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Everything posted by whetstone

  1. Good read, that sounds alot like the kind of fishing I regularly do. Actually, for the first couple of paragraphs I thought you were fishing one of my favorite spots!
  2. I got a copy at Dynamic Earth a couple of months ago for about $12. You might give them a call and see if they have any left. If they're selling for $85, I'll pay the shipping for anyone who wants to buy it!!!
  3. Does this mean that I'm going to need a $700 rod and a silly hat to catch smallies now?
  4. They should include articles on jug lining for whiskered trout, rubber worm fishing for largemouth trout, and bowfishing for asian trout.
  5. I don't really remember everything I said, but at some point something along those lines came out. My wife finally stepped in when it began to look like he was working up the nerve to say something else. She probably saved him a split lip and saved me a trip to the pokey. I'm no billy-bad-a, but there are some lines you just don't cross...
  6. I had one in the Springfield store actually ask me why I wasn't "man enough" to take my family on vacation. I can't remember verbally lighting someone up so bad in my life as I did that day.
  7. Willow Springs, no. Bennett Spring area, yes.
  8. Old thread, but since it's at the top... I ran across a guy who has 2 singles and 1 tandem canoe for sale. I think (would have to verify) that they're all Wenonah brand. He wants $450 each for them and would like to sell all 3 together if possible. He says the price isn't negotiable. Anyone interested let me know and I'll go get pics/details if you're serious.
  9. Thanks for the tip! I haven't floated that stretch of river in years, it's a little far for a day trip for me. Glad to know they're biting somewhere, that means I just haven't found the right water yet. I'm trying new areas I've never fished before, the upper Osage mainly, and gonna try out the upper Niangua within a week or two.
  10. Any creek/river guys having any luck? My usual tactics aren't producing much except a bunch of short smallmouth...
  11. Is there any place to launch a boat at Fellows besides the ramp at the Marina?
  12. 25 bucks is cheap when you compare it to the cost of driving to Pomme, Stockton, etc. a few times. I just wish I knew how to fish it a little better.
  13. 1. yes 2. heavy 3. when you find them, let me know where
  14. Like I said...
  15. If we like them they're "introduced", if we don't they're "invasive".
  16. If you're that new, limits shouldn't be too much of an issue.
  17. I know of two different people who have game-cam pics from down around Seymour. One pic shows a sow with cubs, so they've obviously got a breeding population.
  18. I wonder what type of tackle is needed for them, and if they're any good after being soaked in hot grease for a few minutes?
  19. Trout fishermen feel that way about trout, walleye guys feel that way about walleyes, guys get blasted for keeping legal stripers, catfish, etc. Every species of fish has someone who puts their fish above all else. The regs are in place for a reason, and those who abide by them deserve to be respected. Blast away at the guy for breaking the law, but to equate a bass with a bald eagle? Seriously?
  20. There is a season, it ends May 15. It is a lot of fun, and takes a little more know-how than you'd think. However... it ain't rocket surgery either.
  21. In the spring, suckers will congregate above the swift water to spawn. The technique is to throw a hook in amongst them and pull, thus "grabbing" the fish.
  22. You officially caught a lunker.
  23. I found some monday
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