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Everything posted by 2sheds

  1. Caught these last week at RRSP. The bottom one is definitely a rainbow. What about the other two ?
  2. Also - That river bottom contains lots of big flat fault slabs. Can be surprisingly slick. Be careful wading in the current. Hope it's a good outing !
  3. It is my belief that a crawdad provides more calories of nutrition per calorie of exertion than anything else in a river. Trout can bexsmart about this. (Also heard that more hatcheries are including crews in their menu.) I recommend "Don's Crawdad" pattern - similar to those tasty photos.
  4. Redbird was our go-to water hole during college summers in the late 70's. Lots of great memories.
  5. My understanding is that its accepted to be OK if you stay in the water, but has not been tested in court for such a small creek (might fail the "Danforth Navigatability Doctrine") where a single landowner holds both sides. Great trout for that stretch of water. Interesting coloration - Any chance it's an escape from the private enterprise downstream ?
  6. I love watching that small stream turn into a river - floating Baptist to Van Buren. Too many years since I've had the chance. Love your pix !
  7. Next time you might want to consider a night at the Morgan Spring Float camp (downstream of Riverton) with takeout at Myrtle (at AR line). One of my favorite campsites. Plus a nice walk up to the spring and also up the hill to the Narrows Overlook.
  8. Gravel Bar vs Float Camp - I stand corrected. It's been a few years.
  9. If it hasn't been said, there are generally fewer capable gravel bars on the 11 Pt than on other Ozark Rivers. Check out those float camps, but you may need a good map to find them.
  10. Gavin - Thanks for the map, very helpful. Please name me a better campground that I can drive into.
  11. FYI - Lane Springs Rec Area will be closing for the season on September 26 (normally end of October). The reason is to begin construction work that converts 4 of the "Basic" camping sites into "Electrical" sites. While I'm glad to see more access for the folks that require electricity for medical equipment to enjoy this wonderful park, it has been my experience that electrical hookups bring more of the issues I camp to avoid (lights, noise, folks that are trying to avoid what the outdoors has to offer). Just my 2 cents on this part.m, but wish they had added some new sites with electricity and built the in a separate area (maybe downstream of the parking lots).
  12. 2sheds

    Dead Topic

    Hey Ollie, WOW. That post must have been very hard to write - documenting the sad situation where a town doesn't realize the irreplaceable value of such a magical resource. I have read on this forum how much you enjoy trout fishing, so I can imagine it hurts to report on the state of affairs. I dream of retiring to a place where I could walk to a trout stream, even if just to stand in some cool water and cast around a bit. So I guess Neosho is off my list. Hope things turn around there because clean spring-fed water is disappearing.
  13. 2sheds

    Fishable ?

    Wondering if the Creek is currently amenable to some gentle wade C&R fishing ? I see the Galena gage on the James is crazy high, so don't know if that means similar conditions ? Many Thanks
  14. I spook more than my share, but slowly learning the requisite patience.
  15. Gorgeous trout. Glad your new #4 6-6 has proven itself. Will be looking forward to some reports from Crane.
  16. Any guidance for late June camping at Paddy Creek Wilderness Area Campground will be appreciated. * Family Appropriate ? * Can I drive in a sedan (from Licking - via highways N and AF) ? * Likely to be full mid-week ? Many Thanks
  17. You will love the Eleven Point ! Great for multi-night float trips, or for day trips camped at Greer Crossing. Great smallmouth fishing from Cane Bluff down to Greer if the water is high enough - and the last mile begins the trout habitat. Greer to Turner is mostly trout. Then smallmouth find it warm enough to mix back in until they predominate from Riverton down to Myrtle. Bring a section of sink leader to add on if the water is running fast, or else it may be hard to get deep enough. Bring some heavy flys; I fish some size #8 tied with 3/16 tungsten. I prefer gravel bar camping, but it can be challenging to find conveniently located spot for more than 2 tents, depending on what kind of a spring season the river has seen. There is a really good mile-by-mile guide that you can find online and in print from Ranger station and some outfitters. It will be indespensible to help you space out your trek and locate the forest service sites in case you need one as a Plan B. Lots of good info in these archives. Google and dig around. Fish deep.
  18. Brian, Phil, and other 2-16 Craners, Sure wish I could join in tomorrow, but the drive up from Dallas for the day is a bit too much. Crane Creek is one of my favorite challenges and it would be great to have some pros teach me a thing or 2 about how to increase my stealth. Looks like the temp will be unseasonably comfortable for you - but the breeze might make those delicate casts more unpredictable. Maybe there will be enough ruckus on the surface to increase your stealth factor. I will console myself and aim for some solidarity by hiking over to our neighborhood pond recently trout-stocked by Texas Parks Dept with some parr markers that are struggling to breathe and haven't yet learned to fight like those CC natives. - Bob
  19. Vida Slab is a few miles downstream from Cork Creek. Too far to walk downstream from Lane Springs unless you are up for the beautiful walk back upstream on your return. Vida Slab is best reached off H63, east on Highway W. Continue east on CR 7220, then Veer left on CR 235 when you get near the Piney. You will see a pull off parking area on your left, just before crossing the "slab" bridge crossing the Piney.
  20. I've floated most (if not all) of the trout fishable boatable waters in Missouri, but have never navigated my way from Phil's place on Taney downstream east on the White and then back up north on the Black into the Current and on up to Baptist Camp. Now that I'm retired, maybe ... ?
  21. ... litterbug, and creatin' a nuisance, ...
  22. Contact Stephanie or Brian at Sunburst Ranch. They can get you all set.
  23. Plenty of easy bank access at Roaring River SP. Be sure to stop by Tim's Fly Shop (1 mile north on H 112 on west side) and he will have great advice on where and what will be best for your dad. You should also google his weekly RRSP fishing report so you come prepared for best success.
  24. I would contact Current River Canoe Rentals (located at Pulltite).
  25. Any insight on post-flood park condition would be appreciated. Planning to camp and fish the week of June 13. Many Thanks, -Bob
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