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Everything posted by 2sheds

  1. Camped a few nights at RR on my way eastward to Lane Springs and a few more nights on my way back from Sunburst. Mid-week was not crowded, and the tent campground areas were well maintained. Other than about 60% of the staff at the park store, I felt like I was the only one applying any kind of Covid courtesy consideration. Stargazing was excellent, as uou would expect. Weather was a bit cool for wet wading, but low water in the C&R zone made that a nonfactor. Fishing was crazy great - as you would expect compared to my stops at Crane, Little Piney, and Northfork. A lot of fish seem to have piled up over the summer (perhaps highlighted by the falling water level), and the ones I found were significantly larger than the stockers I remember at Montauk and Bennett Springs. A great way to start and then wrap up my trek.
  2. Yes, you will catch more and larger on the Current. I recommend the LP if you treasure solitide and challenge. It can be difficult to fish the wild trout creeks side-by-side with a buddy. Campground at Lane Springs is still vault toilet and no shower, but all sites are drive in - some electric for traileds/some trunk camping.
  3. Hey JD - My PB on the Little Piney is around 14", and didn't catch any that large this time. But have certainly seen some lunker-quality trout there. CW - 3# is a beast on these creeks. These wild trout fight so much better than stockers. Lane is also a favorite of mine to balance camping, solitude, and (of course) trout fishing. Wish I could shield the H63 bridge noise, but the late evening does that on its own.
  4. My first fall trip to Lane (week ago) was very relaxing. Great camping weather, although a bit chilly for my wet wading. Fortunately there was plenty of sun to warm me up, only light breeze, and no rain to speak of. Also, the fishing was pretty good. Dry flies worked throughout the morning. Wooly buggers swung through riffles were productive in the afternoon. Low water allowed getting into some of the spots that I have to miss on most of my June + July trips.
  5. Gotta love those par marks ! Missed the 11 Point in my trek this month. One of my favorites.
  6. Bob's Report - I threw my heaviest and biggest flies (stuff I tied for fishing the Greer confluence into Eleven Point) and did catch a few. I really appreciate all the input. I see that Gavin is right (imagine that) about the preference for fishing from a watercraft; much easier to deal with the heavily weighted flies and the kicker - less chance to pick up moss. My main timewaster was having to inspect (and clean) my flies after each cast. This is a pretty big deal when you're relying on current drag to pre-load your rod. Did catch plenty of golden redhorse. Still, the NorthFork holds my 2 PB rainbows. Looking forward to my next trip ! And the campground at Sunburst Ranch is very comfortable. Incredible horizons made for great stargazing. It was a fantastic 3-day sojourn. If you haven't been )ately), you need to check it out. Photo - Moonburst @ 4:00am
  7. OOPS - Wrong photo.
  8. Thanks very much for the advice. Think I am all set. Hope I am correctly planned for my day.
  9. A very welcome Sunbursting on a chilly (for this Texan's) morning. Hey Phil - Hope you and Marsha are well. See adjacent post concerning what I need to learn about wade fishing the Northfork. Will be trying] heavier and deeper with my largest 2-3 bead tungstens.
  10. If you had tomorrow to wade fish the NF around Sunburst Ranch, which way would you head and what would you try ? I'm on my annual wild trout fishing pilgrimage through the Ozarks - 1st time in October (typically June/July). Had reasonably good success last week at the Roaring River Conservation Area (technically not "wild") and up at Crane Creek. Then an exceptional couple of days on the Little Piney at Lane Springs. But zero, so far, here on the NorthFork. Have tried wooly buggers (#10 +/-), white/shad gray jigs, don's crawdad, prince nymph, and a bunch of others since yesterday afternoon - but perhaps only 3-4 strikes and no hookups. I'm fishing the green to brown transitions, following the foam seams, spending time around the rocks, dead drifting - and swinging, went down to #6 tippet, even put on my sink tip to get as deep as possible. Always inspecting my fly to clean the moss (and there's plenty floating through). All of those things that led me to some trout elsewhere have not (yet) panned out. I suspect that I do not understand where to cast for fish here. On the other creeks there are limited opportunities that help winnow down the options. Here, it just looks to me like almost everywhere looks good, but maybe the water is always moving too fast. I've tried to get down deep and work around the slowdown obstructions, but maybe not enough. I see fish on the bottom that I haven't spooked and they look like rainbows, but I haven't been able to break them away from whatever else they are so interested in at the time. Any advice, constructive criticism, or humor this evening will be sincerely enjoyed. I will try it all out tomorrow and issue a report when I find myself with another WiFi signal.
  11. Where is Everyone ? Great fall camping. You are missing the best that the Ozarks Fall season has to offer.
  12. Hey JF, Thanks for the tip about ice-rock in the Roaring River Conservation Area. I found it ! But upstream got progressively easier to wade. Plenty of water in that section during my mid-July adventure. Caught my first RR trout with parr marks, but expect it to be an escapee from the hatchery currently supplying their stock. Also this sculpin from my campsite #144 perch. But the tip you sent about a trout holding under the left leg of the gravel bar picnic table was flat out wrong. First of all, the table has drifted up 20 yards onto the bank. But thanks anyway ! - Texas Bob
  13. If I fish upstream from the Roaring River Conservation Area, will I notice any markers that tell me when I have crossed into Zone 3 of the State Park ? And, any tips on fishing CA & Z3 stretches over this next week, given current water conditions ? Much Obliged. -2Sheds
  14. Devan - Thanks, your info was exactly what I was asking about ! Sorry to learn FS1738 is not viable for me at this time, but I will come armed with a Plan B and Plan C (perhaps parking down at the C&R fisherman-friendly JD estate). JohnsFolly - Delighted you have recalled some of my memories. Hope to document some more. I've really had fun following your creek minnow safaris. Dutch - We're not supposed to tell. But DM me if you are C+R and still interested.
  15. Last time I was in the area, the MODOC road on east side of conservatin area was washed out so bad my sedan could not safely enter. Same with the Forest Service road that intersects the creek on west side. Can anyone offer an update for those of us with low suspensions ? I love this creek and hope to be passing nearby in July. Many Thanks !
  16. As with any fishing trophy, particularly among familiars, there should be a terrific amount of ceremonial reverence, certainties, and backstabbing. So glad this has settled out - and particularly along the banks of such a well-revered fishery as the Eleven Point River. I am fairly confident that my siblings ( AND parents) would have devolved into more serious settlement strategy over who had the most enjoyable river experience. My work buddy and I resorted to dollar coins for each category of besting - not nearly so well organized. glad you are having so much fun with this amazing treasure of a watershed ! wonderful to keep extending such a legacy !
  17. DKMan - Walkup Stealth is EVERYONE’s challenge at Crane. I’m convinced it is > 80% of the game. Have never seen pike at Crane. My only Missouri catches have been on the ElevenPoint as mentioned elsewhere. But I’ve caught a ton up in Minnesota and Ontario, so will tell all to avoid getting fingers near the teeth. Can really do some nasty damage. When intentionally fishing for pike, we would use steel leaders. If you hook one -always change your Tippett.
  18. I got checked a few weeks back at Crane Creek, of all places. Great Conservation Agent, professional, interesting discussion, and some good fishing tips exchanged. Realized that he had hiked the trail maybe a mile from the Swinging Bridge parking lot to observe me wade fishing downstream, but waited until I fished my way back up to the lot before interrupting my solitude. After checking my license, asked me to show him the empty beer can he had seen me drinking earlier. Happened to have a fishing vest full of recovered cans, plastic bottles, styrofoam worm containers, and even a can of carburetor cleaner - plus a freshly emptied Busch can ! Glad to have them out visible and helping us protect our treasures.
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