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Everything posted by duckydoty

  1. This is my favorite set up. Sensitive, and enough power to throw the mega bass a good distance. Modified Carbonlite. The extended handle no longer gets in the way while jerking down. The fish feels pretty big on a hook up though.
  2. 3 1/2 hours on high heat. 6-7 hours on low. Batteries only take 20 minutes to recharge
  3. I’ve been in the penalty box for a couple weeks now with a cracked block on the tracker jet. In the process of converting the duck machine into a hybrid one man crappie/walleye/duck rig. This is gonna be interesting.... Thanks for the report. You’re keeping me on a mission!
  4. Another good way of conditioning is to never turn the heat on and windows down while riding around in your vehicle and keeping the house thermostat set right around 38 degrees. Just enough to keep pipes from freezing. Me, I’m a little more into comfort. I’ll use a hand warmer.
  5. Find Friends. It’s an Apple app
  6. It’s gps based so it does work as long as a satellite or two can be linked. No phone service where I hunt and she can pretty much see which tree I’m in.
  7. Yeah, it’s kinda like remembering to bring the keys for the boat on a fishing trip, or even putting the plug in before launching. They only work good if u remember to install them correctly.
  8. My wife also tracks me with the phone gps and no, it’s not like a stalker kind of thing. It is in case of an emergency or a situation like this thread discusses. It has come in handy more than once! I was navigating through the woods by google maps to get to a turkey hunting spot last spring in the early dark hours of the morning and happened to drop my phone by accident in between spot location checks. I walked around for hours looking for it with no luck. Went home and borrowed the wife’s phone. Pulled up the app and walked right up to it. Hope that is the worst situation we ever have to use it for.
  9. A good warm and fuzzy hat goes a long way in keeping my hands warm. Just picked up an early Christmas present from Home Depot that I got to field test while bird hunting in Kansas this week. Made by Milwaukee power tools, a 12 volt cordless battery heated jacket and hoodie with 3 settings, pocket hand warmers, heated chest and back areas. Batteries lasted about 3 1/2 hours on high and supposed to last up to 6 hours on lower settings. Absolute game changer! It was like wrapping a heated car seat around me! Can’t wait to use it on the water while fishing for walleye this winter.
  10. Looks like I might have had an impeller shift. Looking into damages now. Was gonna replace that last year but never got around to it.
  11. And u guys thought you were eating walleye......lol!
  12. I had a blast again this year even with boat issues. Fishing was second to friendship, food and stories. Nice to see some new faces and old ones. There were lots of things going on behind the scenes and I think a review of the name of this gathering might be in order. Next year.....Jig Fest/ Gig Fest?????? I hear Billethead might a few pictures that he has been holding back?? all in fun gentlemen
  13. 15 packages that will feed 2 or more each and 20 crappie fillets
  14. Sounds like it is all under control then. I’m getting hungry thinking about all this. The wife did make a big batch of chocolate and caramel chip cookies, but unfortunately, I don’t think they will survive tomorrow mornings drive....
  15. That should be enough tarter. I’ll pick up some cocktail then. Might pick up the fixings for hush puppies just in case
  16. Was someone bringing hush puppies, taters, and onions?
  17. I got the walleye and some salmon from Phil loaded in the cooler. Fixin to head to store and get Andy’s corn meal, cocktail sauce and tarter sauce for fish fry. Also bringing a few snow goose brats and snow goose summer sausage for interested folks to try.
  18. Nice Bret. I’ll be bringing a jerk bait rod and a few megabass this weekend for the jig fest.
  19. Thanks John. I’m in the tracker 185 with inboard jet. I’ll be chasing the walleye till the ducks show up.
  20. Thanks guys
  21. It’s been my best year yet! Started off opening day taking a real good eater out behind the house. Second day of season, I sat in a new spot on public land for what I thought would be a scouting mission and ended up talking myself into taking a little 4 pointer. Won’t do that again because I saw bunches of good bucks all the way through rifle season on public ground. The second week of the season I took two more little does for eating on. The month of October I concentrated on turkeys. Ended up getting a nice Tom mid October and watched many a deer both big bucks and little ones along with countless does on public land near my house. One of the bucks I had seen from a distance was a heart stopper. Now I have never hunted antlers, but this guy got me going. I hunted during rifle season with the crossbow and saw the big guy from my stand about 200 yards off in a draw chasing a doe. I moved my stand closer to that draw after the morning hunt. I put the stand 20 feet up a tree on the side of a steep hill. The next morning that heart stopping buck was following a doe right up that draw and stopped right on top of a log that I ranged at 42 yards. I took my time, took a deep breath, let it half way out, concentrated on the kill zone, and slowly squeezed the trigger. The arrow flew right over the top of the deer. I was dumb founded as he ran off 20 yards and stopped to look around for 20 minutes. I did not breath, did not blink, and did not move. He finally slowly walked up the hill and out of sight. I went home and resighted in the crossbow thinking I must have bumped the scope. Nope, it was dead on. My range finder has the angle feature and I used it while ranging that log. I went back to that stand Thanksgiving morning. Saw the big guy again but he stayed 65 yards out. 30 minutes later a doe came through and I was gonna let her walk but she stopped on that very same log I ranged for the buck. I though, I’ve got to try this again. This time I put my 30 yard pin on her and just knew I would hit the dirt at her feet. Nope, the arrow punched both lungs just high of where I was aiming. She dropped after 3 hops. That steep of an angle was throwing my sights off by about 17 yards. I definitely felt more confident about another chance at the buck if I got one. Hunted yesterday morning with my brother Dave. Set him up on the other side of the draw right where I saw the big guy enter the woods when he skirted me 65 yards out. We saw nothing. Started chasing walleyes about 9 am and had some success with that. Headed back to the woods by boat at 2. Brother Dave headed to the south, and I started walking to the north to my spot. As I got closer to the wood line I could here something moving in there. I stopped and watched. Could not see nothing. Took a few more steps and stopped. Nothing. Got right to the wood line and stopped. 2 seconds later, a doe poked her head out. I slowly crouched. She was watching my brother cross the draw. I could hear something else moving behind her. A few seconds later, I saw antlers. It was the big guy. My heart started jumping out of my chest. He saw my brother across the draw and made a jump up the hill. He turned and looked at the doe then stepped behind a big tree. I though he was taking off but I pulled up my cross bow up anyways. He did not leave. He actually came down the hill towards me and when he stepped out, he was 12 yards away. I took the shot and he did a back flip and fell right there in front of me. Biggest deer I have ever taken on the shortest hunt I’ve ever been on. Did not even quite make it to the woods. Brother Dave heard the crossbow shot and came over to help. We had it gutted by 2:30 and continued the hunt. Me after turkeys and him looking for deer/turkey. He ended up getting a doe right at 5 pm. Great hunt and great season!
  22. It’s been my best year yet! Started off opening day taking a real good eater out behind the house. Second day of season, I sat in a new spot on public land for what I thought would be a scouting mission and ended up talking myself into taking a little 4 pointer. Won’t do that again because I saw bunches of good bucks all the way through rifle season on public ground. The second week of the season I took two more little does for eating on. The month of October I concentrated on turkeys. Ended up getting a nice Tom mid October and watched many a deer both big bucks and little ones along with countless does on public land near my house. One of the bucks I had seen from a distance was a heart stopper. Now I have never hunted antlers, but this guy got me going. I hunted during rifle season with the crossbow and saw the big guy from my stand about 200 yards off in a draw chasing a doe. I moved my stand closer to that draw after the morning hunt. I put the stand 20 feet up a tree on the side of a steep hill. The next morning that heart stopping buck was following a doe right up that draw and stopped right on top of a log that I ranged at 42 yards. I took my time, took a deep breath, let it half way out, concentrated on the kill zone, and slowly squeezed the trigger. The arrow flew right over the top of the deer. I was dumb founded as he ran off 20 yards and stopped to look around for 20 minutes. I did not breath, did not blink, and did not move. He finally slowly walked up the hill and out of sight. I went home and resighted in the crossbow thinking I must have bumped the scope. Nope, it was dead on. My range finder has the angle feature and I used it while ranging that log. I went back to that stand Thanksgiving morning. Saw the big guy again but he stayed 65 yards out. 30 minutes later a doe came through and I was gonna let her walk but she stopped on that very same log I ranged for the buck. I though, I’ve got to try this again. This time I put my 30 yard pin on her and just knew I would hit the dirt at her feet. Nope, the arrow punched both lungs just high of where I was aiming. She dropped after 3 hops. That steep of an angle was throwing my sights off by about 17 yards. I definitely felt more confident about another chance at the buck if I got one. Hunted yesterday morning with my brother Dave. Set him up on the other side of the draw right where I saw the big guy enter the woods when he skirted me 65 yards out. We saw nothing. Started chasing walleyes about 9 am and had some success with that. Headed back to the woods by boat at 2. Brother Dave headed to the south, and I started walking to the north to my spot. As I got closer to the wood line I could here something moving in there. I stopped and watched. Could not see nothing. Took a few more steps and stopped. Nothing. Got right to the wood line and stopped. 2 seconds later, a doe poked her head out. I slowly crouched. She was watching my brother cross the draw. I could hear something else moving behind her. A few seconds later, I saw antlers. It was the big guy. My heart started jumping out of my chest. He saw my brother across the draw and made a jump up the hill. He turned and looked at the doe then stepped behind a big tree. I though he was taking off but I pulled up my cross bow up anyways. He did not leave. He actually came down the hill towards me and when he stepped out, he was 12 yards away. I took the shot and he did a back flip and fell right there in front of me. Biggest deer I have ever taken on the shortest hunt I’ve ever been on. Did not even quite make it to the woods. Brother Dave heard the crossbow shot and came over to help. We had it gutted by 2:30 and continued the hunt. Me after turkeys and him looking for deer/turkey. He ended up getting a doe right at 5 pm. Great hunt and great season! This post has been promoted to an article
  23. It was slow for me on that day. Yesterday was good though!
  24. I have 25 of the presidentials and use them for guiding trout. That is a great price!
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