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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by ozarkgunner

  1. I hope it turns around in the morning with the front
  2. I wear my inflatable all the time now. I use to only use it with the big motor but now I'm 100 percent of the time. I had a guy fall in while fishing this November and it changed the way I feel.
  3. I was there today . Only 2 whites.
  4. Can I put my boat in at blunk or is the water too low?
  5. You can buy one from the stockton lake office via mail. It works on table rock.
  6. I have 6 loomis rods but my last 4 rods have all been car as with micro guides . Best rods made for the money
  7. I got 25-30 bass on a wiggle wart up the James today. Size was not good but lots of action. The fish were in 8ft. Wt around 50 all day.
  8. For that price I would buy a falcon low rider and a Lews reel.
  9. Heading up in the morning.
  10. Both
  11. I throw my mega bass on 8lb and never had any issues.
  12. I use to think that but line is so much better than it once was. I almost never break 8lb quality floro. A good drag helps. I use to throw 10 lb hybrid on my bait casters but I like the switch I made to 8lb.
  13. I use 8 lb floro
  14. I bet they are fish from the river
  15. I fished down there with minnows after jig fishing the dam. Nothing but trout, a bass, and a bluegill.
  16. It was a good time. I was the guy in the camo jacket in the front row. Good group of guys! Now... Off to Taney !
  17. I guess I didn't notice. I'll look right now!
  18. I picked up ten of these at Dicks in Columbia about two year back. I have only three left. They were on super sale for $5 a pop so I loaded up. They are a good bait overall but not worth $13! I would buy them again at $5 but not any more. A wart fishes as well or better. Some days I smoke them on certain colors I don't have the wart in. A solid 8.5/10 bait but the wart is 9.5/10 when you compare value. The hooks are nice on the kooper.
  19. Looks like the lock nest monster that lives under the bridge missed one.... Now there are really no crappie in the James. Move along .....
  20. Mine listed for 31k and sold for 25,500 out the door. This was two years ago but I'm sure similar deals are around. Get what you need to fish the water you will hit most often. I fish big lakes so I wanted a faster boat. If I lived closer to pomme a 17 ft tin boat would be fine same goes for Taney or upper bull. If Stockton was my main lake (fish it about 40 percent of my trips only) I would get a deep v.
  21. And leave the bobby garland slab slayers I n blue and white at home.... They catch too many turtles and water snakes!
  22. My triton new was 25,500 with a trailer, upgraded graphs front and back and came with 150 optimax pro xs. It runs 60 mph and sips gas. I would have a hard time paying 24k for a tin rig with a 115. I looked at tin boats but the numbers don't work for the high end ones. A few thousand more gets you a glass boat with higher resale and better preformance.
  23. Nope not all along walnut springs and certainly not up to blunks!
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