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Everything posted by CMF

  1. Billfo....Been here either full time or part-time since 1963. (I was 13 yrs old in '63)....All I can tell you is that the corp line doesn't have ANYTHING to do with elevation....I have corp markers (monuments) that border my property that are 60 to 80 feet above the water at normal pool......I have neighbors with corp line monuments higher than that above the water at normal pool (915')..........I also know friends that have corp lines (monuments that went under water) in 2008 and 2011....or 2010, whenever the last flood was.....Us old timers have learned that the newbies you'd be dealing with at the corp., have no idea what the real answers are, even if they ACT like they are king-chit.......Don't ask them to come out and answer questions, you'll probably be cited for some obscure carppolla that nobody ever heard of......They are government. The scariest thing you'll ever hear is: I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.......RUNNNN.............................
  2. And remember, the "Hotspots" maps are a whole different company then the "Navionics premium maps......Both sell a "south" region.....I have Navionics, but I'm not near as of an avid fisherman I have been for MANY years...From those thumbnails KirtH attached, it appears the hotspots map are way better then they used to be. In fact, I'm way out of touch with the newest stuff, so many of the other guys should have better and more up-to-date info. Martin
  3. I jumped in with Hunter91 yesterday ( 9-13-12 ) and we caught 3 walleyes, more bass then I kept track of, many being very nice keepers. H91 also caught a big ole channel cat I guessed at 7 lbs or so, but he called later and said scales indicated 5 lbs even......A couple of big bluegills thrown in the mix also. We had hoped for more walleyes but the action with somebody fighting a fish of some kind was real steady, so, it was a great day to be out on the water.....Water temp waivered around 79 degree's and we fished Baxter down to Joe Bald. H91 is a real pleasure to fish with. Lotta laughs and good stories. Oh and we fished roughly 25 to 35 feet deep, in and on the gravel. Martin
  4. Bill I know the weather has been "a little different" this summer, but I can't help but think the floods we had in '08 and ....what....2010 ( ? ) had to help the fishing for walleyes and those catfish.....Were they mostly channels or were there any flatheads ?? My walleye fishing friends have had really pretty darn good summers and Hunter91 caught 3 keeps yesterday in places he's never caught them before......Gotta love the Rock !0 Martin
  5. Nice job Hunter 91 !!!! Sorry I couldn't make it. Martin
  6. Bull Shoals and Beaver are much better walleye lakes.......just sayin.....
  7. Woody...Fish (as Bill B. said) the long gravel points / flats from the big bend in the lake near Jake's back towards the Branson Bell / dam......just put that trolling motor down and try and stay in your target depth (provided by others) and follow the contour at that depth......You could pull bottom bouncer at 1.0 mph (plus or minus .2 tenths either way) with crawler or you can troll a crankbait at 2.0 to 2.8 mph with outboard.....Contour is harder to stay on trolling crankbait........Hunter91 & I have both caught walleyes in that area.....(big area).....It's a fact Jack, that there just aren';t that many eyes compared to bass, so you never know what you might get.......It sure is fun when you whack a couple of walleyes, on purpose, in the lower lake......As Bill said, channel is a good 180 ft deep.......Go up the lake to Big M and on up, bottom of channel can be 60 feet deep.......That's a whole different ball game.....Please, just leave me a few as I have company (son and D-I-L coming Labor Day..... Remind me after holiday weekend, and I could be more specific on spots, but most all of you guys are good enough to find your own spots with the info provided.....I like nothing better then to help people catch fish. I just hate to go to a specific spot and find 4 boats there, and they all act like I"M the INTRUDER....LOL .........Go get em guys !! IF you fish a bottom bouncer, don't be hesitent to use at least a 2 oz bouncer if you're going to fish 25 feet or deeper...... MARTIN
  8. One of the local pot dealers was tryin to sell me some...........I said I didn't do that no mo.........too old......LOL Sorry, I couldn't resist either......
  9. My answer to the original question would be: Sometimes. LOL ...... The OLD warts had that "searching" action and I think that's what the newer ones are lacking...(maybe) .....Searching is when the bait, just out of the blue, will kick out to the side and then return to where it should. Searching action baits are KILLER on walleyes and I'm sure bass too.....Reef Runner lures makes a bait called the RipShad in two sizes.....The bigger one usually runs without too much tuning and will kick out (searching) really good. The little ones are usually tough to tune, but a killer bait if you get one that will run true. Didn't mean to get off track from the warts. I just don't think alot of people here in bass country fish The Reef Runner brand of baits. Martin
  10. My handle is supposed to be "Martin" ....lol.....My electricity went off a few days ago, and when I logged back on, I was CMF which is a VERY OLD login name...I may have to email Phil to get my stuff back.....I tried to re-login and it says my email is already being used by another member......arrrggghhhh......dang machines ! LOL
  11. Um...I would, but Scott sent me a phone photo that morning while they were trying to release the big critter.....I do not have the software or cable to take anything off my cheapo phone. I'll see if Scott will email me the pic and I'll throw it up......Boy it's a big ole toothy critter. Not a great photo, but good enough to see the thickness and length.
  12. Some of the best walleye guys on the lake (that I know of) are having a little get=together Saturday, 6:00 a.m. till noon.....I can't go do to other commitments. It will be interesting how many eyes these guys can catch..... Some of our familiar guys on this forum would include Powerdive, rps, Bullitt and such. Should be at least a few brought in.....I'm sure PD & rps will report in late Saturday or Sunday.
  13. Attack of the X boats has already started, and today was a zoo in Cow Creek, so I'm guessing Little Cow and Spring were similar. I can't help with the fishing reports at the moment, but I have a front row seat to the idiot parade. As the wise man reminded us, it's their lake too (which is correct) but golly gee wizz....Never seen it so bad, so early and it does get worse every year. Now, back to fishing. Great reports guys. Glad somebody is out there !
  14. SUPER FISH with SUPER fishing buddy !!
  15. Or possibly the Indian Creeks (Baxter area) to the Cow Creeks.......
  16. I don't know about the situation at Buck Creek but the HW 125 Marina (near Peel) is open for business. They've added to their walkway and run new, extended phone lines, and electrical. I don't have their number or I'd post it up. Maybe try and get the phone number for the Buck Creek Marina and see if they have a phone yet.
  17. Lower Bull Shoals or.......sort of "mid-lake" Bull Shoals. Put in at the highway 125 marina area at about 11:30 a.m.... Trolled crankbaits downstream, here and there, until about 6:00 p.m...... Final talley: One keeper walleye (19 1/2"), 3 real nice smallmouth (one at 20 inches - a real pig), two large whites (the bigger of the two went a strong 19 inches), a 5 3/4 pound drum (I weighed it - thought it was bigger), and a 36 inch gar. lol. It wasn't terrible. It was a GREAT day to be out on the water. Hardly any boat traffic. Water was clear, almost like normal. Water temp was 63 to 64 degree's...... It was like trying to troll over a never-ending brushpile. And a very uneven brushpile to boot. LOL...... You can launch off the road by the wagon wheel restaurant. Limited parking. Probably room for 8 rigs or so. Maybe 10 if everybody pays attention. Man I love the White River Chain.......!!
  18. Looks like Beaver Lake will be getting a bunch more rain. This link is to the radar at 4:55 p.m. today (Wed 4-23).... http://www.wunderground.com/radar/radblast...amp;lightning=0
  19. We went up a few miles into Arkansas to check out the Kings yesterday. A little ramp area called Romp Hole.... The Kings was out of it's banks and rolling pretty good. It may be several days before that gets to anything close to normal.
  20. Another 3 1/2 inches and Norfork will be at flood pool. Here's a link ..... http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/WCDS/Repo...ata/Norfork.htm
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