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Everything posted by denjac

  1. Bet he feels like an idiot. Thats the earthen berm they built by spillway. It has lighted bouys out in front of it , but launching at Moonshine he didnt see it going into the back of the cove. I put in there that morning but didnt notice that going on. Thats where the shoot fireworks off at on the 4th.
  2. Phil, they have been in the coves around point 5 too. Dont know where the moonshine fish are this year, maybe the relocated . Had a big blowup today up the white around point 16, nice ones 2 to 3 pounders on a pop r.
  3. Champ, I knew better but was just to lazy or excited to take the time out to retie a new one. $6 is cheap when your catching fish !
  4. Was on the water at 5.15 am. Launched at mill creek and headed to the white. First stop in the mouth of the James and fished that flat water for an hour with a fin, spook and jig. Didnt get nipped once, I thought its only going to get worse. The next stop was in the white fishing runoffs with a jig, had just caught one and then the mystery wind came up from the north and was howling. Mr balde was screaming, throw me so I picked it up and got high and tight on the trees. The smallies and KY"s were all over that thing taking 5 off that first point. Ran to another and it was the same thing standing on the troller with my bow to the wind throwing behind me. I looked across the lake on the North side and the high banks were dotted with boats out of the wind, I thought you guys are big pussies, you should be over here. Then the front passed and it got tough. Put the blade up and back to the jig. One fish here and there all the way to big creek for 3or so hours. Working my way back I pulled in on some flat stuff with lots of trees and about that time it started to cloud up slightly with a gentle breeze from the south. I picked up the blade again and didnt have to wait long. They were tearing it up and each time had to rebend the wire as it was almost bent straight. Mr big hit and just as I was getting on my knees to lip him the bait flew out and hit me in the face. After looking all I had was the spinner part, the wire had broken from to much bending. He was around a 5 pounder. I kept hopscotching to the same type banks all the way back to mill creek with the same results. Most of what I caught was short with an keeper here and there with the exception of one point where I took 6 or 7 3 pound spots and a 4 pound black. Wont even guess how many I caught because no one would believe me. But my best point produced around 20 fish, mind you most were short. I gave it up around 3 Pm and they were still going. Totaly ruined 3 war eagle spinner baits. Was a great day, just wish one of my many buddies had been with me to experiance it .
  5. I hit the water at 5am and headed to the dam area. First spot was a slow top bite to say the least , had 1 keeper smallie on the fin and 2 on a jig. Water temp around 78. Ran back to Big Indian and popped a couple more off a point with a jig. Fired up and ran across the lake and low and behold pulled in on Bill with his clients, looked like they were still catching on a fin so I went on down the bank and caught one on a fin. Told Bill I was going to find some whites but didnt find any. Around point 5 caught nice 3 pond black on a fin in the bushes and went back to throwing the jig with just 1 here and there. Phone rang and Bill told me to switch jig colors that they were just flat eating it. . I went ahead and switched colors although didnt think it would make a differance. Boy I was wrong ! Firstt point I pulled up too after changing I caught 6 spots one right after the other. Started running and gunning points catching fish almost each spot. its a soft bite though and you have to stay on your toes, missed quite a few. They were either running off with it toward the boat or just a heavy feel on the line like your going through the weeds. You know the bite, I think thats a fish, WHAM it was. No giants just that 3 pond black and a 18 in smallie, but good numbers. Best 5 around maybe 14 pounds. Dont wear your arm out on top in the mornings, theres a better bite ! Heard Bill had big numbers today too.
  6. Very nice. Sometimes catching isn't the important thing.
  7. Champ cant throw a blade to well as he doesnt have a yeller Skeet Reese rod !
  8. Pretty soon Bill is going to be asked to be on Dancing with the stars ! http://www.kansascity.com/2011/05/28/2911006/despite-record-spring-floods-the.html
  9. The Westboro church wants to get beat up and denied there civil rights. They sue cities and individuals to help fund there protests. Its hard , but dont give em what they want ! The media here wont even discuss them as thats what they want too, more press.
  10. denjac


    I cant believe this ! This group should be very wary of doing this. Joplin, MO) -- The controversial Westboro Baptist Church is planning to protest President Obama's visit to Joplin, Missouri Sunday. On its website, the church writes, "Thank God for 125 dead in Joplin."
  11. Mina ave is out by shiffendecker park and Belle center. I believe that area was spared by the tornado. But they might have moved , like you said that was 15 years ago. Heres a missing persons link : http://wyhighonline.info/JoplinDB/list.php
  12. denjac


    The City of Joplin has established a few phone numbers for those still wanting to help with recovery and relief efforts in the wake of Sunday's tornado. Individuals wanting to donate their time should call 417-625-3543. If you want to donate items, call 625-6542, and if you're part of a volunteer group, church, or business, call 314-623-9991.
  13. Church where my son Jason and his wife were married. Pretty well says it all.
  14. denjac


    That was a hard hit area. Its probably gone.
  15. denjac


    They want volunteers to go to the command post where the home depot used to be on 20th and rangeline. The traffic in the hard hit areas is getting bad. They have National gaurd in place now and are stopping people from going into these areas, to stop any looting. I tried to get in today to help cut trees and move debris, but was told to go home. Best bet would be to check in at the command post and let them put you where they want you.
  16. denjac


    10 blocks from our house. My son took this from his truck.
  17. denjac


  18. Wonder if we will be seeing these on Bassboats? http://www.seven-marine.com/motors/
  19. What fish said is true. Start adding up maintenance and oil usage on the smaller trucks if your working them and the fuel savings goes right out the window. I know your pulling light tows but I sure hate being underpowered , and getting pushed threw a stop sign isnt any fun either.
  20. Bill, glad you were close to get in on that. Capt. Don had told me about that area and had slayed the whites. I went over there to catch some whites and the smalies just went nuts. I think the jig will outfish that dog turd looking tube you was throwing , I tried the tube and caught a few but the jig was king for me. It was blowing hard on that other bank I found, so maybe it was good you didnt come over there with that young un along. The jig bite was 20ft deep with the boat being in 30-35 ft dragging slow. Strange but not one fish on the blade today and yesterday they ate it up, go figure. Great day on the water !
  21. And whats wrong with high water ? I like it high vs low. The lake does what its supposed to do, hold water and then let it out .
  22. I would get a half ton if you can swing it . That new Ford 150 ECOBOOST is boasting 26 mpg. In a few years you might want to get a bigger boat or trailer. The 1.4 motors would be worked hard towing even small things. I would at least get a V6.
  23. Do you ever charge the starting battery before going out? I always charge mine just like the trolling batteries.
  24. Look at my picture I posted on upper Tanycomo. It was from yesterday.
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