have a few different options.
Out on the main lake, you can dropshot the big commercial docks with the finesse worm of your choosing. This time of year, and anytime the surface temp is above 85, I lean toward plum or even straight strawberry red. Of course, live crawlers will work well, too. Keep an eye on the forum here for fresh news on the thermocline and keep your bait in it or close to it. Generally, it's gonna be around 30 feet.
If that doesn't trip your trigger, you can tie on a football jig or hula grub and drag them off long runout points or bluff ends. In my experience, bluff ends with timber tend to outshine those without it this time of year. You might also try dragging a tube for smallmouth in those same areas. Seems like a fellow told me he caught some that way recently, although I can't recall who or when that might have been. LOL — You can also downsize to a shaky head (plum finesse worm) and get plenty of bites in the right areas.
Finally, you can go on up Long Creek/Cricket Creek and find some classic river fishing territory. Plenty of places to pull deep crank baits off channel ledges or drag a jig around. There can be a good flippin' bite up there, too, but with the low lake level, there may not be a lot of cover in the water. Speaking of which, be very careful running up above Cricket Creek Marina. You can do some damage in a hurry.
Good luck and let us know how you do.