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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by J-Doc

  1. Guess I need to change my name to OldFartJr. Lol
  2. Thanks Champ. I appreciate that. I don't think anyone who has been here for years would say I don't mind sharing. I've just recently started keeping to myself more. On this lake especially, you're only as good as your good day. One could post coordinates, baits, etc. Not everyone can catch them no doubt. However there are "human sane nets" that can and will clean out the lake. Some even sell their catch I hear. Which is another subject entirely. I tend to lend myself in the opposite category. Some days this year it seems I couldn't catch my own backside with an Alabamba rig tied onto a Barbie Pole with a tremendous back swinging cast. And if that doesn't stick hooks in a painfully area, your bud from the rear deck using an 8ft rod can do the job.
  3. I am overly sensitive on sharing info Mike. Especially when I have seen nothing but 8-9" crappie this year. There is now a club tournament series on the lake for crappie. All this lake needs is more tournaments. We already have one every other day on average and in the summer it's almost every day. Granted, these are not 100+ boat events, it's still quite a bit of boats on a very frequent basis chucking and winding baits. Anytime someone reports a species as "biting" generally most folks know where they are due to the time of year and a "flotilla" occurs. I must be getting old and such because I see more and more pressure on this lake for all species. Bass especially. It's debatable how that can impact a fishery. I won't start that as it would create such a fury. I've got my opinions on it like everyone else. And I of all people used to share a lot!! I'm sure many have seen I don't say anything anymore. I still talk to a select few members outside the forum for networking vs public posts where hundreds of lurkers gather "free info". Public forum, share what you want. Just be forwarned. There are hundreds of views on threads here yet, fewer comments/participation. People wanting the scoop" to make their trip more productive and some do not obey the law and slot lengths or limits. Apologies for the comment and for being Mr Scrooge. Now if you'll excuse me, I suddenly feel the need for Geritol and Preparation H. (That's a joke at myself btw)
  4. I would be glad to go. Thanks for the invite. I am not that great at bass fishing. Maybe I'll learn a few things.
  5. Mike I'm sorry. You totally misunderstand me. Not ripping you in any way. Not intentionally anyway. My apologies. I was commenting (didn't quote Stumpbumper) on Stumps overall experience and how bad it was. Anglers should never be rude to each other. I've had several run ins on the water those year alone. Won't go into details here. I've just seen a lot of stuff I have not seen before. I'm also getting older and I'm just grumpier lately I guess. I've also seen where over sharing of information has caused a lot more harm than good. Before Feathersnfins, this forum was relatively quiet. Then sharing tons of info came into play. Then articles about trolling. Now everyone and their grandmother is dragging a flickershad these days. I've seen how that's hurt fishing for others. The lake the last two years has seen record numbers in boat traffic and cigarette boat traffic especially. I'm sure folks think I'm grumpy. That's fine. I am.
  6. One 32,000 acre lake and everyone owns it. So much more traffic in the last 2yrs than I've ever seen. Must explain my bitterness lately.
  7. Some things are better left secret. I suspect tomorrow will look like a summers day with boat traffic. Once the word gets out, the lake becomes a race track.
  8. You really need to buy a lake map at a bait shop or walmart. Tons of good info in it. Also has all of the cove names on it.
  9. Two piece rod.....that's why. Ease off on the drag and stop going "boom goes the dynamite " on hooksets. Lol!
  10. It's not the rod. I've caught tons of fish on these H20 rods.
  11. Mine does not use a cotter pin. Mine is like a nylon lock nut and uses little tabs to fold inward. Came that way with the Flow Torq III hub kit. It has always bothered me but I've got over 180hrs on the motor now and it's not failed yet. Flow Torq III Kit http://www.wholesalemarine.com/flo-torq-iii-hub-kit-mercury-mercruiser-835257k-9.html?gclid=Cj0KEQjw4fy_BRCX7b6rq_WZgI0BEiQAl78nd6GR4YM90CotHIlhC5gszZULpz37vw084zYIf1WtSHAaAiAR8P8HAQ
  12. Yes that is a rock bass. Some call it goggle eye. At least that's my take on it.
  13. Sad that we may be closer to this than we think. Forty million people performing a nuclear drill and we are more focused on who said what and lied about what.
  14. Thanks Champ. That's a good idea. Funny story... I had a magnet (like one of those nail magnets you use around the house) and I tied some mason line to it and tossed it in where I thought the rod might be. As I tossed it in, the handle came off and I watch it sink too. At the time........I was not laughing. The look of shock/disgust was probably comical though.
  15. Actually yes. And they did fine. I do think a slightly stiffer rid works better on something that uses a hook like that but....never had a problem with any bait losing fish with these rods.
  16. I feel better now. Thank you Dan! LOL!
  17. I lost my first rod overboard this weekend. First time every. I was landing a crappie and grabbed a net (little buggers want to jump off at the boat) and as I lifted the net and towards the fish, "ka-plunk"! I just froze. Didn't know what to do I was in such shock. I should have tried netting the rod before it got too far but I just watched it sink super fast. Best thing is.......neither of my $150 St Croix rods went overboard which includes one of my favorite rods. It was just a $20 Quantum and a discontinued H20 Mettle. What sucks is that combo would launch baits a mile. Tried throwing out a marker, side scanned both 455 and 800 for over an hour trying to find it and mark a waypoint. Never saw it even in only 10ft of water. Before that I was actually on some fish and catching 5 crappie in under 5-10mins so I had a brush pile fired up. I immediately stopped fishing and started rod hunting so I lost twice. Lost the biting fish and lost a rod. That was my odd weekend trip. Sounds like you did much better.
  18. Man what a day and what scenery! Nice going!
  19. Jeb you have done far better than most folks I've talked too.
  20. I see you met OAF. (Over Achieving Fish) I caught him on a spoon at Beaver Shores last summer. Not much bigger than the spoon itself. Beautiful weather for sure. If it was only in the mid to low 60's, I would have been out there. That cool crisp air is AWESOME.
  21. Sounds exactly like what I have seen on Beaver. Exactly.....
  22. Sounds like my year. I see them on the graph and they move away from spoons, dropshot, etc.
  23. I've used them from drop shot to shakey head to jerk baits. The action is stiff enough for most finesse techniques yet soft enough or small crankbaits and such. I felt it had a good overall action.
  24. PM me if you want a 24v 80lb Fortrex and removable trolling motor mount for it. It's sitting in the garage not being used. I kept saying I wanted a dual setup so I could swap out my Fortrex and Terrova but I have not bothered with it. At this point, I'm not sure I will. If the money is right, I might have to let go of it. Only 1yr of use on it.
  25. To me the Ned is just fun. Takes patience though.
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