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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. The Branson Bass Club's annual Garage Sale will take place this weekend (Sat & Sun). The event will be held at Tantone Industries parking lot. Tantone is located on Mount Branson (1629 E. State Hwy. 76). Lots of fishing stuff in addition to everything else. In addition to stocking up, come and talk to the Club's members about the Club and its activities.
  2. The Branson Bass Club's annual Garage Sale will take place this weekend (Sat & Sun). The event will be held at Tantone Industries parking lot. Tantone is located on Mount Branson (1629 E. State Hwy. 76). Lots of fishing stuff in addition to everything else. In addition to stocking up, come and talk to the Club's members about the Club and its activities.
  3. The Branson Bass Club's annual Garage Sale will take place this weekend (Sat & Sun). The event will be held at Tantone Industries parking lot. Tantone is located on Mount Branson (1629 E. State Hwy. 76). Lots of fishing stuff in addition to everything else. In addition to stocking up, come and talk to the Club's members about the Club and its activities.
  4. I don't seem to have those kind of problems. My problems come from pulling into the garage with a couple of inches to spare all around. Super glue is holding the top of my cowling and there are a few holes in the dry wall, not to mention how many oil bath covers I have shattered. Well, got to go....trip today. Taking an highly decorated Vietnam War hero and Blue Angel pilot and his wife out today. Will be a great day.
  5. I do not own a slip and have used their facilities many times. I was always been welcomed and everyone was helpful and friendly. I have seen their updates and posts on Facebook and they are very much appreciated. They go out of their way to make sure everyone has a great day on the water. Keep up the great work!
  6. Glad you had a great time and congratulations.
  7. Great job....thanks for the report.
  8. My experience has been a little different this time of year; however, I have not tried it this year. I found them on bluffs. Put on a cricket and drop it down about 5 feet from the bluff wall. They were in the 15-20' range. Good luck!
  9. Captain Don maybe able to answer that one. Mine came from the Indian Point and the Dam area.
  10. Agree with the previous reports. Had a stellar day with 20 smallmouths and 10 keepers. Chompers green pumpkin tube dragging it on the bottom real SLOW. Also, a split shot with a green pumpkin fish doctor worked, too. Here is a picture of John and Janet Schmitz from Tucson, AZ, with their best 7 keepers that were released to be caught another day....probably by Captain Don.
  11. Fished there Sunday. Not good. Managed 18 fish, but they were all shorts. Water stained unless you go to the Big M area. Fish came in 3'-4' of water around trees using a white/char spinnerbait with white/char blades in the stained water. There was a very good spook bite (early morning and during the day with full clouds) in the clearer water, but again, all shorts. In Tucker Hollow, caught 7 fish on 6 casts. One spook landed two fish. Water temps in low 60's all day. Others that I fished with caught their fish using jigs in the bushes and carolina rigs. Good luck!
  12. Now it is 934.84 this a.m.
  13. I thought sure those HBs were able to display grid coordinates. Guess not. Great job, Don.
  14. The Branson Bass Club and their families and friends will be taking 28 Tantone Industries' employees fishing on Lake Taneycomo on June 11, 2011. We are visiting our sponsors for food, water, snacks, cameras, pontoons, etc. for the big event. We have some volunteer boaters and non-boaters helping out and more would be welcome. Tantone Industries Inc taneycountyworkshop.com Tantone is certified by the Missouri State Department of Education for the purpose of acquiring industrial contracts to provide employment for developmentally disabled adults. The plant occupies 20,000 square feet. Over 40 individuals make up the work force.
  15. The Branson Bass Club and their families and friends will be taking 28 Tantone Industries' employees fishing on Lake Taneycomo on June 11, 2011. We are visiting our sponsors for food, water, snacks, cameras, pontoons, etc. for the big event. We have some volunteer boaters and non-boaters helping out and more would be welcome. Tantone Industries Inc taneycountyworkshop.com Tantone is certified by the Missouri State Department of Education for the purpose of acquiring industrial contracts to provide employment for developmentally disabled adults. The plant occupies 20,000 square feet. Over 40 individuals make up the work force.
  16. Not in Springfield, but Branson West, I would recommend Ulrich Marine 272-1841. They do a great job. www.ulrichmarine.com Good luck!
  17. Nice job, guys.
  18. Semper Fi......great video!
  19. The grub bite is not there, yet. Water temps in the high 40's. Started out yesterday at 47 and finished at 49. Through the grub most of the day and nothing. The day before, I had a 3#, but that was it. Wind was strong so I tried the spinnerbait...no luck. Warts did not work, either, except for one fish way back in Cricket Creek. Heck, I could not even get them to eat a jerkbait. All in all, very disappointing.
  20. One on each side of the Merc and on both trucks.
  21. I am not sure that I will use the sinking braid on crankbaits. I will try it, but I do not think that I will care for it because I want that little bit of stretch in the floro when trying to backoff a crankbait stuck to something.
  22. Several reasons: Because the braid has no stretch, you can feel the slightest bite. The no stretch also gives you "some" leverage when trying to get unsnagged (new word I made up). Finally, the braid last a long time. I am on year four, yes four, on some of my reels. The stuff just does not wear out. On the rods using the Spiderwire Invisabraid, since it is white in color, you can clearly see the line in any color water. Hope this helps.
  23. You can search some of my old posts for many detailed reports using braid (leaders, knots, type, etc.). But, I always use a leader on the braid except for topwater baits. I have been using Spiderwire Invisabraid for all braid reels and the grub rod; however, I am trying the new Spiderwire Florobraid on my grub rods because it sinks.
  24. Dam area yesterday.....48.
  25. X3 on Stillwaters. Great folks and accommodations.
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