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Everything posted by Fly_Guy

  1. Another 25" from Hillsdale - night fishing. Totaled 11 walleye, 6 white bass. Throwing a Berkley 90+ Cutter. Love that stickbait! Lost a real nice one as well. Thought I'd snagged the bottom at first.
  2. Thanks! Ended up with several others as well, biggest of the rest was 19 inches.
  3. Dam area - Jerkbaits at night - 25"
  4. Indeed it does! If you haven't tried them, the shaved smoked meat sandwiches are excellent as well!
  5. Amazing BBQ - best ribs I've ever had
  6. Fly_Guy


    Are you sure it was female dogs and not "fishes"?
  7. As the lakes are drawn down to their normal levels, there's some good action at the Spillways early am or late night. (wipers from Clinton, 23.5 inch walleye from Hillsdale)
  8. These cheap little things have caught walleye for me - though I'd still prefer the flicker shad
  9. Ah - didn't see the link for international shipping. Still pretty high... I've seen video of them and they swim pretty well (or so it seems), but to moto's point, I've got a super cheap shiner swimbait for about 3$ from ebay china that has really nice action too...
  10. http://www.fishing-mart.com.pl/sklep/en/westin-barry-the-bass-g5-a20-p2578-k17443.html Since this forum is heavy with swimbait users, thought I'd try here first. Does anyone know any conceivable way to buy one of these if you live in the US? The pike version looks good too. As does Tommy the Trout http://www.fishing-mart.com.pl/sklep/en/westin-tommy-the-trout-hybrid-g5-a20-p2578-k17461.html
  11. Two cents from someone who used to drift power eggs often - a barbless hook won't lose many if any fish, and makes for very easy release while fish is still in water. Slightly deeper hooks come out quickly and easily if barbless as well. I like the owner Mosquito hooks, barbs pinched.
  12. Since I've been able to contribute virtually nothing in the line of a fishing report lately, thought I'd pass this along. Went by Scheels in KC - nothing special as far as fishing goes, but did find this walleye diver that compares favorably to Cotton Cordell's for a couple of bucks less. For what it's worth - picked up one, haven't tried it yet, but if you're into the wally diver, might be worth it to stop by. $3.99. Scheels itself is massive, but their claim to be the largest sporting goods store in KC seems to be due to the fact that about 70% of their merchandise is clothing. Worth a visit, but beside this little bait, I didn't find anything I couldn't get cheaper at Academy, or with more variety at BPS or Cabelas
  13. Beautiful brown!
  14. My "Island-Adventure - Home of the Dropped Coconuts" dream is fading fast...
  15. Not trying to make this a religious conversation, but there is a bible verse that comes to mind from 1 Cor 8:13 - "Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall." I think it would be impossible to live by the letter of this verse for the simple reason that you can find someone who has a problem with virtually everything you could possibly do, but it is possible to live by the spirit of it. If you've read this forum much at all, you'll know that there exist a decent % of people who hold the bass above other fish when it comes to harvest. Purposely bragging about the big bass you are catching and eating gets the exact response you deserve. C&R folks can do their part by not badgering every poster about whether the bass they were holding were released. Frankly, it's not your business.
  16. I was going to guess he was Cajun, but his hat says Triton, and his shirts tucked in.
  17. I would focus on what Eric the Awful does best - fish brutal and tenacious. Also, one of the best rods I've fished with braid is Berkleys LightningRod. What rod are you using?
  18. Trolling doesn't work if the fish don't bite
  19. Fight was amazing - all the wiggle of a small sunfish, with the muscle of a smallmouth. If I ever own a pond, I'd love to manage it for huge hybrids!
  20. Feeder creek, early am. Swimming minnows.
  21. North Kansas farm pond - Slug-Go bass fishing
  22. I think we should privatize the mdc! And more stocked trout in small swmo streams!
  23. "Kentucky Fish and Wildlife officials euthanized a mountain lion Monday, Dec. 15, 2014" Anyone euthanize any good deer or ducks lately?
  24. Lucky looks like the Flicker Shad. The Bonsai looks good too!
  25. Bandits or the poor man's version - academy h2os.
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