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Everything posted by J-Doc

  1. I like how they were flipping jigs for the most part in areas thatl I fish also. I could fish a jig all day long and be lucky to catch a fish. Problem is, I love a jig. I just do. I'm just not that good at it. Lol Seeing Martin using his power poles to fish a wind blown bank made me jealous. I would do that if I had poles but poles on Beaver is not a must because they are typically dealer than poles will reach. Besides, I can't justify the cost of those things.
  2. Yes but its a no wake lake, stumpy and when I mean "figure it out", I mean really getting it dialed in and know which stumps are producing and why. Well it would for me anyway.
  3. Jimmy is opposed to using spinnerbaits. Especially Booyah and Roadrunner spinners.
  4. The reliable sources I know and my on experience say they are still offshore and deep or suspended. In that area anyway. Not saying you won't catch them shallow because I did but nothing to pattern.
  5. I wouldn't steer you wrong. I don't have any stock in Academy. Although should as much as I have bought from them. Lol
  6. J-Doc


    My theory as well Stump. Makes the fishing tough at times also. Can't even get a reaction bite.
  7. J-Doc


    I have not witnessed a good topwater bite in I don't know when. You know, drive up to the lake or pull into a cove and after a few minutes, you see some good topwater strikes. Some really massive ones and some normal bass activity. That was a few years ago. I haven't seen normal activity in over a year or more. And I definitely haven't seen large boils of schooling activity in years.
  8. You can order it online as well. Google some reviews on them. I really like all of the H20 line.
  9. Easy answer. H20 Ethos Rod from Academy. About as light and almost as sensitive as a Gloomis. I know because I've held both side by side and fished boton on a drop shot side by side. I've snapped a few (my fault) and Academy just replaces them so keep your receipt. Price. Under $60 if you find one on sale or clearance. Otherwise they are right in that range of $60. I've had about 3 or 4 for about 4-5yrs now. Replaced only 2 and both were replaced for free. No questions asked.
  10. I heard the crappie were mostly shorts, it's full of stumps and shallow, and it's either hit or miss. So I have not made the trip down there. Sounds like it's not a "sure fire thing" and would take several trips to dissect the lake and figure it out. If you know the lake and know what works, I'm sure someone could do pretty well consistently but from what I saw on Krappie Kings, it's hit or miss even for ole Karl. Karl's a nice guy too. He put me on fish when I visited Lake D'Arbonne after watching his show and I met him at the last Bassmaster Classic. Really looking forward to the new season this winter.
  11. Thank you bud. Yes it was the Elite I was meaning in my earlier post. I said Everett and I had noted that I have fished two Everett events but those were a few years ago when they first started it.
  12. I bought and used Downriggers with little success. I doubt cranks down to 50 alone will fo much better. Dipsy Divers are cheaper and work more all baits.
  13. I won't speak bad about other mechanics but I'll just say this..... Drive to Wrench's house. Service, quality, price, and a good dude. I've used mechanics in this area and I'll leave it at that. ;-)
  14. J-Doc


    You're not the only one from what I hear. I fished for a couple hours Friday and Saturday and then Monday. Zeroed first two trips (only 2hrs per trip) and covered water mostly. Sunday, I caught two fish and covered even more water. My problem is patience and trying to find active fish. Once I find them, I don't camp out on them to make them bite. If they are not biting in 10-15mins, I'm moving on. I went from below War Eagle to PC. I never really found a patten. Anything I caught was random and did not seem to have a pattern I could find. Fish from 6ft to 30ft. Water is turning over so I think they are roaming and spread apart. Lady at the Corp booth said they have had bad reports for over a month and no one has seen whites schooling in mass schools in 1-2years.
  15. Cabelas also has a service shop and they have always treated me well. John Wolfe is the service manager there. Wolfe Marine is also a good place if you're near the Roger's area. Cost wise, ole Glen (fishinwrench) is hard to best though.
  16. Shoot fishinwrench a message and see if he can help. It's a little further than Springfield (Gravois Mills) but worth the drive. Good work, good prices, and he will help you out.
  17. I made a statement earlier about me seeing a lot this year. A lot more than I ever have. Well I saw this one and was greatly disturbed when I saw I was a really good largemouth. I have taken a few other photos earlier this year but I deleted them already. I just wanted to take a second and back up what I had stated earlier. A few bad day apples can ruin a bunch.
  18. Saw this 3-4lb largemouth floating at Prairie Creek early Saturday morning. Must have been released from the Friday night jackpot the night before. I have only been out on the water twice now in about 3 month (excluding fireworks show with family) and this is what I have seen since late spring. Dead bass. Just posting a photo. Take it for what it's worth. I think there are a few anglers that should beducated as many have stated here earlier.
  19. I didn't know Carl was still fishing. Congrats on the qualification!
  20. Seems the water is turning over. At least it does when you turn on water at home in Rogers. Is the thermocline breaking up? I started to go this morning but did not due to warmer temps, low south wind, and no clue where to start. Figure I'll wait a little while longer. Bite should be picking up soon.
  21. Wednesday night jackpot. I saw a few $60k rigs with double power poles headed towards Coppermine like they were being chased by Godzilla. I was headed back towards PC a that time when they took flight.
  22. Definitely. I tried multiple things looking for what the fish might be relating too. Slope banks, steep banks, transitions of rock, docks, deep trees, channel swings, open water, etc. I was surprised to not see much of anything at all in a very large coverage.
  23. I fished yesterday afternoon for the first tie in 2 months. Not a bite. Fish finder looked like a blank etch-a-sketch at all depths. Finally found a group suspended over 78ft and couldn't get a bite on several baits.
  24. True. Current does play a factor. I agree with that one. Don't forget how you hold your mouth, lunar effect and moon phase, barometric pressure, how you spit on the bait (left or right side of the mouth, wind direction, ph level, algae content, bait fish activity, how you were holding your left leg at time of casting, if you have the latest electronics and are they updated with latest GPS AND contour maps, and last but never least.....which direction sails crawl on the backside of a tree. OY vey! No wonder it's called fishing and not catching. ;-) It's enough to make a man snap a rod in half sometimes.
  25. Ryan I certainly hope you're right. I really do.
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