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Everything posted by Griffster

  1. Go fishing more than once a year would be my advice. Sorry... Umm I'd go with the one closer to home. Both are good floating rivers. Enjoy your day!!!
  2. The appeal for some is crazy. Trust me I know!! Sadly most of the people that went our week are no longer around. Mom and Dad below. Aug of 82 !! Lost both my parents just last year. They were 91 and 92 though. Took a bus to BRL for their Honeymoon 1950... lol
  3. Smallie bigs.. Started going back in the late 60's, Went for probably 25 years. Fishing was crazy good in the 70's. Great memories. Going in Aug for the weekend. Have not been in a several years. Should be fun. But sad for some other reasons too. How's Jim Hammock doing ? Have not seen him in a long long time!! My sister goes the week after you. Just crazy good memories.
  4. Awesome!!!
  5. Very nice....
  6. I have two boats hung in the ceiling of my 3 car garage.
  7. Did you use to fish the Black river in the  70's?  Your name sounds familiar.       


    Chris Griffey 



  8. Oh it's popping... Will we get Fireworks too?
  9. We need some rain. I don't see any rain in the forecast for the next 10 days either. We need some rain.
  10. Caught some hogs when I was young lad and a bait fisherman. (back in the 70's and early 80's) Several 19s and a 20 or two. One in front of Black River lodge on a live frog, and the others camping in Lesterville way up on the middle fork. If I remember correctly on a live crawdad. Several 18's and a 19 or two on lures, but I don't think I have broken that 20 inch barrier in a long while. I'm not a very good fisherman though, but I love to try.
  11. It just left.
  12. My best brown trout came at Baptist camp, right at the access. I was getting ready to float to Cedar Grove, and was literally testing a real and lure. About 22 inches abt 4 lbs I guess.
  13. Black is where I learned and grew up fishing for smallies. Courtios and Meramec are my most visited\fished now though.
  14. Interesting I saw 3 different area's just like this. Sort of a mini land slide. River appears to be in good shape though. There are some area's that have definitely changed though. Some of the riffles are a little more tricky to navigate, especially for a solo canoes.
  15. Some powerful water.... The one with ranger car, there is deer about 20-25 ft up in the tree. I didn't think deer climbed trees?
  16. Thanks for the reply's guys. Mostly, I guess you gotta just get out there and do the work to see for yourself. First couple should be interesting anyway. Trying to get a little float in before the long weekend.
  17. Anyone have a list of what can safely be floated and accessible and what is still unreachable or not float-able. I guess the rivers are going to be completely different? Some could have really changed. First floats after this epic flood could be fun. I am assuming several normal floats may still have quite a few impassible spots or snags that will make floating difficult. Any thoughts......
  18. I had a terrible "fish day" on the river Sat. But I still enjoyed every minute of it. Best part was it was a Sat and did not see another angler or person the entire float. That's a good day.
  19. What is everyone going to do without the gauges? How do you know the level of your stream for floating? Gauges in the area and lower river gauges may not be all that reliable?
  20. So no more 18 inch minimum special management area's at all? That bites!!!
  21. Matt Hammock has to be related to James? Used to fish with James down there some. Have not been to BRL in several years. Gotta get down soon. My family went to BRL from 1968 till some time in the 90's. Mom and Dad had their honeymoon down there too.. 1950 .. One special place, with some incredible memories for me. Where I learned to catch smallies, from and old fishing guide down there, in the 70's.
  22. How much does that canoe weigh? How wide is it too? How many times do you think you have used it too?
  23. Griffster


    I got one just under 20 inch mark. Never got one bigger than that. I don't get out all that much.. too much darn basketball. Should slow down next year now that the kid graduates in the spring. More fishing for me maybe.... There are some real monsters in this thread though.. HATS off fellows.
  24. Al, picked up 3 midge oreno's for about 25$ ... good deal? Cg Hope all is well... I'm still here kicking around .. fishing less and running with kids more and more...lol Big one leaves June 13th for Univ. of ILL.. one down 3 to go!!!!! If you ever want to make a run to a game sometime let me know.. I get 4 tickets to every game home and away.
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