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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by ozarkgunner

  1. 30 mph at night.
  2. Bring a normal bass rod (or 6 weight fly rod) next time you go south to saltwater fish. When it gets tough, the jacks..., etc. can save the day on light rods!
  3. If the hook is in the outside jaw it is legal. The reason the rule says "mouth OR JAW" is to specifically address fish caught on the outside of the jaw. Read every word in the law as if it has meaning.........(i.e. why mention jaw if you mean mouth...?) "(6) Fish not hooked in the mouth or jaw, except those legally taken by snagging, snaring, grabbing, gig, bow, crossbow or underwater spearfishing must be returned to the water unharmed immediately." I don't know about IGFA, but this would be legal in MO under MDC rules.
  4. Maybe during the C&R season?
  5. The kid has five trout....... this makes me think they might be coming from somewhere private or he is breaking the law (or the picture shows someone else's fish also). He's a kid, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
  6. g No joke....................!
  7. Channels. They were all on the small side. However, they were biting really well.
  8. Fishing Tanneycomo for HUGE spawning brown trout. Tie on a bass sized bait and...........BAMB! Also the Bass fishing at Table Rock is great in the Fall.
  9. I have a couple Walthers, but I prefer my Smith and Wesson M&P. I would check them out if you are looking for a striker fired gun.
  10. I always do well either way. I just got back from Thomas Hill..................got a dozen cats.
  11. There is a lock and dam down stream you CAN'T get through.
  12. There are some smallmouth, but mostly you catch Kentuckies or Largemouth. I did however get my largest smallmouth ever from the Osage. I would put in up by Bagnell and work your way down below the bridge. You can go a mile or two below the bridge, but the water gets shallow beyond that if they aren't running any water.
  13. I love the hat Bill!!! What exactly is a Jayhawk....? It's a terrorist! It kinda would be like MU naming our team the Missouri Al Qaeda..............!
  14. WOW--- the rod fee is close to that of GOOD places to fish out west.
  15. Yep.
  16. They are right below the dam.
  17. You can also put in below 160 and float to hooten town. Great float.
  18. In the tail. 1/4 inch from where the"fin" of the tail starts.
  19. I use circle hooks or regular red bait holder. The smaller hooks work a little better on the shrimp/ crawdads. If you put out a crawdad trap and catch a few live ones, don't be scared to put them on your jugs. If you do, make sure the line can't touch the bottom. There will be a nice fish (be it a bass or cat) on it at the end of the day if you get a decent drift.
  20. There are some big cats in that section. Try using some cooked crawdad tails or shrimp in that section. It seems to catch a lot of nice channels.
  21. I will tell you the funny thing about life...........(having now been on both sides of this)......... the people who can afford to buy the toys never have time to use them and the people who have the time, never have the toys.............. kinda of like darn if you do, darn if you don't! Soft plastics are without a doubt the cheapest bait you can buy. I would recommend stocking up because they work!
  22. Mr. Lilley, Have you considered starting a facebook page for the forum? You could easily double the number of members! I know a lot of "older" people still shy away from facebook, but I think it would really catch on (pun). I ask the forum to chime in if they would include a OAF link on their facebook page. Creating a facebook page would take only 10-15 minutes. (I don't know how to set up a poll, otherwise I would ask for a vote). Thanks.
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