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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by joeD

  1. joeD

    Favorite Movies

    Dunkirk is magical moviemaking, where the effort and skill of the movie makers IS the story. Reverential WWII stories just make my eyes and heart glaze over now. I like filmmakers who take on the muddled mess of our current society. Check out Sidney Lumet's "Before the Devil Knows Your Dead."
  2. I don't like the fact that Mr. Snoop is crabbier than me. Also, I post pictures absolutely to brag, hopefully get some good back slaps and "way to go'"s . My vanity needs that affirmation. So what? It's fishing. Fun. I don't mind if Mr. TheWhite unleashes misguided vitriol on the forum. Zip zip zip. Zoom zoom zoom.
  3. "Simba, remember who you are...." The water shoes I wear support a lumbering lummox like me. Not every shoe does. So I am particular. Body size and weight do matter, as many brands are more suited to those individuals who are in shape.
  4. BTW, there's an apt golf saying that applies to a hacker like me: "From bird to turd." 10 minutes after pictures were taken, we dumped and I lost the rod and reel that caught that fish. Loomis and Shimano water burial. Oooof! Dumb a**.
  5. A lucky one apparently.
  6. Got them last year at the Alpine Shop. Absolutely love them. Nice sturdy bottom and thick toe, plus a velcro strap around instep and above ankle. NRS Titanium
  7. Spur of the moment decision today to fish a short and popular stretch yielded this nice fish. It was about 20 inches, measured on my yellow MDC ruler, stuck to the thwart in front of me. Squeezing the tail made it extend a couple inches past the 18" mark. Didn't put on 'til 3:30pm or so.
  8. joeD

    What's Cooking?

    rps- soy and fish sauce and sriracha (and Worcestershire?!) mixed with with cream and italian cheeses in a pasta dish is an absolute abomination. Good grief. Why not add Frosted Flakes for crunch? Your food combinations are appalling for someone who professes to teach us cooking. You know nothing.
  9. A snob would be wrongfuly called by others, never self described.
  10. Would that Utah minnow be as beautiful if it was caught on a spinning rod?
  11. Oh. Fly fishing. Yes. That explains a lot. My mistake. Carry on.
  12. Why do we have to justify, or explain, how we prefer to fish ( legally of course)? Isn't the fact that we love to fish enough?
  13. joeD

    What's Cooking?

    Dinner was late...
  14. https://goo.gl/images/uZ3xwm
  15. Yeah. MoCarp. Forget him and his post. This is OUR forum. And we'll do what we want. This is about US , brothers! USA! USA! USA!
  16. "I told them , f you , I am going home for lunch." Perfect. I will usurp that phrase and make it my own.
  17. "A van pulls up and 5 teenage boys get out ." Two or three would have been more believable. But not in a van. Teenagers don't drive vans. Their moms do. To soccer practice.
  18. Weren't the trout dumped into the stream so they could be caught by us? Then we get waylaid on the way out, to check if we have too many or the wrong size trout that were put in there for us to catch in the first place? I love it! The irony is just perfect. What next, county park lake crackdown?
  19. joeD

    What's Cooking?

    Delmar Gardens would be proud to serve that salad with locally sourced shrimp.
  20. joeD

    What's Cooking?

    Potatoes, noodles, and noodles. Hope the school staff likes carbs. No fruit or vegetables either. German, Asian, and Italian. At least a few countries were covered. Brownies could've helped that mess.
  21. joeD

    What's Playing Now III

    Wonderful. Talent galore there. Just spectacular sideburns and sublime side part hair! Tammy spectacular "au naturel."
  22. Al, half of Missouri, including the Ozarks, and northern Arkansas, all of our beloved fishing places, are experiencing devastating flooding. Record setting. Homes and businesses and communities are suffering. I'm sure you are aware. Glad you are having good fishing in Montana. Your report, I think, is tone deaf . I think a little more empathy and good vibes sent to your fellow Missourians would have been more appropriate. Montana trout just doesn't rate right now.
  23. Taildragger doesn't care. He has 8 or 10 guys to worry about.
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