I am overly sensitive on sharing info Mike. Especially when I have seen nothing but 8-9" crappie this year. There is now a club tournament series on the lake for crappie. All this lake needs is more tournaments. We already have one every other day on average and in the summer it's almost every day. Granted, these are not 100+ boat events, it's still quite a bit of boats on a very frequent basis chucking and winding baits.
Anytime someone reports a species as "biting" generally most folks know where they are due to the time of year and a "flotilla" occurs.
I must be getting old and such because I see more and more pressure on this lake for all species. Bass especially. It's debatable how that can impact a fishery. I won't start that as it would create such a fury. I've got my opinions on it like everyone else. And I of all people used to share a lot!! I'm sure many have seen I don't say anything anymore. I still talk to a select few members outside the forum for networking vs public posts where hundreds of lurkers gather "free info".
Public forum, share what you want. Just be forwarned. There are hundreds of views on threads here yet, fewer comments/participation. People wanting the scoop" to make their trip more productive and some do not obey the law and slot lengths or limits.
Apologies for the comment and for being Mr Scrooge. Now if you'll excuse me, I suddenly feel the need for Geritol and Preparation H. (That's a joke at myself btw)