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Everything posted by jolicious

  1. Twin Bridges yesterday - saw a handful of 8-10" males caught on drop shot with live bait of some sort. They didn't want my white road runner. Was only there 90 or so minutes after work, so no idea how the morning bite is.
  2. Thank you, sir.
  3. Thank you for the ideas, sir They are older, as in 9th - 11th grades - somewhere in there. They haven't lived down here for that long. I mentioned Twin Bridges and the white bass run. They may try that. But, since they live in Rogers area, I thought I'd ask y'all about something up that way.
  4. Good afternoon everyone, I've got a buddy at work that wants to takes his two sons on a couple short fishing trips two or three afternoon this week. Any ideas on somewhere they can bank fish and hope to catch a few crappie or bass? I am having trouble thinking of anywhere that's publicly accessible, and would like to help him out. Thank you. Joe
  5. thank you
  6. Received an entry in the mail last night for 3-31-18 at Table Rock out of Big Indian. Thought I'd share with y'all in case anyone wants to fish it. I don't know where Big Indian is. Apologies for the terrible pics - it was early this morning and I wasn't feeling like a photographer...
  7. Considering the general tone of this particular thread, I had to do a double take on my front page as I thought "What in the world did I Google one day???" Then, reality hit and I felt better
  8. Ease back in to the water with that shoulder, brother... Had mine rebuilt (cut all muscles in cuff to bone, then reattached alternating sides: staples, eye screws, etc.) several years ago. First couple of trips were VERY painful. Didn't make me come in any sooner, just had to whine a little more than anticipated once I returned home Holler if I can be of any help - fishing one-winged is tougher than folks think.
  9. This is the longest off the water stretch for me that I can remember in maybe 10 years? I haven't been out in may 6 or 7 weeks. I am planning to put in at Prairie Creek in the morning and run to Indian Creek. Figure the boat has been in the garage so long that I need to make a little run.
  10. Or.... If you are really bored, you can make your own map. I would say 22.78450 miles :-)
  11. What tourney is Saturday? That will be some cold folks!
  12. Thank you! I hope to find something that'll bite. I have my entire bait choice ready....
  13. I will be there. It's good to start the new year off by being charitable to others, so I'll donate the entry fee and run North!
  14. ain't that the truth!!!!!
  15. Same here. Everybody was friendly and waving. I think a lot of how a day on the lake goes has as much to do with our attitudes on the drive to the lake as it does with what anyone else does or says while we are there.
  16. It was a pleasure, brother :-)
  17. Thank you for posting this - Literally reminded me to order a new lens for my Save Phace.
  18. There won't be anything official online (well, the regular internet anyways - there is a dedicated page on the Tyson Foods' Intranet) This will be our 32nd tourney (it's an annual tourney). 280-300 teams is the usual average One member must work for Tyson (or retired Tyson Team Member). There is a provision for Major Sponsors allowing employees of the major sponsors to fish, but that's out of my paygrade to figure out :-) There is a dinner / rules meeting on Friday evening, and then the tourney on Saturday (This year Friday April 28 / Saturday April 29) Friday night at Reed Springs High School / Weigh in at Kimberling City Marina Saturday (might want to steer clear of those two spots - lots of folks) The TBA (Tyson Bass Association) has become a bit legendary with the door prizes for entrants that attend the rules meeting - everything from jumper cables to $400 rod'/reel combos to a largescreen TV... Usually 100 or so prizes. Seems like they pay back the top 75 places - and even 75th place gets maybe $100? Entry fee is $85 (includes big bass) It's a great time with a great big family. I just love the time spent with the same buddies from work every year - it's a two or three day man-cave on the water lol! And, just to prove that I have passed all of my required electronic media training this year....... #tysonemployee (I hate has tags...) Mr. Mike: Check PM's
  19. I would give myself three hours until I was headed to the ER to get a hook pulled out of my hand....
  20. well, that turned out like junk, didn't it?? I recreated a Top-2o list that will hopefully be easier to read. Please excuse me if I fat fingered a digit here or there - I do believe that I accurately reflected the results. P.S. I think there were 102 boats. P.P.S - They have a Facebook page. Search for Beaver Lake Elite Series
  21. I hope you can read this, I think it's a picture of a printout from facebook - but I tried
  22. Gosh I dunno. I thought those were weeknights maybe?
  23. Saw someone ask about the next tourney on Beaver, so wanted to drop this as a reference. All I keep track of are the Everett series, Elite singles deal, and the Rogers Chamber of Commerce - but it's a start.
  24. Congrats Mike - and congrats to Brock and Ronnie as well! Ever heard of an old saying about "don't catch a keeper on the first cast of the day" or something like that? I caught a 2.75 on the first cast of the SEASON last Saturday, and didn't sniff another keeper all day hahaha!!! we ended up with 3.7 or so (my fish and my partner's squeaker spot)
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