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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Way to go Jason and Todd.....great job.
  2. Champ....only 4-5 rods? Tiger Woods has 14 clubs, so I have at least that many.
  3. Regarding my post above, Shuffield was cuts, pockets, and small coves from Points 4 to 6 and he was the one using the Alabama Rig. Jason Cristie was in the area, too, but came to the 86 bridge area on the last day. He seemed to be doing the most bed fishing out of the anglers that I covered with the camera crew.
  4. Clevenger Cove Island to Red Bluff to Brushy and Little Brushy Creeks were the most productive areas followed by cuts, pockets, and small coves from Points 4 to 6. Cole Spring Hollow and that area was hot on day 1, but the stained water kept moving North and it became unproductive on Day 2. Most productive baits in order:Black/Blue Jig, Rapala DT 6 and 10, Wiggle Wart - Fire Tiger, Flippin small Creature Baits, Alabama Rig, and some spinnerbaits. The Alabama Rig was most productive in the clearer water from Points 4 to 6. Flippen: on the banks and in the bushes. Crankbaits: Normal bank line. Some site fishing when they were able to see a bed, but not much due to the heavily stained water. Water was dropping fast every day. Red Bluff area produced several 6 pound fish from Brent Long and Stacey King's 8 pounder came off Oasis Point. Visibility: 1-3 feet. Water temps range over 4 days: 68-77. Airs: May 6th on NBC Sports Network.
  5. I was a FLW camera boat driver yesterday for KOLR News Channel 10 and we were primarily in the Dam area, Indian Point, and below the 86 bridge and the spawn is ON.
  6. Call Fred Ulrich at 417-272-1841 and get a quote. Ulrich Marine offers competitive prices and services, plus they are professional and reliable and Yamaha certified. All my service is performed at Ulrich. As stated in my signature, Ulrich is one of my sponsors, but I only choose the best. They are located in Branson West. See their website link in my signature, below. Good luck!
  7. Yes, I was. I wanted to get away from the Chocolate water up there, so I made the trip to Schooner Creek.
  8. Champ, I spent the day in Schooner Creek as well. Managed only 4 small keepers. Water temps were 57-59, so we are close, but not there yet. I caught all of my fish on a fire tiger Wiggle Wart. Two smallies and two blacks. Tough day; however, managed 2nd Place in the ABA tourney since the rest of the field also had a tough day. Should be just about right for the FLW this weekend.
  9. I like this video on how to tie the Fish N Fool knot. It is so much easier than the other methods. http://www.steelheadstalkers.com/knot_fish-n-fool.htm
  10. That is why I went with the Fish n Fool knot. No loops and the knot beat the Palomar in a strength test on the TV show Knot Wars
  11. Fish N Fool knot for everything except dropshot.
  12. Watch the seasonal temperatures and rain totals. Keep an eye on lake levels. Finally, stay tuned to this forum for fishing reports that always mention the water temperature. Early morning water temperatures from 55 to 60 will be a good indicator. Keep in mind that bed fishing is only one way to catch fish. There are plenty prespawn and postspawn fish to be caught during the period that everyone is suggesting.
  13. April 15th to May 15th, but as Champ mentioned, avoid the last week of April. Good luck...
  14. Fred and Janet at Ulrich Marine is the place to go. They are professional and truly great, local folks. They have performed miracles on my Mercury and Suzuki and are Yamaha certified.
  15. In the dam area, I would check out the State Park. Campground, marina, launch ramp. Great location and close to town.
  16. Good report. Thanks for the information.
  17. I agree with Champ, you do not use 8# test on topwater. I use 15# Spiderwire Invisa-Braid on all of my topwater. It floats and the no stretch lets you move the bait with ease and feel all the action.
  18. Dropshot crickets works for me.
  19. I would highly recommend Stillwaters Resort. Great accommodations and people. Here is a link: Click Here
  20. I like the spook and PopR. I use the spook when they want continuous movement and the PopR when they want the occasional pause.
  21. Nice, Jason. Congrats.
  22. Here is a link to Accent Fishing Products here in MO. Click Here
  23. Here is a link to a previous discussion regarding this topic. Click Here Good luck..... Here is my transom mount.... Click Here Here is my HDS slide show.... Click Here Here is my trolling motor setup: Click Here
  24. You don't need a sonar to fish a drop shot. Study the lake map for the area and look for points where both sides and the front of the point drops off into deeper water. Try to position your boat over these areas. I use a 7' rod. If you hold the rod handle just above the water and point the rod tip to the sky, you can get an idea how high 7' is. Open the bail, point the rod tip to the water and raise the rod tip up approximately 7' to the height you just measured/eye balled. Watch the line as it sinks to make sure that the line does not stop...if it does, a fish hit it on the way down. Close the bail and set the hook. If you do this procedure 4 times (4 x 7' = 28) and you are at 28'. Keep the rod at a 90 degree angle to the water (best angle to feel/detect a bite and watch the rod tip). After a few minutes if you get no bites, open the bail, and let out another 7' (now at 35'). Wait a few minutes. No bites, give the reel 6 full turns. Now you are at 26' (35' - 9' = 26') (if 18" equals one full reel turn). If you get bit or catch a fish, remember the depth and try to triangulate your position or drop a marker bouy. Use that depth and spot in that area and the same depth in other areas. Pretty soon, you will get the hang of it. Good luck! A fish doctor is a 4" soft plastic bait made by Zoom. Good for Carolina rigs, shaky heads, split shot rigs, Texas rigs, etc. Green Pumpkin is my color of choice.
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