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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Wheatenheimer

  1. Justin, I would like to think that you and a few others detected my facetiousness statement of shooting Redtailed Hawks due to the chance encounter that one bird killed one yippie dog. That is how asinine this topic apears to me. Granted, I love dogs (big and small, I have three of my own), I also love most creatures that roam this planet........the jury is still out on spiders and humans, though. I also understand that there is a food chain and we are fortunate to be at the top of it. Cattle just happen to be somewhere further down the rung from us and Mountain Lions. Granted if this cat was attacking a herd of cattle or someones dogs or other beloved species, action would have to been justified. But it wasn't. It was in a flippin tree! I see dudes that look like sex offenders every day. Do I shoot them in the head because they may do bad things to little boys and girls, but they haven't yet? No! Cast aside your ignorance and take notice of the reality that is our natural environment. Sometimes sh!# happens and sometimes it may just be natures way of giving us a slice of humble pie that makes us question "Are we really at the top of the food chain?"
  2. I have a buddy that his wifes Yorkie was snagged off their property by a Redtailed Hawk. The hawk dropped it from about 30 feet and killed it. I say we start shooting those lap-dog killing scoundrels too!
  3. The dot's are where I say they are. And if you'd like you can tea bag my......
  4. Best at what? Happy Burfday, Bro!
  5. Cool pic! Nice job!
  6. Bummer about Riddles! That was a fun place. I respected them for trying their best to aquire the majority of their food products from local farms and merchants. I know John, he used to work (and maybe still does) for a violin maker. He repaired my Dad's old German made violin for me, and did an excellent job doing so! John is a great guy and a helluva musician/luthier! I miss the Mules and Riddles, those were some great times. Wannabe musician describes me well. The MFU boys can attest to that! I would be all about getting together for a 2011 wannabe float and campfire sing-a-long!
  7. When I lived in the 'Lou about 10 years ago, used to go to Riddles Penultimate almost every Thursday? night to see the Mules. Fantastic old timey band! Charlie gave me lots of free five minute mandolin lessons during breaks!
  8. Another great vid, Brother! Impressed and entertained, as always!
  9. Looks like I'm not going to make it this year after all. The boss is wanting to go somewhere to play in the snow. Bummer!
  10. Great job, Brother! It's funny you picked the Allman Brothers "Jessica". That was the first song that I learned to play on my Grandfathers Banjolin. I later modified a Harmonica Rack to hold a Kazoo and added that element for the piano parts. Somewhere I have a very rare recording of that. I'll post it if I can find it. Way to go, that took some serious effort to put together! Can't wait to start making the memories for 2011!
  11. Don't know how cool the fish was, I didn't strike up a conversation with her while I was taking this picture. But, I thought I was pretty cool catching this streamborn Brown on my first cast in Yosemite earlier this year.
  12. Nice job Buzz!!!!!! That is one beautiful Brown. Looked to be at least 20+ inches and maybe 4-5 pounds, maybe more? Awesome job! Can't wait to fish with you again!
  13. Wishing you a wonderful Birthday, Brother! Go to your favorite fishing hole and catch some giant Brownies, then come back and lie to us about the location! LOL! Seriously, I hope you have a great one!
  14. Uncle Al, I had no idea that you were a supporter of California's Prop 19! Good for you!
  15. When I was in high school ('87 or '88 I suppose) a buddy of mine and myself were fishing on the Little Sac north of Springfield. We came across two dead critters that were dumped. One was an adult Coonhound. The other was a Black Bear cub. Both shot in the head. I went home and told my Dad, we drove out and he confirmed that I was correct on the ID's. My buddy went home and told his Stepdad, who also visualy confirmed that we were not full of crap. I called the MDC. They sent out an agent. The next day agent Smith called me and said that he found a dead Coonhound and a dead Chow Chow at the sight that I described. Now day's Bear sightings are not that uncommon in the Ozarks. Mountain Lions are uncommon, just like Bears were in the late '80's. The MDC does not want the liability of reporting a "Predator" animal in an urban area that would cause a social panic attack. With that being said, if KC Bro reported his sighting, the MDC may or may not do anything about it and they may try to convince your Brother that he witnessed a Greyhound chasing a Rabbit. My 2 cents.
  16. Oh, yes! Greg Brown. One of my favorites! If any of you do not know Greg Brown.....do yourself a favor and check him out! I've seen him a few times live and he is propably the most insightful songwriter of the last 30 years. And a flyfisherman to boot! "In a mucked up lovely river, I cast my little fly. I look at that river and smell in it and it makes me want to cry. To clean our dirty planet, there's a noble wish. And I'm puttin' shoulder to the wheel, cause I wanna catch some fish!"
  17. Broken Arrow and Mirror Ball....But I know you don't like the grunge stuff. The rest of us still appreciate it, though!
  18. Who knew '70's Adult film star John Holmes was such a philospher!
  19. You Whippersnapper, you! Have to agree, Neil Young is an old favorite. Hey Eric, that local Springfield band (Big Smith) that I turned you on to, does a great cover of "Dance, dance, dance." I'll see if I can find a copy of it for ya! Too many great artist's over the years to narrow them down. Here are some of Wheat's heavy hitters: Yonder Mountain String Band, Cornmeal, Hot Buttered Rum, the afore mentioned Big Smith, Grateful Dead, Beatles, the Who, Peter Gabriel era Genesis, all the John's...John Denver, John Prine, Johnny Cash, John Hartford. Really, I could go on and on! But above all, I have to admit........I'm really a Manilow man. Nothing gets me in the mood to gig some Smallies like a little 'Mandy'!!!!
  20. Ok, after reading all of this, Chief, I feel like I owe you a formal apology. I think I mentioned that you have lost your mind on this, but I am now convinced that felt is indeed bad. If there is a slim chance that felt can spread and introduce invasives to my favorite streams, well that is a chance I am not willing to take. I got up this morning and built a fire and threw my beloved felt sole sandals into the fire. No more felt for me, boys. For those of you that insist on continuing to wear felt, shame on you. You are just being selfish. Focus on improving your wading skills and buy a wading staff!
  21. Nice job, my friend! Thanks for sharing!
  22. I don't know if I agree with this philosophy. How many germs can a 12inch by 3inch piece of sponge really carry? Would it be enough to contaminate a waterway? I don't think so. I think we are taking it to the extreme. Chief, I love you Man! I totally enjoy fishing with you. You are one of the coolest guys I know. And granted, I've always known that you are passionate about what you believe in......but I think you might have gone "around the bend" on this one. I mean, come on! Felt soles! What is next? Neoprene waders? They hold just as much bacteria as a felt sole! Give me a break!
  23. Was there a boat in that picture?
  24. Well, mine was back in college and I had been drinking with my buddies since about 10AM and one of them bet me..........oh, wait a minute.....I can't tell that story here. Sorry fella's, wrong forum!
  25. I reserve the right for my own hippie self! Well seasoned, I am!
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