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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. But remember, 90 percent of the fish live in 10 percent of the lake, and that 10 percent just happens to be Aunt's Creek.
  2. Thanks for the detailed report, Bill.
  3. Hey, I could fish those derbies ... long as Donna or Denny would fish with me. Sure is nice to have elderly fishing buddies.
  4. Betcha anything both those fish are fine and someone will probably find them a nice Sammy in the next day or two. LOL. Buck Creek Mike, I grew up in Hot Springs with Mark Davis and he would do like you sometimes when chasing open-water schooling fish and opt for the light line route. He'd take a long, limber spinning rod with 6-pound mono spooled onto a big ol' Zebco Cardinal 4 (you oldtimers like me will remember those old green Cardinals, they were great reels in their day). Mark would tie a Boy Howdy, Devil's Horse or other good-sized topwater on that spinning rod and he could throw the darn thing nearly outta sight to schooling fish. Whoever was in the boat with him was just out of luck because none of the rest of us had a set-up like that.
  5. Wouldn't worry about them dying. With each other to pull against, they were most likely separated within minutes, maybe seconds. Just a suggestion, but no need to throw topwaters on 8-pound line. Actually, a topwater will perform better on bigger monofilament line such as 15-pound Trilene Big Game. I like to use both a split ring (most quality topwaters come with one) and a smallish snap to get maximum action from the lure.
  6. Welcome back, ol' pal.
  7. Darn fine sack, Jason. Congrats.
  8. Phil, remember you don't have to outrun the bear, just Babler. Donna and I will get out there soon and have you lined out when you get back, Bill. Denny will do his part, I'm sure.
  9. Sorry pieces of sh**.
  10. Don't sweat the big black snake. He's not poisonous.
  11. Hang in there, brother. No matter how big it is to us, Donna and I are living proof that cancer is no issue for The Great Physician. Will continue to pray for both of you.
  12. Really nice report indeed. Thanks for taking the time to write it up and for sharing.
  13. LOL @ Stone - he's gonna hafta put a seat belt in that new Phoenix or he'll blow himself plumb out of it.
  14. So why would culling up in size be an issue anyway if you aren't fishing a tournament? Are you culling up to take the largest six fish home to eat? If so, you have no right to criticize derby fishermen.
  15. Move over Gary "Mr. Walleye" Roach. There's a new sheriff in town.
  16. Donna and I have been driving Titleists lately rather than the Champion.
  17. Fabulous report. Thanks a ton.
  18. You caught Walter! Congrats, rps. Couldn't be more deserved.
  19. Capt. Joe is dead on the money about not needing a good sonar to drop shot. You can drop-shot the big docks at the depths he recommends and catch plenty of fish including some good ones.
  20. Hunter, would also strongly recommend you hire a guide for a day. This old lake can be tough as concrete nails in mid-August but fish can still be caught. Beck's as good as they come, and so is Babler. Don House is also a darn good deep-water guide. Couldn't go wrong with any of them.
  21. Not the first of negative things I've heard about Biffle. For sure, it only takes a couple to give all derby fishermen a bad name.
  22. Good reminder for sure. Thanks T-RockJaws.
  23. Tempted to say unreal but we all know better than to pretend there aren't people out there just that ignorant. Motor cowlings aren't cheap. I know because I bought one just recently.
  24. Thanks for the detailed and honest report, rps. Can always count on that from you. Bet you're right on those Walters being up in the bushes. Nice, cool and shady in there and probably plenty of food there, too.
  25. What makes a War Eagle spinnerbait work so well also can be its downfall. That piano wire is the bomb for producing straight-running baits with the perfect vibe. But you can't bend 'em too many times and expect them not to break at some point. My advice on derby day is to always tie on a new one and if you have to re-bend it more than three times, put on another new one and save the first one for a fun-fishing day. That goes double for the quarter-ounce baits because their wire is even lighter. But again, give me the bites anytime over a bait that'll last forever but not catch anything. Buying a few spinnerbaits is but a drop in the bucket compared to what we spend for trucks, boats, electronics, rods, reels, gas, lodging, etc.
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