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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Wheatenheimer

  1. No Camera. No Pictures. No Dice! I don't believe it happened. I bet you guys stayed home and played Halo this weekend! Just messin' witcha! Sounds like a good time! Wish I could've been there!
  2. Too bad she's not a Golden. Taylor's parents are both top notch pedigree stock.......and he loves the ladies!
  3. Terry, anytime you want to experement.......I know a a great Quality Control man that works cheap!
  4. Did I ever mention to you fella's that I once met George Carlin? Ooooppps........wrong forum.........my bad!
  5. I don't think I would be going out on too much of a limb to say that a good time was had by all! I don't care if I was the only one to get skunked, I still had a blast! And here is why............. Buzz DiCaprio is the king of the world! How about some fish? I will stab you with my Bass! Nice double, Jeremy! Sweet! A couple underwater.... So good to get the chance to fish with some familar faces and meet some new ones! Lot's of laughs, lot's of good stories, lot's of great comradery and fantastic food! Can't wait to do it again!
  6. The Two Brothers Canoe is strapped down to the top of the Wheat Wagon! See you guys in a few hours!
  7. Sorry to hear about your wife. I hope she has a speedy recovery. No worries on the class, whenever things calm down for you and you want to try it again, we are still interested.
  8. When throwing a heavy fly, like a weighted Wooley, try opening your loop up a bit. Slow down and don't try to throw such a tight loop. Just a thought!
  9. Flysmallie fit's all those descriptions. And he is just about as irritable!
  10. Very cool! Thanks for obliging. Looks like you'd be a good fella to have around when the water looks like Yoohoo!
  11. Well, I don't mean to be a turd, but this is the "ShoMe State". Give us some links to these "said" articles and/or pic's proving your bizarre statements. Please and Thank You.
  12. Depends on the fish. For trout I like salt and pepper with a squeeze of lemon. Crappie and Walleye a nice cornmeal batter. And Smallmouth I like to wrap in bacon, coat with graham cracker crumbs and fry in lard. Ooooohhhhh...........Season! I thought it said Seasoning.............my bad! In that case, Winter for trout and the other season (Sprummertumn) for warmwater species.
  13. AWESOME!!!!! I can only imagine the adrenaline and excitement you must have been feeling when you landed that beauty! Thanks for sharing!
  14. Wheatenheimer (provided I get back from a wedding in AR in time) I'll be bringing my 14' canoe. Frito's and Hot Sauce.
  15. You are a very ambitious young man! Good luck! I'll be looking forward to the updates and pictures!
  16. Happy Birthday to all you fella's! Hope you had a great one!
  17. Absolutely awesome! Very well done!
  18. Thanks fella's! It was a good B-day for sure. The old lady and I drove to the Elevenpoint and camped at Greer Crossing. Had steak and potatoes cooked over the campfire, then floated from Greer to Turners today. We got a little bit of rain, but nothing like the southwestern part of the state. Fishing was slow, I only caught one Rainbow. But it sure did beat having to go to work! Thanks again guys, I'll be looking forward to the fall float!
  19. Absolutely Awesome! Glad you guys had a great day fishing with the Patriarch of the Greybears! That is so cool. There is so much knowledge to gain from our fathers, it's too bad it took me well into adulthood to realize this. Thanks for sharing a great day with us!
  20. Gavin, Eric, Stoneroller, Chief, Wrench and anyone else interested - How about some dates? What works for you fellas?
  21. Hey Bobber, I told the woman about it and she wants in too. So I guess there will be two of us. If you can get more people on a different date that is fine with us. Any Friday or Saturday should be fine.
  22. September 24 and any of those rivers should work for me! I will be solo and have my own boat. And yes, like Wrench said, I do have a tendancy to get distracted gawking at birds and bugs and such. Chief, you are as good as you think you are, but you should try to make it anyway just for the entertainment value! If it improves the chance that Eric will make it, I vote Gasconade. That would be more convenient for Gavin as well.......do I smell a carpool? Thanks again, Bobber! I really look forward to it!
  23. I would be more than willing to take anyone interested to any and/or all of my hotspots under the agreement that you are willing to wear a blindfold for the ride to and from and you leave your cell phone and GPS at home. Sorry for the run on sentance, Eric.
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