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OAF Fly Tying Contributor
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Everything posted by DaddyO

  1. My brother asked me to shoot a video of me tying his favorite fly. I have a Sony Handycam 201 that shoots straight to DVD. I shot the video and finalized the disc. I put the DVD in my computer and opened up Explorer to look at the DVD. The file format was a .VOB and it was about 450 MB. The video was about 15 minutes long. I was able to convert the file to a .MOV file format and that dropped it down to about 350 MB. Next I loaded it into a Video editing program and removed some content to get it to about 13 minutes. I've finally gotten it to about 150 MB in a .QT format. However, I don't know what to do, now, to get it any smaller. I can't imagine trying to load a file of that size to Youtube. Do any of you video experts have any advice? Thanks.
  2. I was thinking about reading the, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter book. I saw where they are releasing a movie based on that book, also.
  3. PETA - People Eating Tastey Animals.
  4. Chris, Nice job on the video!! Thanks for posting.
  5. Sorry, got busy. These just went out in the mail. Recipe: DaddyO's Hair & Copper Hook - #14 Scud Hook Bead - Copper Tungsten Thread - Brown Tail - 3 or 4 Pheasant Tail fibers Rib - Copper Wire Body - Dubbing loop filled with a blended mix of (Dark brown Hare-Tron and Blood Red Mohair) These will sink like a rock, so, if you are fishing with an indicator make sure you have one big enough to float it. I have found this to work well in long slow pools of water or in and around stumps. If you fish the Lower Illinois below Tenkiller Dam, fish this under an indicator 2 to 4 feet in the big water above the kiddie pool and in the downed trees along the back side of the island below the kiddie pool. Tight Lines to all!!
  6. Chris, You need to do a video showing this process in action. You know, show the cut up yarn as you're adding it to the cannister (before and after) and show the whole process. It would make for a nice tutorial.
  7. Cool!! Keep it up, brutha!
  8. Finished tying. I'll print the toe tags up tomorrow and try to get them in the mail also.
  9. Nice report and nice pics! I'll have to tie up some olive scuds. I've never tried those down there. Nice looking rod, too. I'm looking forward to that story.
  10. Steve, I'm sorry. I can't do that with this one. I didn't tie it. I just happend to have 2 of them in my flybox. I actually purchased them at the flyshop on the Lower Mountain Fork about 4 years ago. But here is a video that I found that shows the fly being tied. http://oregonflyfishingblog.com/2012/01/02/cdc-oiler-puff-blue-winged-olive-emerger-fly-tying-video/
  11. Black, Olive, Brown and Red Zebra Midges in sizes #16 to #18.
  12. Corky, did the worms work for you above the boulders? I had to switch to the BHGRHE above the boulders to get consistent hook-ups.
  13. Started at the island below the kiddie pool. Got on the water about 11:30am. Temps were in the 40's and it thinned the crowds a little bit. Made for a peaceful day of fishing. Normally, I fish my hare and coppers, however, I didn't have any in my flybox, which was strange because I could've sworn that I had tied some. Turns out that I did and I found them in one of my vest pockets when I was taking it off and leaving for the day. Anyway, I had a couple of new flies that I wanted to try. They caught fish but were not durable enough the way I had them tied. Back to the drawing board on those. The fish were really keyed in on a small white midge hatch that came off all day. The fish were really active, popping the top of the water all over the place. I used a small CDC puff midge and hooked 3 or 4 but could not bring any of them to hand. Which was OK as it was still fun. I fished both sides of the island catching fish on a variety of flies but not consistently on any one particular fly. i.e. fish were landed on purple/olive wooly bugger, white wooly bugger, white worm, yellow worm and finally found a consistent producer in a bead head gold ribbed hares ear #14. Around 20 or so fish for the day. Even though Saturday was colder, it was a beautiful day to be on the water. There were a few wind gusts, but for the most part there was very little wind. Tight Lines!!
  14. Thanks Cricket. I see how that works, now. I figured it was something that I was missing.
  15. Phil, One thing that I have noticed is that I used to be able to click on a topic and go straight to the next post that I hadn't already read. Now, when I click on a topic, it goes to the first post every time. This really slows down the process. Is the fix just a setting that I have missed?
  16. Mic, I'll be tying up my version of the Hare and Copper. I'll try to finish them this weekend and get them out to you next week.
  17. When it rains, I always check the Upper Illinois stream gauge to kinda get an idea of what is flowing into Tenkiller. http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?07196500 Then I check this website http://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/webdata/gagedata/TENO2.current.html and check the Elevation Feet to make sure that it is under 632 ft. If it is over 632 ft., they will generally release water until it is at or below 632 ft. I, also, look at the inflow CFS to see how it is tracking with the outflow CFS. Generally, if the lake level is 632 ft. or below, they will stick to the scheduled release at this link : http://www.swpa.gov/generationschedules.aspx I hope that helps.
  18. I concur with Jack.
  19. Alright, count me in. I'll post what I'm tying later.
  20. Why not have an Enameled pin made that looks like the Logo at the top of the page. However, I don't think we should do this unless it is endorsed by Phil. Not me. The other Phil.
  21. Jason, Get some 1/80th jig head hooks from Bass Pro. Using Red Thread. Tie medium sized Yellow Chenille from the lead head to the hook point. Then wrap the Chenille, in touching turns, back to the lead head and tie it off. Do the same thing with Hot Pink Chenille and again with White Chenille. Tie up a half dozen of each color. Use these as your anchor and tie a small midge or soft hackle on about 6 inches of tippet off of the hook. Use an indicator. You should be successful. I'm gonna try to go down Saturday Morning. Maybe I'll see you down there. I'll be driving a blue Ford Sportrac.
  22. This is such a small tailwater. I've never had a lot of success when they are generating because the water comes up fast and high. There are a few places that you can fish when the water is on, but again, it's tough to fish. Check the schedule as they usually hold to it. Also, once they stop generation, the water will fall out in about 30 to 60 minutes.
  23. Brian, As always, Nicely Done!! I am loving this series that you are doing. Thanks for sharing them with us.
  24. Welcome. I, mostly, fish the Lower Illinois also. Maybe I'll see you on the water. Nice Buck in the profile pic.
  25. Phil, Keep up the good work. I appreciate all that you do to allow all of us fellow Anglers the opportunity to utilize this forum. You are a good Man and Much Appreciated!
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